General Discussion

General DiscussionWhen valve wants you to lose but you don't want to.

When valve wants you to lose but you don't want to. in General Discussion


    Kill yourself in the name...

      valve always want you to lose it aint 50:50 its 75:25 or 25:75 wasting my time on smurfing cant get that 10 win in a row first match because f valve.


        Not when you're sub 4K fluttering in high skill bro.


          hahha epic name this is not for K




              How about an SF that abandoned after feeding mid, a void that gave up and afked, then getting perfect cs efficiency and raping the enemy team all by myself.




                Eres el jefe de los jefes, pero tienes 40k daño a héroes y tu equipo no hicieron tanto feed


                  Pues sí, mi equipo no murió mucho, pero eso es porque soy tan bueno


                    Se notó

                    casual gamer

                      buy iron talon on slark sir


                        JDF8, why? I'm not saying you're wrong - just curious. I don't normally play him.

                        casual gamer

                          more gold = more item = more chance to win

                          ur spending 300 - 150 extra gold to farm way way way faster

                          slark wants fast shadow blade, fast echo sabre, fast silver edge, fast abyssal/bkb/skadi/whatever. getting an item 30-60 seconds faster is a huge game changer, and the faster you farm the faster you will farm in the future so the value is huge

                          casual gamer

                            aka why i buy iron talon on pa, slark, wk, any melee carry who doesnt go bfury except shits like sven who gets almost max value out of just QB


                              Iron talon + raindrop = armor, farming effiiency, mana regen, clutch saves


                                If you'd like a slark guide with talon and raindrop feel free to use mine fam


                                  Understood, still, I'd say my farm was pretty good on him, with PMS I didnt really miss a last hit in lane and by the time I was flash jungle farming I was max dark pact. Still I appreciate the input.


                                    Cheers for help boys we should make a team


                                      Honestly your farm was really slow, only 49 cs in 10 mins and 84 in 15. Give talon raindrop a try, 13 min shadow blade is good but it's relatively bad considering your ez lane. The other game with 1 kill like you, no support, died once, with aquila raindrop treads pms talon I got a 13 min shadow blade as well, to highlight how you can improve your timing.

                                      With talon you can start getting some jungle camps faster inbetween waiting for waves which is nice.


                                        Yeah to be honest jefe it was actually a game filled with fighting from pretty early on. Roaming bh meant it wasn't a complete free farm land (although yeah I should have got more cs early on, no doubt). Thanks for feedback though bro.


                                          Marlan, 58k hero damage though. ;)

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                                            Hard to judge without watching replay for sure but it's worth a shot


                                              Yeah no doubt, I don't expect you to watch it either but there was something like 5-7 kills in my lane within first 10 mins


                                                my team had a lot less dmg on their own tho


                                                  True bro your team were terrible

                                                  casual gamer

                                                    when david m kim 6k shitstain wants you to lose


                                                      Btw boys what's your max essence shift stacks? I had 80 in that game at one point.


                                                        Some games as slark in ns u rek. 30-2 or some shit. Others they all buy blademail, and none r squishy enough to burst and u FeelsBadMan


                                                          One game i won a 1v2 lane against cm tinker somehow (they were retarded even for ns standards)


                                                            As slark


                                                              were you dodging creeps intentionally?

                                                              78k hd, not even 6 slotted in 52 mins


                                                                What? I'm 7 slotted in that game and I had like 10k gold on me for buy back and whatever.

                                                                Plus every single player in that game is higher mmr than you.

                                                                Questo commento è stato modificato

                                                                  why do you have the mystic staff then

                                                                  yea wow they're so much better players than me with 4.8k u sure showed me XDD
                                                                  it's like when people tell me that i'm bad at some hero when im ruining the game for half of the game


                                                                    ok i actually thought that you're tinker from the 70k dmg



                                                                      gg wp go next

                                                                      < blank >

                                                                        tinker did more damage than you


                                                                          78k wtf. My highest is 68k with kunkka, double daed double rapier.


                                                                            Tinker also had aghs and therefore 2 massive aoe spells in missile and march.

                                                                            Trying to say that tinker had good hero damage is the same as Zeus or saying that spectre did good to get the most assists. Doesn't really count.

                                                                            Plus 378, you're normal skill and horrendous on Sven.

                                                                            Questo commento è stato modificato


                                                                              Can't always do it though boys.

                                                                              rage is an understatement.

                                                                              One away from 5k and now 5 away. fucking retards everywhere.



                                                                                this is how i have to play to get a win today boys, disgusting day


                                                                                  I'm using BSJ item build, Irontalon & raindrop

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                                                                                    I'm trying it too, the raindrop has definitely helped me but I'm not convinced I've made the money from the iron talon, except maybe dipping into neutrals and for more efficient creep pulling with camps and stuff.

                                                                                    casual gamer

                                                                                      if ur not dipping into neutrals you are wrong


                                                                                        iron talon saves you about 1-3 seconds per camp, which is nice

                                                                                        if you abuse it as soon as you hit lvl 7 i think it pays off for sure

                                                                                        in example if you keep iron talon in your inventory for 20 minutes and use it off-cooldown you save like 5 minutes of farm which is like uh almost 3k gold

                                                                                        Questo commento è stato modificato

                                                                                          man valve really wants you to lose. LOL. sometimes u gotta stand up to the man and say, not today.

                                                                                          Questo commento è stato modificato

                                                                                            No no, I am dipping into neutrals, and I was before ofc. Idk I've never done the math but I guess it works.


                                                                                              Okay fair enough, iron talon literally won me this game.


                                                                                              Mainly because my supports refused to help me at all and I was solo vs 2 in lane

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