General Discussion

General DiscussionAlas

Alas in General Discussion

    Thus ends my 13-game-winstreak on Nyx Assassin.
    For those who blame me for being normal skill: I belong where I am and I'm content with it



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          This was all my fault. 1. I naively held on to my habit of picking Nyx vs Invoker ignoring the fact the enemy had 1 fat support (Ogre) and 2 unpicked players. 2. I bought Basilius before Wraith band and PB even though I knew I needed early damage. 3. I died silly deaths underestimating enemy (sentry wards.) Also there were some unfavourable incidents happened: Twice I couldn't get the kill but Rubick did, so I couldn't buy Deso on time. Once I told my allies to stay away and I can hanle 50% hp void by myself in enemy jungle but they didn't listen, which resulted into the teamfight carrying more casualties than needed


            nyx carry .... k.

            casual gamer

              agi treads are better than phases dude


                Wtfffff NYX carry? Amazing you won more than one game


                  Dude if u want to piss everyone off go arcanes aether blink aghs. Most frustrating thing to be inpaled from 1000 range away.


                    I still have a 100% necro winrate with 11 games.