General Discussion

General Discussion5uPeR SEACRekt 5h1tFe5t C1uB

5uPeR SEACRekt 5h1tFe5t C1uB in General Discussion
D the Superior
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      wtf u can straight out use power rule on that shit LOL


        bws is 2k


          that shit's big help cuki thx now i can cheat my homework lululululul

          jk i still hafta be smart for the test


            i have some old notes from my calculus
            though idk if its the same since we studied integral and differential in one sem only


              lose and i waited for u and u bailed fucken cünt


                Who me?
                edit: my brother uses my other 2k acc

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                  Let's say you have 4x^3+3x^2+2x+1
                  (Lets pretend that wavy shit is {)
                  {4x^3+3x^2+2x+1 dx
                  4(X^3+1)/4 + 3(x^2+1)/3 + 2(x^1+1)/2 + (x^0+1) + C
                  x^4 + x^3 + x^2 + x + c

                  That shit is the simplest form of integral, the trigonometry integral are pretty much muscle memory stuffs, indefinite ones are simple and problem types are narrow, so is the partial ones, applications, etc
                  Trigonometry ones are quite challenging for me because fuck memorizing 20 different set of rules


                    Integrate problems that requires you to use more than one method are fun af


                      tell ur brother yot ni inam awan nagmamahal ken ka


                        the trig integrals sometimes require u to tap back into trig identities right?

                        fuck it i barely passed identities back then

                        btw this still isnt my *official* calculus subject, this is in fact physics 2, it just so happened that i managed to pass physics 1 but not analytic geometry so i can take physics 2 but not calculus lol

                        im prob gonna have an easier time with my calculus


                          rolf, i can only play during afternoon, my bro plays during the morning and the evening
                          dont bother inviting him, he is autistic


                            Ppl don't turn this into a mathfest I would rather have this thread die

                            D the Superior
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                                Haha I don't understand a thing about derivatives or calculus. But it's easy to just learn the rules and solve it. Fuck I suck at math


                                  calculus is my bitch now im so ready

                                  inb4 my instructor fills the test with trig identities


                                    calculus is my bitch now im so ready



                                      I'm triggered by the magnus from last game
                                      It's like he thinks he was playing some single player game or some shit
                                      He fucki g empowered me only ONCE
                                      AND THATS AFTER WE GOT MEGA
                                      The entire team flamed him and you know what the fuck he said?
                                      "You dont even count jugg 5-5 ewww"
                                      What the fuck
                                      How can anyone be this
                                      And self centered
                                      And retarded
                                      Oh it's 3k


                                        Airball RPs, space eating impactless cuck who never joins ez teamfights and he thinks he's hot shit


                                          Im triggered by stupid big ego low 5ks

                                          1-IceTea 🌟

                                            'I am 5K U all 4Ks' I heard this somewhere


                                              ok 1 hour after studying and i alr forgot everything fuck it


                                                late night reviewing is terrible, better sleep early, wake up early then review
                                                2 hours max, trust me i know how the brain works


                                                  yeah i studied from 5-9 and looked at my notes a few moments ago and i dont understand how some of this shit works anymore without looking at my cheat sheet


                                                    rofl guess no dotes for a while

                                                    i still got to work on understanding shittons of chemistry this weekend especially this bonding and naming and shit

                                                    i thought i understood them during the lecture but wtf when i scanned my notes i have almost no idea anymore lolololol

                                                    its especially worse if the lecture happened a week ago and i have to review it now its as if the lecture didnt happen

                                                    can u tell me why


                                                      very simple, human brain works like this: depending on how many times the thing is remembered, the better it works.

                                                      your brain thinks that's necessairy information if you need to re-make it multiple times.

                                                      so hearing it once, your brain only heard it once and doesn't think it's necessairy.

                                                      but something like your name, which your brain heard hundred thousand times will always get a fast reaction.

                                                      The Medic Guy

                                                        i triggered by delusional am

                                                        1-IceTea 🌟

                                                          ^^^Maybe your memory is bad?

                                                          Questo commento è stato modificato

                                                            your brain requires food too, thus it is good to eat(not to much or else you will be sleepy). Eat chocolates or things with high glucose
                                                            , also the 2 hour rule, if you review more than two hours, your brain will get tired and you will forget shit.
                                                            also, Math is something you have to practice and understand same with balancing/bonding elements/equations in chemistry.
                                                            its also good to identify what kind of learner are you, whether you are a visual,audio, or tactile to work on your strengths in reviewing
                                                            lastly, puso, dasal, aral


                                                              so repititon is actually the best way to learn?

                                                              and yea in chemistry ive pretty much flunked this term because in our last quiz i put all the numbers in my equations above the elements instead of below wp props to me for being a retard but i can maybe salvage it on our exam


                                                                i got confused with the charge and subscripts part ON THE DATE OF THE QUIZ

                                                                i do think that my memory is bad, i have a problem with retaining important stuff and sometimes even the simplest of things

                                                                Questo commento è stato modificato

                                                                  so repititon is actually the best way to learn?



                                                                    if i ever land a job in my current uni after i graduate im gonna make my students know that i play dota that


                                                                      whats the cap on the 2hr rule thingy

                                                                      per day?


                                                                        yes, review everyday to retain the knowledge gained


                                                                          You dont have to memorize every single fucking detail
                                                                          I just memorize the main set of rules on integral and the rest goes with my intuition, I see patterns
                                                                          For logical and analytical stuffs like math, physics, etc, I do exercises
                                                                          Exercises helps you to memorize the shits even if you "cheat" when you're doing it, it is way more time efficient for me at the cost of frying your brain


                                                                            that is better rather than cramming shit and forgetting it


                                                                              Review also helps but once I figured a subject out I don't have to tryhard much to rememorize it
                                                                              I don't get the chance to figure out every subject tho, some are trickier to figure out than the others


                                                                                I sleep in classes btw haHAA


                                                                                  1st year- 2nd year college subjects are piss ez
                                                                                  3rd year- start taking down notes and actually review
                                                                                  4th year- tryhard mode


                                                                                    5th year- get best thesis cuz ur da b0mb


                                                                                      ez copy paste


                                                                                        honestly its so fucking hard to py attention to al,ost all of my major subjects this semester cuz i always have african classmates and my instructors have to speak english

                                                                                        while im obviously not illiterate its difficult when u want to pay ttention to so,ething thats not ur main language (im assuming the brain undergoes some subconscious translation process)


                                                                                          Just like in DOTA2
                                                                                          Try to understand HOW AND WHY pro players do certain things instead of "oh he does x ima remember that ill do that in my games"


                                                                                            last time i thought about dota2 while reviewing i ended up playing dota so no


                                                                                              You prefer learning using tagalog?


                                                                                                Just remember your fps and the chance of you being tempted will lower
                                                                                                I'm only good at math physics chemistry and english so you don't have to listen to me haHAA


                                                                                                  Inb4 classmates asking "how u so gud and sanic at england"
                                                                                                  "Geming lul xd"

                                                                                                  1-IceTea 🌟

                                                                                                    understand the logic and patterns behind it,Chemistry is not a subject that you should just memories

