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General Discussion5uPeR SEACRekt 5h1tFe5t C1uB

5uPeR SEACRekt 5h1tFe5t C1uB in General Discussion

    this ones mines

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      Enjoys furry and keeps getting the page. Hmmmmm magnus smurf confirm


        Where doge at. I need some advice to put on weight. Think I'm gonna hit the gym again and get buff and get all the grills like Alice. Then maybe she will wanna play games w me


          rice, rice is what you need
          or just buy mutant mass


            Eat roise. Lots of roise.


              Get dem protein shakes and steroids for ez muscles


                rofl rice, my economics teacher said theres no food that u wont get tired at but we're like, nope, do u ever get tired of rice

                doc joferlyn simp

                  wtf renshin becoming magnus, alice back to weeb-ing hard, bws deadieded

                  doc joferlyn simp

                    we asians man. rice is like part of our life forever, part of what makes us asians


                      I go farm harvest rice
                      I go home cook rice
                      I eat rice
                      I is asian


                        Tips to eat more rice tho. I already have rice as big part of my diet. But how do I become ravenous and disgusting like dog?


                          Rice + Asian = Riceasian ( sounds like russian to me)


                            If you are seeing this photo of pekacho d tird challenger, 10 games of tilt streaks and hidden pool will come to you if you don't comment "death to furries and their leader magnus" in 10 seconds.


                              death to furries and their leader magnus


                                OH SHIT I DID IT IN 10 SECONDS IM SAVED


                                  depends on your body type, if your an ectomorph like me, no hope really to get plump
                                  if you're a mesomorph or endomorph, shits ez to get big
                                  edit: lol, furries4lyf, praise magnus and longlive furries

                                  Questo commento è stato modificato

                                    nvm bye dota

                                    doc joferlyn simp

                                      death to furries and their leader magnus and his disgusting man servant renshin


                                        Usually what gets me eating so much rice is what viand I am eating with it.

                                        And 1 bite viand = 5 heaping tablespoons of rice for maximum effect

                                        doc joferlyn simp

                                          i like to eat rice with spaghetti and dip my fries into my ice cream

                                          i get a cup of rice and pour hot milo over it during the morning when i feel lazy

                                          all i eat is rice and calamansi juice squeezed into toyo if my mum makes something like an ampalaya or something as unpalatable


                                            Oh shit milo the king of all breakfast drinks

                                            doc joferlyn simp

                                              meanwhile zero is dead somewhere


                                                he playin overwatch lul


                                                  haffy do u have csgo


                                                    I used to sprinkle milo/ovaltine on my rice every breakfast lel


                                                      Reminds me of this dead zero


                                                        you guys disgust me. what is this rice + milo, fries + ice cream nonsense???!

                                                        doc joferlyn simp

                                                          i got cs go lul


                                                            meanwhile overwatch is for scrubs not dank enough for SEA dotes


                                                              ^ i never cleared zero 2 to 4

                                                              game is retardedly hard for me


                                                                try it, its good

                                                                doc joferlyn simp

                                                                  im ge and ive beaten kennys on multiple occasions with me using a deagle and him using an awp

                                                                  doc joferlyn simp

                                                                    oh yeah overwatch free for some time


                                                                      Fries + ice cream is actually pretty good. I keep doing it in McDonald and the ppl around are usually making fun of me but i dont care its fucking amazing. U get that crispy and salty fries dip into a creamy and sweet ice cream. God bless my mouth


                                                                        zero 2's first mission bgm is so goddamn good

                                                                        eyy wanna play sometimes? imma show u how to rush b with p90 cyka blyat

                                                                        doc joferlyn simp

                                                                          yeah g

                                                                          bws plays it too, havent had the pleasure of playing cs go with him yet lul


                                                                            he got banned u degenerate


                                                                              Nobody wants to play with a silver scrubs feelsbadman


                                                                                ez vac ban


                                                                                  im silver 1 before i stopped playing xD


                                                                                    Im 5 wins away from my rank feelsbadman


                                                                                      i honest prefer tf2 over csgo but fucking tf2 takes up a lot of space due to hats


                                                                                        Hatz is daz bestz


                                                                                          i have like cs 1.6 do i have to buy cs go tho. i used to be an awp legend back in the day like 15 years ago


                                                                                            MMZ2's intro makes me tear up. :'(

                                                                                            Also seeing Ciel so hopeful of Zero coming back but at the end the game reveals his remains at some desert, man I cried

                                                                                            Oh and I no-hit speedran through 1,3 and 4 but could never got through 2 unscathed it made me rage.

                                                                                            doc joferlyn simp

                                                                                              ayy lul rip bws

                                                                                              doc joferlyn simp

                                                                                                tf2 for the lulz

                                                                                                spy is by far the most interesting character to play


                                                                                                  I got CSGO and have like 10ish hours on it because my pc is shiet lel

                                                                                                  doc joferlyn simp

                                                                                                    plus his "Meet the Spy" short was awesome

                                                                                                    pyro's is the sickest tho


                                                                                                      this ones mine