General Discussion

General Discussioncan we get a "request to analyse" command, so that a match can be ana...

can we get a "request to analyse" command, so that a match can be analysed with truesight in General Discussion

    it would be nice if we could just request matches to be analysed(outside our own matches which are automatically analysed)

    so that people with DB+ can manually request a match from some other player to be analysed

    disgusting weebs

      i doubt they'll do it
      it could(and probably would) be exploited


        how would it be exploited, it's a simple request.

        same as parse from yasp

        but only for DB+

        idk how you'd exploit that

        disgusting weebs

          free truesight parses for ur friend who doesn't have plus for example


            but he doesn't have db+ so he can't see the info if i recall

            disgusting weebs

              nvm u're right i got confused because everyone can see chat, item timings and builds if a match's been parsed and i forgot there's ton of other stuff to that
              u can technically still take screenshots but i doubt ppl would do it