General Discussion

General DiscussionIt just occured to me

It just occured to me in General Discussion
Riguma Borusu

    Weaver has 100% uptime (-fade time) on Shukuchi if he buys an octarine core.

    Now, embrace this stupidity.


      basically riki?

      Riguma Borusu

        Well, yeah, but you will run out of mana eventually so you should totally get a bloodstone too.

        And since you do not have right click with that crap, you get a dagon ethereal blade veil build.

        At which point I wonder why you didn't just pick nyx or riki or literally any other hero to play him in literally any other way.

        But here's an idea for 5ks who want to stomp lower MMR hard mode (doubt it would be that hard still but w/e).

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          But those fookers ain't got the constant 522 ms. Come on guys, don't stop the stupidity and come up with other Doto item + hero facts.


            Interesting idea will try one day and let u know if it is viable

            Dire Wolf

              maybe if you get radiance to go with it


                Actually someone has suggested it here before, the naga meme build

                mentally handicapped

                  roa --> arc --> urn --> disassemble into soul booster --> octarine --> *sell boots, at this point you dont need them* --> veil/aether --> bloodstone --> dagon --> ethereal --> the only think you lack now is lockdown so --> scythe

                  problem with the build is you need a shitton of farm, or you are supposed to be snowballing so hard. the only thing snowbally about weaver is his geminate, something which this build does not capitalize on. safelane weaver might work with this, but you are wasting his zoning potential early on. better run him mid where he can farm and still take advantage of his kit to bully the enemy midlaner and create an optimal situation of balling by hampering the growth of enemy mid

                  unlike a weaver who has an early deso, most likely you wont be able to kill their carry although he has comparably small hp, since they typically have high armor. therefore the only food for you now is supports. underleveled, underfarmed, ample supports. jungling weaver is shit, better go gank since those beatles and your shukuchi still hurt. once you push tier 1 mid gank anylane nonstop. you have an urn and arcane boots, shit's easy. be careful of long stuns and silences like bane, ogre, silencer, es, and the your worst fears: lion and lina. contrary to popular belief burst damage dont really counter you, in fact you counter it. heroes like lion and lina are not included, laguna and finger hurts like shit and the worst part is they both have lockdown. buy that raindrop

                  consider aether lens. you can skip veil if your team doesnt have that much magical dmg, and your team SHOULD NOT have that magical dmg. if you are playing this kind of weaver you need a draft wherein the carry can hit and destroy towers fast like tiny, basically draft this like you would a qop or a tinker

                  mom said it's my turn to ...

                    Maybe pos 3 would work? Utility-ish with aghs. Also invi meka is soooo OP


                      The meme weaver build is ambulance weaver build. Just get aghs and every save item. Men and greaves to purge obvious silence. Solar crest to both allow u to rekt enemy supports and to save. Glimmer (for obvious reasons). Aghs. Ez.


                        I love Eric but this guide is shit. I cud (sometimes unenthusiastically but sometimes genuinely) almost all guides but not phase on weaver.?

                        Potato Marshal

                          But shukuchi only lasts 4 seconds and an octarine core only reduces the cooldown to 4.5 seconds.


                            ayyy quite dank I think


                              If you skill shukuchi only once, octerine is much better because youll get - 3 Sec CD and Not only 1,5


                                but 3 sec CD decrease =/= 100% uptime

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