General Discussion

General DiscussionThis report system is unbrearable

This report system is unbrearable in General Discussion

    I ve had dogshit teammates for a while now ,but my reports for some odd reason are always 0.
    When is this bullshit fucking game gonna add a check report function where people can judge other people's reports
    like they do it in CSGO.
    Oh wait they are way too busy fucking producing Hats.
    Oh wait that would require perma ban function and that would mean they would lose their vast majority of customers who happen to be Russian Drunks who buy hooks and shit.
    Like honestly Low priority doesn't solve a thing,people need to take weeks off .

    lp pesok #2


      casual gamer

        casual gamer

          put some effort into your k's guys, it's half the content we have


            so your point is ?
            Should I listen to fucking Russian all chat in eu west ?


              besides everyone knows that American 5k is less than 3.5k in eu.
              If you watch any streamer's matches in America over 6k its like

              lp pesok #2
                Questo commento è stato rimosso da un moderatore
                artreezy's dad

                  be careful not to put 3 K's together though


                  you'll get banned.

                  casual gamer

                    look at that, i have 55% winrate against omniknight this month

                    so while im dumpstering 5ks playing the best hero in the game, you are raging that you cant carry rock bottom 4k matches

                    and yeah ive played with euros their dota is as good as their dental care

                    lp pesok #2


                      casual gamer

                        and they all have this mystifying superiority complex, lol

                        idk how you could possible think ur even remotely skilled at dota

                        casual gamer

                          ~heee heeeee i have 7000 hours of dota and i'm still in 4k~ uwuuu the lobotomy felt ~ticklish ! ~


                            Oh yes and tell me what exactly has America Produced in terms of dota ?
                            What EG that won TI ?
                            The thing is ,even US players play in Europe to get gud.
                            Dont try it though ur mmr will evaporate
                            US Kneels before europe,and europe kneels before Asia.
                            If you even watch the 2 left candidates of Presidential election you will see what a bunch of lobotomites you are.
                            US dota is fucking retarded, its EG +some other ignorable teams.
                            You cant even name 10 decent American players (NOT ASIAN)

                            casual gamer

                              when confronted with facts, the 4k devolves into a gibbering ball of rage

                              eus have no clue how to play dota, why would i waste my time feeling like a big fish in a tiny pond. if i wanted to do that i would go boost

                              casual gamer

                                nice winrate on us servers little boy


                                  1.On your severs my last match was when dota was launched.
                                  2.East thing was a friend of mine pulling a H4nni on me.
                                  3.Ping was an issue
                                  4.Nice arguement.
                                  5.You live in a country where even Ixmike went pro IX fucking MIKE DUDE .
                                  Like honestly you cant even think of 5 players from US.
                                  Consider that your AMURICAN pride is TC AKA TRASH CARRY.
                                  Its fine I get it,dont worry though America won a TI.
                                  Btw 20 isnt a sample nor 25 is.

                                  casual gamer

                                    i don't follow pro dota that much, it's completely irrelevant to the pub scene until 6-7k

                                    ping is an issue for you and not me of course

                                    whatever man i can just sit here and you will still be 4k after pouring 6k+ games into dota, whether or not you want to pretend your nationality elevates you is completely up to u


                                      YOU US fellas make fun of Peruvians but honestly Smash is better than all of your countrymen in dota.
                                      DEAL WITH IT.
                                      Oh also,how does it feel to lose to a 2k omniknight spamming advice ,oh wait I forgot Sir Action Slacks is actually considered one of the brightest Amuricans minds no ?

                                      casual gamer

                                        why do you thinki have ever lost to that


                                        artreezy's dad

                                          btw here is real logic:

                                          EU TOP mmr is only higher because there are more players which makes it easier for the TOP players to earn MMR.

                                          But as you enter the larger groups of players AKA: <6k it will be essentially the same as NA in skill.

                                          And a 8K EU for example is equal skill to a 7k NA simply due to inflation at HIGH mmr's (>6K).


                                            ur losing to his advice though :)
                                            My point is quite valid ,so you needed pictures to prove the opposite little mad amurican boy.
                                            My belly is huge my brain has delay ,yep you guess it right I am from

                                            casual gamer

                                              hello i have 55% winrate?

                                              and i am 145 lb 5'8 because i have to be fit for my job? I wonder how many miles you can run before your weak little eurocuck legs give out


                                                Eurocuck legs LUL

                                                The Medic Guy

                                                  come join SEA server. Play with pinoy , you will enjoy the game while anger consume your soul and you lost your mind in the deepest hell's shit hole you ever been, and what left on your mind is "IF I MEET YOU I WILL PUNCH YOU IN THE FACKING FACE DUMB SHIT-SHIT STAIN"

                                                  well my point is you will always meet toxic player in every community, they born to be toxic, it just how you respond to them.
                                                  if you respond them with toxic, so you are toxic too. just simply ignore them and move on. not everyday is Sunday Morning


                                                    Idk by the way you post I can only imagine you'd be the one getting reported. Trash

                                                    doc joferlyn simp

                                                      quality thread


                                                        Eurocuck legs LUL


                                                          Do u guys prefer caramel or salty popcorn?

                                                          Player 293184403

                                                            Lol, this guy hates 'muhricans even more than I do... Impressive, very impressive.


                                                              @Jacked A salty popcorn please hehehehe.

                                                              casual gamer

                                                                caramel popcorn is lit af

                                                                doc joferlyn simp

                                                                  have to agree caramel popcorn is the shit


                                                                    sugar, honey



                                                                      disgusting weebs

                                                                        hey it's that "CANCER TO SLAVS" guy me and arin met in our games who's 4k after 6400 games LMAO