General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat hero can be first picked without fear

What hero can be first picked without fear in General Discussion

    Omni to some extent. He will be useful even if enemy has a diffusal

    Potato Marshal

      Time walking damage over time abilities like liquid fire or dual breath doesn't even avoid half the damage. Also aggressively time walking to hit the support one or two times hoping to get a bash in is pointless since it just puts you in danger.

      Questo commento è stato modificato
      mentally handicapped

        the diffusal cd was a bigger nerf to the item as a counter to omni than previously thought

        now you cant remove angel from many targets as easily as you would like. my juggernaut games have been ruined because i was not able to burst down at least 2 heroes from the fight because of a well time angel


          i thanking everyone who reply and give useful and useless tips :)
          @Individualist 1. i am not 2k, i show my mmr isnt it?
          2. You are just vhs smurf. you mean nothing really, you dont even brave enough show your main acc