General Discussion

General DiscussionAny good Meepo player here?

Any good Meepo player here? in General Discussion

    What hotkeys do you use when playing meepo?

    I tend to use the normal qwer(qw active only) and space to hold all non-main Meepos together. The main Meepo is as default on F1. I am pretty lazy and I don't really like playing meepo in general so I never really focused on improving the poof+tab x4 and blink combo.
    I Have my items on 234 and xcv and the blink is mostly on 2 or 3(the other one being sheepstick) so the whole thing should be something like this:
    ["W"+tab] X4 + "F1" + "2" on the target ( +" 3" if I have hex already )
    followed by "Q"(net) if I want to root the target.

    Because of me being a lazy POS, I tend to do first the jump with the hex(and/or net) and then do the poof + tab times the number of additional meepos.

    Maybe I should also mention that I dont' use quick cast and I don't use any other bindings of the additional meepos except for the F1 for the main and space for the rest of them. I have seen some guys writting about how they use additional keys for meepo 2+3 and meepo 4+5 to split push or additional farming patterns. As I said, I don't play meepo except for randoming so I don't plan on improving him to perfection, I just want to hear if someone has some advices that are easy to implement.

    I am not really a fan of changing the keys for a specific hero because it takes a while to get into the new set of Keys(3-5 games approx) and I tend to random a lot because I get bored of basicly any hero(except maybe pudge and mirana) after just one game. It shouldn't be a suprise that I tend to have the same problem with tinker because of not using quick cast.

    Any Meepwn player? What keys do you use for him?

    kung pao chicken

      have a hotkey for:

      main hero
      all heroes
      all-other heroes
      control group 1 (first farm pair)
      control group 2 (second farm pair)

      thats it.

      ppl think meepo is hard but he isn't.

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      kung pao chicken

        turn quick cast on right now holy fuck. like just fucking do it.

        and you need to combo your poof before you blink.

        don't blink before you start your poof combo.

        for ME:

        1 = main hero
        all other = F2


        F2 , POOF , TAB , POOF , TAB , etc. , 1 , blink , hex/diffuse/etc., NET.


          Im just normal skill player but i still want to learn about this hero

          And hotkey for :
          F = main meepo
          2 = meepo 2, and 3
          3 = meepo 4, and 5
          4 = all heroes
          5 = all other heroes
          6 = meepo 2
          7 = meepo 3
          8 = meepo 4
          9 = meepo 5
          tab = next hero
          Shift = previous hero

          Like the other player blink after you start your poof combo then blink to your opponent.
          to play this hero you just don't be panic.

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            If you don't understand how much easier meepo is with quickcast you should probably main skeleton king :-)


              Ps mastering blink-poof just takes a bit of practise - like 10mins or so - to get the muscle memory sorted.

              Personally I find it easiest to bind blink and hex to my mouse.

              Just use quickcast anyway - it is half as many button/key presses!


                Don't fucking map your meepos to 10 different combinations of keys, it just fucks your mind and is not efficient (mastering that won't give you shit). Personally, I have them mapped 1-5 to keys 1-5(individually) and space for all of them. Haven't really tried to map 2-3 and 4-5 to keys for easy access to duo, but have had some slight delay trying to micro them when farming with 2 meepos in 1 camp, so it might work, but selecting a low hp meepo is easier this way. But seriously don't assign them to more than 5 hotkeys, it just fucks with your brain too much.

                Bill Cutting

                  ^^ what he said

                  I only have 3 hotkeys:

                  Main,all and all other.

                  I am NS but 60%+ wr with meepo

                  The hardest part I FIND with meepo is correct positioning and when to fight.

                  Watch good players farm and you'll be decent with meepo. Get farmed and u can kill anyone.


                    1 - main
                    2 - courier
                    3 - all other meepos
                    4 - all meepos
                    5 - meepo 2+3
                    6 - meepo 4+5
                    7 - illusions
                    alt 2 - all meepos except 2
                    alt 3 - all meepos except 3
                    alt 4 - all meepos except 4
                    alt 5 - all meepos except 5

                    Smurfing is Life<3

                      My sister is using this to control meepo.
                      F1- main meepo
                      1- main
                      2- all meepo
                      3- 4 meepo

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                        main 1
                        clones 2, 3, 4, 5
                        all clones no main 6
                        all units space
                        2,3 alt+e
                        4,5 alt+r
                        1,4 alt+w

                        quickcast is a waste of time in my opinion i've never needed it and never will but other people find it easier with it on