General Discussion

General DiscussionI built shadow blade on riki

I built shadow blade on riki in General Discussion
Dire Wolf

    it was actually so we could silver edge break bristle lol. It worked out pretty well cus he was a big problem in our team fights so I would just open on him with it every fight and solo him easily. But I was thinking how awful is it really? Gives you a really nice opener, break is an effective disable vs any carry in a team fight, and the stats are pretty good. It's only 1000g more than s&y and gives you 13 more dmg, 13 more attack speed. People spend 1900g on dragon lance to get 14 agi, so that doesn't seem awful.

    It seems very counter intuitive to get invis on a hero who already has invis, but it actually allows you to use silver edge more effectively to open because you can already sneak up with your invis and use silver edge right before attacking so it's not wasted, and if you get detected you can blink and then quickly silver edge right after so you're sure to almost always hit it. And you will never be tempted to use it to escape.

    Thoughts? or am I trying to hard here lol


      If It Works, It's Not Stupid.


        If you are doing it as much as it takes to win then I guess it's not bad at all assuming that you are running desperate on dealing with BB who could cut your team down with a thousand quills while he just keep standing there smugly as if the attack is no sell to him.


          Haha Mr.Wolf nice one

          Pale Mannie



              this dotabuff is dead after this mods stuff and bans rip

              casual gamer

                you want to wait until the invis is almost over to hit, ideally

                that way you get another one halfway through the fight

                Dire Wolf

                  If I used blink strike to attack will it still apply the break and bonus dmg? I am thinking yes because it applies a buff on his next hit.

                  Kill yourself in the name...

                    Good one, you hate bb and axe also that lousy PL I forgot that his ult can be disabled using Silver Edge. Can Lina's Fiery Soul also disables it I mean its 3 charges like its not op or something *0.22 seconds attack speed really*.

                    casual gamer

                      u have to use blink strike THEN use ur item


                        It's almost as if item builds are situational in dota 2. Who would've thought?

                        Dire Wolf

                          I wonder if it could be core though, the stats are actually quite strong for riki, but it's a tad expensive for what you get considering butterfly is only ~700g more.


                            You adapted to the game to destroy their ancient before they destroyed yours.



                              dota itemization is situational, nothin strange here.

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                                casual gamer

                         look how close i am to carrying these gamburgers