General Discussion

General DiscussionSituational Learning

Situational Learning in General Discussion
the lil 1k  who could

    Ok, So lets start a thread where a situation can be given and 5k mmr players can explain how to deal with the situation.

    I will start it off, Enemy team picks, slark sven pa spirit breaker pudge

    Your team picks, dazzle pugna rubick terrorblade,

    your team is going to feed 10-12 kills by ten minutes, do you go mid, or jungle, or safelane, and what do you pick and what do you do to lane, assuming the enemy team will all be around 550 gpm and 600 on sven due your team constantly feeding.

    mentally handicapped

      how do you create a 4v5 scenario and hope that the enemy snowball team wont feed off of your squishy teammates


        You first pick pugna, random tb, then pick pudge venomsncer n dazzle and lose the game.. Enemy picks wk the most anti fun boring hero in the game and wins by afk farming the whole game.

        Ok but for real I think u group up early and push to take outer towers as early w meta and try to farm That's all I got sorry.

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          im not 5k mmr ... and i think those line up , its one side game toward enemy team...
          no chance at all if all players decent include ur team ... those pick is gg


            Pick visage and have fun anyway

            Guess who

              There are zero reasons to pick anything instead of visage.


                why not pick np buy a mushroom hat and go cliff farming for 40 mins

                not arin

                  pretty sure thats a storm/invoker game, i doubt that you'd ever die on bara charging you mid in high skill if you play carefully enough

                  their line up is straight retarded, pretty sure you should in every lane regardless of what you pick for mid

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                  not arin

                    although if you were considering a jungler against their roaming heroes then you have some issues

                    the lil 1k  who could


                      Yeah about the only thing that can really fight that lineup effectively is invoker was my thinking, maybe luna if you do real good mid but assuming that your team is going to feed all of 3-14 your gonna have to really farm fast as luna, invoker might be the only shot, huskar if there was no PA.

                      the lil 1k  who could

                        Actually Radiance Chaos Knight can get 900+ gpm, with heavens halberd you could win that lineup and carry


                          ok this one is simple, just reverse-engeneer it

                          Enemy team picks: slark sven pa spirit breaker pudge
                          Your team picks: dazzle pugna rubick terrorblade

                          they're ahead 12 kills, so let's say everyone except you died 3 times, and everyone on the enemy team has died 3 times

                          now looking at your lineup you're either a midlaner or an offlaner, your team has great fighting and splitpush heroes, while enemy has pickoff heroes

                          so i'll guess that the enemy picked your team off 1 by 1 in the laning phase.

                          now the issue is that the enemy has 3 super farm greedy cores, while you have 3 supports

                          meaning you can just go to a lane, and start killing them and forcing them into teleporting and not farming

                          even if they're ahead, you still get a lot more for killing them as they're higher networth, once you've taken all their advantage you start taking all their T1 towers

                          once you take all their T1'S you ward their jungle and just junglecamp them

                          and this game should be won by 25 min

                          YOU'd need to literally need to have broken fingers mess up pressing every button on your keyboard to be possible to lose a game like that as it's extremely easy to counter those enemies

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                            - easy purge slark pounce.
                            - chrono slark so he cant escape
                            - build linken, dodge sven/pa 1st skill and pudge dismember

                            just chrono rich sven, he cant do anything.
                            and let tb free hit outside chrono.
                            go push strat easy win.

                            the lil 1k  who could

                              so then what would you pick cookies, cause while I know vs carry lineups like that you can try to dominate early game, I never am very confident in being able to end the game by 25 minutes with just a random team. so assuming that your team will not push and attempt to end, and no matter how you ping to go for the last t2 2-3 of them will not come and will farm nuetrals, what would you pick?


                                Trying to end early with the stronger early game team will usually end in disaster.


                                  you can just push by yourself, my last couple games on my smurf i literally just walked up the HG and started hitting hte tower

                                  enemy did nothing about it, when they did i just backed off and repeated later

                                  anyways for picks, same suggestions as they said

                                  anything mid/off that's hard to kill/has an escape mechanism and has good burst

                                  ck, void, storm, voker, timber, jugger, tinker


                                    btw if you assume anything for your team, you can assume the same for the enemy(stupidity is overall the same in the same mmr)

                                    aka if your team will only farm, but not push

                                    you can expect the same from the enemy, hence why i made you that strategy which is failproof


                                      pick spirit breaker first. go the patented worst dota player ever roaming iron talon tranquils midas build and proceed to win by killing their outrageously greedy team before they are 6 slotted until your teamates have so much money they just have to hit buildings. ez.