General Discussion

General DiscussionI don't know how to carry

I don't know how to carry in General Discussion

    I played my games mostly support so if my team picks so fast and I ended up last with leaving me the carry role.
    Should I pick carry or I pick what I want?

    Potato Marshal

      Just improve your last hitting, if you're not good at that, then pick heroes with abilities that make it easier to last hit with, like dragon knight with his fire breath, or pa with her dagger.

      Questo commento è stato modificato

        carry isnt hard role to play if u know how to farm and join war when needed ... just improve basic skill and knowledge u can suit to any roles , for me i play better roamer but pick carry for win .... because most carry in 3k don't even know how to farm and when to join war.

        mentally handicapped

          have the opposite of this problem, i can carry relatively well

          now im not in touch with my supporting side, when before i was a relatively good support in the 1.4k bracket

          i can still roam and offlane pretty decently, but sometimes i just wanna take a break from the pressure and play support

          anyone have a challenge or goal to sharpen my support skillz?


            10 min - deward 80 wards
            20 min - deward 200 wards
            30 min - eyes of the forest

            And if u can't do this in empty lobby u should quit dota

            mentally handicapped

              anyone know good champs for lol?


                Good champs are the ones with huge b00bs kappa


                  Jacked u forgot about 200 last hits in first 10 minutes with techies.