General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat hero triggers you the most?

What hero triggers you the most? in General Discussion

    For me it's slardar, his skill set man.


      playing against slark as a support


        Tusk. As a support you just see a big white ball coming at you and you know you're dead.
        Even more annoying is the Silver Edge+Deso build where he just punches you from invis and you instantly die.

        Fee Too Pee

          Riki. Ez free disruptor ult

          Potato Marshal

            Hate Tinker, can never tell where he blinks to and his rockets have so much range.

            Forget me not

              Sven, because when I face him as enemies often all my core stick close together, even when I already told them to take space from each other and got wiped with one blink stun 3 hit combo from him.

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                Pugna, screw the slow, screw the magical resistance dampening and screw his life draining.

                Edit: And screw his ethereal form.

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                Président® Salted Butter

                  Naga siren. Being unable to do anything as her team retreats with 10% hp left is just frustrating.


                    Alche. Such a stupid hero, he either shitstomps you with 1k gpm and runs around being unkillable or becomes a walking bag of gold that dies in two hits from anyone, there is almost never a middle ground.

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                      Bristleback in lane.. fuck that dude you see him on low hp, start chasing him, he turns his back,starts runing and his passive melts you as a support.. uhhhhhhhh i hate him

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                        Sven. Even if I block his ancient camp, he still farm very fast. My core and carry underestimates his farming capability and they will farm more and drag the game longer. And in teamfight, my teammates doesn't know how to deal with sven bkb so in the end I'm the only one alive :(.

                        Forget me not

                          @ShuntJG I feel you bro

                          DO IT LIKE A CHAMP !

                            meepo. The hero farms so fast, often times than not u thin everything is okay, ur team kills a lot, u push 3 towers then suddenly he has aghanim and hex. So yeah


                              1.Pa Skill 1...that dagger allways spam...and she buy clarity for spam it.
                              2.Injoker cold snap
                              3.Clockwerk mini stun
                              4.Viper auto spam hit
                              5.Mirana arrow
                              6.Ogre Magi...spam 4xmulticast


                                as a timbersaw player i hereby proclaim that KOTL IS THE MOST RETARDED HERO IN THE GAME

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                                  Support vs tinker


                                    Ho ho. HA HA

                                    mentally handicapped

                                      weaver cancer shukuchi

                                      sven fast farm even if you only have two working brain cells

                                      bb, viper, and huskar in lane. pure tilting cancer




                                          spirit breaker on my team 0 bashes spirit breaker on other team ultra godly bashes

                                          Mary Poppins

                                            pa mid (his fucking dague make me so mad), necrophos on lane ...

                                            Riguma Borusu

                                              fucking dague man

                                              Riguma Borusu

                                                I am most triggered by tinker in general, it's just not fun to play with or against the guy, if you're a carry, you'll have to go far to push out lanes, tinker will eventually die and feed million gold, if you play against him, it's hard to push out all lanes because he's pushing you in constantly.

                                                His uptime is just cancer.


                                                  Necro aghs


                                                    Enemy sandking

                                                    Theyre so trash


                                                      why does tinker bother u at 3300 mmr ?t hey all suck as tinker u just need pipe or kunka aether

                                                      Riguma Borusu

                                                        ^I have almost 60% winrate AGAINST tinker (compared to my 56% winrate in general), so I am not saying that it's hard to win against tinker in 3k, it is just annoying to play with or against. I also have 58% winrate with tinker on my team, so it would seem that when tinker is in the game, I am more likely to win no matter which side he is on, but I still dislike it.

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                                                        casual gamer





                                                              Tinker is easily the hero that triggers me the most. Missle range op and literally endless blinks/damage.

                                                              SEE THE MAHFUGGIN' STURNG...

                                                                Techies. They slow down the game immensely. It doesn't matter if they are on my team or the opposing team. I fucking hate techies always


                                                                  Pudge and meepo

                                                                  \\  VintageR  \\

                                                                    i dont care much about opness like rat warden or sven or slark
                                                                    but techies triggers me the most, either as ally or enemy, is just too damn retarded for this game honestly, delete the hero volvo plzz

                                                                    Massive Dynamic

                                                                      Techies is number one. Fuck that hero. Number two is KOTL. Annoying as hell as well.


                                                                        LC is such an annoying hero. Despite being much more farmed, the stupid ass hero can just come out of nowhere and burst you down like a mofo


                                                                          Have u ever played legion against wyvern and od? Most annoying thing of my life.


                                                                            The heroes r otherwise fine


                                                                              Except storm late game. Just zips in like a cheeky bastard, kills ur supports, then zips out.


                                                                                Im hunting all the invis heroes and calling them small shit durring the game, im always have a dust couse i hate them so much, kill them make me satisfied.
                                                                                Weaver and riki are worst i would do black hole just for one of them thats why im 2k.haha

                                                                                Juggernaut and his blade fury,i just think its op to have something what makes him spells immune and deal so much dmg at lvl 1


                                                                                  Pudge and Mirana. They aren't actually heroes I consider good or difficult to vs. They just piss me off.


                                                                                    getting recked by my main hero is triggering the shit out of me LuL


                                                                                      Fuck pa doesnt take much to use her.....


                                                                                        Slardar arc underlord


                                                                                          bloodseeker ult, not hard to play against, but tilting having to stand there as the teamfight begins, that or mirana random arrow hititng you for full stun is just shit tbh