General Discussion

General DiscussionCatapult strat

Catapult strat in General Discussion

    I've been thinking about this lately and there are many videos around of whole teams stacking dominators and getting as many catapults as possible. IMO there are close to no counters for this. Yeah you could lose early game so hard that the enemies are pushing hg at 13 minutes, but any strat could fail like that. If you manage to last till 25 minutes without losing rax you should have ~15 catapults sitting in your base ready to march. The damage output is insane and you've got 1400 HP creeps with 80% magic resist, pretty much unkillable. Shits like bristle and axe can't even get close or will get killed. Timber can try to harm from afar, but his ult damage is not that high and has small AoE. A well farmed. The best choice seems to be Enigma with maxed Midnight Pulse, that would kill the catapults in 2 casts if they stand inside for full duration. I really want to try this for few games to see.

      Questo commento è stato modificato
      the end justifies the means

        its good for teh lulz.

        but srsly tho im normal skill what do i know


          You need drow venge and beastmaster its was very common Few years ago. Saw it few times already.

          Potato Marshal

            What if the enemy team buys hotd too when they see your team buying it?


              ^That would be a really fun game.