General Discussion

General DiscussionRIP<Supporting> in smurf accounts won't get you to HS/VHS brackets :(

RIP<Supporting> in smurf accounts won't get you to HS/VHS brackets :( in General Discussion

    Hello guys, i like to play a support role, and i recently created a smurf to try to reach 5k , and started playing as a support from the get-go , and after a few games i noticed that the skill level of the players in the matches are incredibly low, checked on my dotabuff profile and found out that all my games are in normal skill bracket, which is SAD news for support lovers and dota 2 community over all, because it seems that in order to get into VHS bracket you must play a carry role and stomp everyone with your (high hero-damge/KDA/LS...etc) otherwise it wont be possible,This shit will not only effect the "quality of the games" due to every "smurfer" want to play as a carry, but it will also effect the alot of the new players, because the matches will be very toxic, so the games will be something like this ( 5 carries vs 5 carries + "toxic environment" + may the team with best OP heros/RNG WINS ).

    So i'll either go back to my main 4.2k account , or start a new account playing only as a carry, until this shit match-making detection bullshit that is based on (high hero-damge/KDA/LS) get fixed.


      pretty sure u can play a support, but still dumpster people. u dont need to sacrifice farm or kills or even ur lives for ur carry like u would traditionally. just play a bit more greedy, but buy wards and utility etc, then just rekt them cuz its normal skill anyway right? why make yourself poorer for normal skill carries and then valve thinks u are a noob? if u can get more out of the map as a 'support' in normal skill (which is entirely possible) then u will at least be HS (yes valve does favour high kda carries)


        I call bullshit, your just another scrub claiming you are a vhs player. I doubt that you have a "main 4.2 acc". A real vhs player can easily stomp games in ns games even as a support and move up to vhs bracket easily.

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          you remind me of this kid op rofl

          Président® Salted Butter

            Meanwhile I calibrated at 2.6k and got to 4k only playing supports... hmmm...


              A bit annoying since I got a VHS win using ET, being more greedy than usual by buying a midas and farming, then I immediately went back to HS the next game lmao. Granted, I played a bit bad but a win is a win right? :(


                You wanna see how REAL VHS supports play?
                See how abbadass do his shit
                You can get to any bracket with any role as long as you're good enough


                  Bullshit post, i played and calibrated this smurf mainly by playing supp.. getting vhs is fucking ez if you really are in that skill bracket, playing whichever role and whatever hero.. didnt even need to tryhard that much


                    liar liar pants on fire!


                      lol this post makes me laugh. in normal skill games you could easily stomp players (whether you win or lose) using any hero. just be greedy since normal skilled plebs doesnt know how to take advantage of your supporting.

                      Luis Miguel joven

                        VHS dont really care, i will go back to HS at ur calibration gaems


                          In my opinion it's more funny if people write that's possible to stomp ns games with every hero and than I look at there profile and they have 50% win rate in ns :)

                          And no it isn't true that u can stomp every game with EVRY hero but that's not the point. The point is if u are the best player on the map you would get much better stats and get in a higher skill lvl if u would pick storm or slark (or any other stompsters).


                            not true for a support PLAYER^^

                            aka if sonneiko were to play in NS, he'd have better success with supports rather than cores


                              i think by 100% winrate in NS they mean if they were to play their best heroes.

                              even in ns you can get focused all early game as a carry if your enemy happens to be better than your teammates and your team aimlessly feeds and you lose


                                not true^^

                                as the point of having high mmr is only to be good at ENDING THE GAME

                                aka higher mmr you are, the more effective you are at ENDING THE GAME