General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to WIN WITH ARC WARDEN

How to WIN WITH ARC WARDEN in General Discussion

    So guys i want to spam arc warden ,Im a 3.8 scrub player.Can someone give me advice.Im looking for some vhs arc warden players.How to use him effectively


      summon cookie


        Can someone summon cookie


          You have to change your profile pic to arc warden otherwise you won't start winning.


            Arc Warden excels at pushing and fighting when he has a clear and distinct farm advantage. Generally you'll want to get Midas every game. It's twice as effective on him thanks to Tempest Double and you get 380 reliable gold every 100 seconds. This'll boost your GPM incredibly in the early game. After that an Aquila is needed due to his horrible stat gain. Generally you'll want to get Travels after this but your build can vary based on if you have to fight. But once you get Travels just split push with you and your double. You'll really be able to push fast once you have Maelstrom which is your next core item after Travels. With Maelstrom your tempest double can clear a guranteed 1-2 waves before expiring, that with your Midas and your farm goes over the roof. Everything else after that is usually situational. You can get a Silver Edge for the ganking/escape. Bloodthorne for the insane disable - the price isn't a trouble since he can farm it very quickly. Manta is really good for the even faster split push as well as the debuff. Hurricane Pike is very nice for kiting melee enemies. Scythe, Blink, Assault Cuirass, Daealus, Butterfly. Arc Warden can make use of a whole host of items. It all just depends on the game.

            Some small tips are first with Spark Wraith. Spark Wraith is a good nuke but also remember it has a 50 second duration. Place it on runes, tight pathways, next to the lane if you are farming. In fact whenever you TP to a lane make you sure you always put a wraith next to the trees so you can see any enemies coming and can get out. Also don't forget that it purges. Also try not to feed your Tempest Double since it gives 160 gold/160 XP. Also if you happen to safelane/offlane vs a dual laneon' don't bother maxing Flux early. Get a value point just in case but you won't find much use out of it against a dual lane.


              @madara ,I know the basics bro,but tnx for ur help tho


                Looking for vhs arc warden players can u guys summon them







                    @diox necro build is the old meta mate tnx for ur time tho


                      All of them are picking bloodthorn, mjonir, scythe of vyse, boots of travel, shadow blade and damage items also a buff moonshard. very op if you ask me dont want him to get farmed he will slow me as slark then abuse the .30 attack per second with bloodthorn.


                        also if you use manta then he can use his ult to mute, stun, hex and silence you again XD


                          Play safe and farm efficiently early on. Unless you and your team can commit to a kill in your lane or another lane that will require you to tp, DO NOT. Do not also "try" to attempt a kill early on unless you're sure the opponent will go down as Arc Warden thrives on farm and levelling efficiency, a no kill is wastedtime.

                          Come mid game, assuming you have done well, arc warden is played like a combination of drow ranger, sniper and clinkz. You're best dealing damage from afar but at the same, be careful of your positioning (drow and sniper-like), and you want the opponents to have used most of their dangerous spells before engaging (clinkz-like). Unlike the three though, arc warden can do it a bit better because he can harass with his wraith or scout with it.

                          Late game, you can do solo pick offs and be a pusher at the same time. Your call on how you balance that out. You an do it at the same time though but be careful when your tempest double is on cd when on team fights.


                            @dragrus tnx for the tip man
                            can someone summon cookie here i need his tips XD


                              stick to spamming AM
                              if AM is not banned xd


                                27% winrate on AM how is this even possible


                                  what ya wanna know?

                                  just farm items
                                  kill people
                                  go push

                                  he's played like any other carry


                                    If you want to win with arc go on mid he have 80% winrate on mid if you got early midas and BoT


                                      @cookie whats ur item build with arc


                                        @op, instead of waiting for cookie to answer, why not just click on his profile and look at his arcwarden games,
                                        hell you could even download and watch the replays of his arcwarden games


                                          @Savi0r you mistyped %50


                                            Aquila>Midas>mango+salve>mjollnir>silver edge> bot > bloodthron> hex >bfly/link/whatever
                                            I usually get silver edge rushed because kill potential out of invis damage is silly good