General Discussion

General Discussionexample of a fucking loser

example of a fucking loser in General Discussion
suck dick for pma



      here comes another loser

      ge cancer and fucking die

      filthy smurf

      suck dick for pma

        Lol im not even a smurf, lost my main cause I had to reset my pc, virus issue :/


          pma boys


            that smurfer has 43.40% winrate and has 3.9k mmr. XD


              another loser, the spooder man guy

                Questo commento è stato rimosso da un moderatore

                  The amount of smurfs(not good ones, bad ones, shouldn't called smurfs but w/e) that ends up in 3900-4100 range is just INSANE.

                  Seems like every low 3k guy is capable of calibrating at least 3800 MMR. The problem is, they don't play on the level of an high 3k/low 4k player, and just ruin games.

                  Despite that fact, I reached 4k again. Now the hard part begins. Getting out of low 4k once again. Will be happy if I reach 4.3k by end of this year..


                    Oh, and, I don't mind if they admit they're from lower MMR and try to adapt and play something like support/offlane.

                    But they are arogant as fuck, mark mid/safelane and feed/underperform.

                    While you can be lucky and get that guy on the enemy team aswell, the fact that he'll ruin games is just sad.

                    When I made my smurfs back in early 2016. and calibrated 4.5k for the first time, I was so happy I got to the 4k for the first time, that I listened to better players/took advices they gave me, and did my best not to get flamed.

                    That's the attidude you should have if you know you're not on the level you're currently in imo.

                    And actually, after I came back from my smurf I climbed from 3.4k to 4k with 60% winrate and ended up 4.3k as my highest MMR ever.

                    And everyone knows I was stuck in 3k range for basically forever. It's just sad that people ruin games because they think they belong in mmr at least ~500 points above they real rating.

                    Questo commento è stato modificato
                    ham strokers ejacula

                      Where the fuck is this coming from?

                      This month you have 46% winrate after 100 matches and 47% after 250 thereabouts. In quantity you have played no better than the person you're having a go at in this post. Looking at his games it's seems most his picks than his plays are letting him down and he seems to perform adequately for his bracket.

                      Where has this God complex come from?


                        you have to chill

                        one syllable anglo-saxon

                          i have even more pathetic loser here


                            I'm sorry pretty Havoc, my winrate for Solo Q this month is above 54%.

                            Don't try to make me look bad for no reason. This guy is not clearly 3.9k, but whatever floats your boat.

                            How pathetic you have to be to give me almost 10% less of a winrate for my solo q ranked then I actually have for this month. :-/

                            0 fucks given if you don't like me, I don't like you either, but hey, cut me some slack. At least provide real, and not fake info.

                            You're adding into account all the games I've played this month, combined with party, normal, low prio and so on.

                            At least filter just VHS Solo Q Ranked and you'll see you're just bashing me because you don't like me. (which is okay, I don't fucking care, tbh), but at least provide real info.

                            Questo commento è stato modificato
                            ham strokers ejacula

                              Why are you talking to me like I don't know, and haven't watched you play? You're not good at this game by any stretch of the imagination, I wasn't talking about my winrate I was talking about you talking about others in a demeaning way when you're just as bad as the people you're queuing into.

                              What the hell are you actually smoking rn?

                              ham strokers ejacula

                                I don't like you for the simple reason that you think you're good but really aren't. You whine and complain (which sure everyone does) about players who are just as good as you are. Anyone who asks people to filter by x to prove that they're mediocre is just a god damn joke.

                                Literally you're asking me to filter games to prove to the world and everyone else that you're below average as a player??????


                                What are you smoking???


                                  You're fucking mentally retarded. How the fuck you dare to tell ANYONE that is bad at this game after 11.000 fucking games?

                                  Don't you think anyone is capable of getting your shiny shitty 5k mmr eventually? Especially after 11.000 fucking games?

                                  And just for the record, you shithead, I wasn't talking about your winrate. I was talking about MY winrate for this month when it comes to solo que ranked, which is farily 10% above of what you stated.

                                  Oh, and wait:

                                  How the fuck you came up with a conclusion I said I'm good at this game? I never said that. But I guess after 11.000 games and 5.something MMR you get to say you're decent.

                                  Fucking 4head


                                      "I don't like you for the simple reason that you think you're good but really aren't. You whine and complain (which sure everyone does) about players who are just as good as you are"

                                      What's the issue then? You whine aswell. Everyone does. It's a game realted thing, community aswell as people in it are toxic af, so don't pretend you're some sort of a special snowflake, please. Cut me some slack, again.

                                      And no, this guy aren't as good as me, it's clear as fuck this guy doesn't belong in my bracket.

                                      But w/e.


                                        Now I'm waiting for Havoc's fuckboys to come and brag about how delusional I am just because I don't want to bend over to mighty Havoc, lmao.

                                        Fucking hypocrite bitches

                                        ham strokers ejacula

                                          From 11,000 games I have seen 99,000 players and have a pretty good handle over gauging what is good and what isn't.

                                          No, I don't think anyone is capable of getting 5K otherwise ranking systems would be meaningless, if anyone could get anything than nothing would be of any value.

                                          It's 2016, what's winrate again?

                                          After 11,000 games and 5K+ I don't just get to say I am decent, I know I am. Not fantastic but decent enough to know that a 3K MMR downs kid calling out people for "not deserving 3k" is one of the funniest things I have read since Hillary losing the elections.


                                            See you after 5.000 games mighty Havoc. I guess I have a lot of time to prove you wrong, lol.

                                            I'll let you know when I get the 5k. Lmao. Maybe even faster. Not all of us need 10.000+ games to get to the 5k.

                                            Again, never said I'm good at this game, I'm aware there are better than me outthere aswell as worse ones.

                                            It's not about that. It's about the fact you enjoy your status way too much, while, in reallity, you aren't a special snowflake(you want to be so badly tho)

                                            "It's 2016, what's winrate again?"

                                            You started with winrate thing first, actually. I just shared a profile of a guy who's not in his bracket. He will ruin more and more games 'till he settles down to his real mmr.

                                            Which is okay I guess, but don't fucking come here and tell me he's at his real MMR when he's not.

                                            Actually, statistics will say more than me. Just wait and see what MMR he'll get a few days later.

                                            Questo commento è stato modificato

                                              The irony is so real.

                                              █‌ █

                                                To be fair, he's 34-34 in his solo ranked matches this week and might already be at his 'real' mmr.

                                                Questo commento è stato modificato
                                                ham strokers ejacula

                                                  Why do I always get that analogy? I have never understood it. Someone working their entire lives doesn't by default become a millionaire, in the same way someone playing DotA2 for ages doesn't equate to rating earned.

                                                  I am sorry that I triggered you, cause clearly who am I to question a 3K player on matters of skill.


                                                    BabyRage the thread


                                                      Double triggered guy, imba plz nerf OSfrog

                                                      Potato Marshal

                                                        You know we can see the chat log right? You were centaur, and the guy you're complaining about was jugg.



                                                          ^ROFL LMAO


                                                            ye, i cant get out this fcking 4k cuz this sub 50% winrate players everywhere. deym scrubs and acc buyers so fcking triggered.

                                                            Questo commento è stato modificato

                                                              ^Lol i giggle


                                                                Hay bro. Seems u are in a bad spot right now. Try drinking some tea before u play and rage less. I like to rage to but it really doesn't help. Clouds your judgement and all. U can get 200mmr just by being positive. Good luck


                                                                  Just focus on yourself I think. Endless blaming gets you nowhere.

                                                                  Questo commento è stato modificato
                                                                  casual gamer

                                                                    four head


                                                                      Storm first item Dagon, Feeds, 40 Min Bloodstone
                                                                      Drow also amazing

                                                                      Questo commento è stato modificato
                                                                      BSJ. LGD

                                                                        lol i usually get in low prio after flaming in all chat 3 games of doing that max


                                                                          lmao ppl just get triggered in le threads

                                                                          doc joferlyn simp

                                                                            good thread


                                                                              this thread reminds me of a typical 4k game!


                                                                                This thread reminds me of bots that ruin humans games. Ffs some of us want to enjoy the game.


                                                                                  This thread reminds me that I forgot to drink bleach this morning again.


                                                                                    This thread reminds me that ignorance is bliss.


                                                                                      Clearly a guy I mentioned initally is doing great. 3800 MMR and going down.

                                                                                      He's where he belongs, kappa

                                                                                      -200 mmr for 24 hours. What's next? Stay tuned and see.


                                                                                        ^100% he will make another smurf and fail miserably


                                                                                          It's just sad to get him in games because he's clearly not anywhere near his real mmr.


                                                                                            ^ Ka skjedde så?

                                                                                            one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                                                              do u realize that if u aren't an acc buyer/smurf urself, then acc buyers and fail smurfs benefit u?


                                                                                                ^You only notice them when they are on your team, though.


                                                                                                  I lul'ed

                                                                                                  one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                                                                    You only notice them when they are on your team, though.

                                                                                                    pretty much
                                                                                                    this applies to every type of teammate u can complain about