General Discussion

General DiscussionHow does dota calculate ingame ratings?

How does dota calculate ingame ratings? in General Discussion

    so confused at end of game ratings. whats their parameters for the score?

    Saw a game where splitpushing AM with 7k tower dmg had 2.8 pushing while lina had 3.6 with 2.4k tower dmg and void had 6.3 pushing with 6k tower dmg


      dunno but i think pushing is mostly wave clear not the actual tower dmg. but im not sure
      also maybe eary game is important, if you farm for 20 minutes on am no wonder you got low push

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        Its kinda weird. It kinda has to do with ur average i think, cuz i saw someone with his first game of kunkka with 0 on all stats. And it said this game was perfect average.


          This is a good question ! Consider you've 5 points everywhere ( support, farming , fighting, pushing ). You're an anti-mage and you're farming and pushing lanes so your points in farming and pushing will increase while your points in supporting and fighting will decrease simultaneously. Now the timer is "30:00" you've got battlefury , manta style, Vladimir and abyssal blade, you're strong enough to get kills. You will fight more than you will create space or farm so your points in fighting will increase and your points in pushing and farming will decrease. You can't have the maximum amount of points everywhere, you can get 10 in supporting and 10 in fighting simultaneously while you will have 0 in farming and pushing. You can also have ( never seen it but it's theoricaly possible ) 10 in farming and pushing simultaneously while you will have 0 in supporting and fighting.

          Besides pushing is not only about hitting building it's also creating space by pushing the lanes, even if you don't hit the tower.

          I can't tell you precisely how they calculate it but i hope that my point of view about this helped you.

          And to be honest this rating is quite pointless, there is no better thing than watching your replays.
          (English is my 3rd language, don't go mad on me please )

          Dire Wolf

            I would ignore them they don't mean anything and are relative to your team as well so you could lose with a kda of like 1 and still get higher fighting rating than opposing team with a hundred kills if you have 100% kill participation


              They need to work more on this feature for sure! :)


                I think they compare it with average for the hero you played.