General Discussion

General DiscussionMeepo player come

Meepo player come in General Discussion

    Can u guys check my my last game?I was supposed to spam Techies but got slightly tilted and first pick Meepo.Is my gameplay good?I need some advice about control group.


      I hear that u just use tab to shift between control groups, but i dont know which groups to set or which keys.


        My control group setting:

        1:Main Meepo
        2:Meepo 2 and 3
        3:Meepo 4 and 5
        4:All except main Meepo
        5:All Meepo

        Anything else i need to add?



          Just use ctrl+a key u want and ur'e set


            I honestly wouldnt recommend using the whole group control

            Just need select all units, hero, all other units, and one control unit and tab to switch

            And the one control unit, use it 4 meepo n2 for purpose of blocking ppl if necessary


              u should buy blink :D


                I didn't quite understand what u said xD


                  ^The infamous blink poof combo xD

                  How about my game?Is it good for a first timer?


                    Well , i micro meepo this way :
                    F1 : main hero
                    F2 : all other units
                    ( at level 10 you will have two clones , let the main stay at lane or roam and the two clones farm the jungle )
                    F3 : all controlled units

                    control groups :
                    C : main meepo + Scepter Clone
                    ( after level 10 and before level 17 ( at ~14min ) you will have your Scepter so you will end up with 3 clones and the original meepo , you will need to divide them to groups of 2)
                    X : First meepo clone ( lvl 3) + second meepo clone ( lvl 10 )
                    W : Scepter clone + last meepo Clone ( lvl 17 )
                    ( here , you make your main meepo do the roaming and ganking and the two groups of clones do the farm ) .

                    as for your build i think you should try the blink dagger way , it is fun to blink-poof
                    if you have counters in the enemy team buy a Sheepstick , otherwise build two e-blades ( whynot three ) after selling your dragon lance .
                    try to do roshan whenever you can ( after you get your dragon lance ), there is a trick to kill it without taking damage ( just make him go out of the pit and in his way back ( inside the pit ) spam nets on him ( 1.5sec between the nets ) and keep attacking with your clones .

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                      Dragon Lance is so OP xD.Thanks for suggestion,based on what u said i think i need to add one more ctrl group for main Meepo and the aghs one.


                        hey guys rlly don't know how to set group keys for meepo.. mind teaching me? that's the only hero i don't understand playing... sad

                        This I.D for throw only

                          f1 main meepo
                          1- all meepo
                          2- other meepo
                          3- 2/3 meepo
                          4- 4/5

                          works for me see recent :) if you have new acc you can jungle at lvl 3 by just buying treads and talon. you can probably get agha at 12 mins and start to roam and kill


                            You first-picked Meepo and your enemies picked those heroes?
                            Anyway, one thing to point out, your farm is pretty terrible, Meepo is capable of far more than having 200 last hits in 37 minutes. It's ok for a first-timer, I guess.
                            Control group settings are quite subjective, but I have each of them mapped to 1-5 and space for all.


                              Normal skill xD anything can happen

                              Whats the average stats for Meepo?I mean gpm,xpm,lasthit etc.


                                if u want good on meepro. just watch w33 how to control their meepo, how to farm. and keep training your micro skill. (if u have macro, just use it)

                                Himas Bayabas

                                  Use quick cast.

                                  My settings:
                                  1-main meepo
                                  3-other units
                                  4- all controlled units
                                  Tab- "F"

                                  Note: use control settings that u r comfortable...

                                  Hope this might help u

                                  Corona FRIES

                                    Ur item orders arent efficient i think, you should get bot first, then agha, try to hit both at 12-15mins mark, u can farm entire maps with early bot

                                    Questo commento è stato modificato
                                    Livin' Real Good

                                      F1 Meepo 2-3
                                      F2 Meepo 4-5

                                      Space Bar: Main hero, Meepo 1
                                      `~ - All units
                                      1 - All other units
                                      2 - Meepo 2
                                      3 - Meepo 3
                                      4 - Meepo 4
                                      5 - Meepo 5

                                      Tab - Cycle

                                      QWER abilities (W poof quick cast)

                                      kung pao chicken

                                        how come in every meepo thread the only thing retards say is their hotkeys.

                                        this has almost nothing to do with playing a good meepo. it's like these monkeys think they will be good at meepo by their hotkeys.


                                        Questo commento è stato modificato

                                          No bruh it's all aboot the hotkeys
                                          @op avg xpm is so high u can get lvled up 1 per minute if game is going ok and u play good
                                          Gpm also is at least 600 or so and if u rape 700 to 800 and more
                                          Lh depends on lenght of the game a 40 min game 350 is the avg good i think

                                          Srsly tho u gotta ask ywn about thid not us plebs :D


                                            you XPM and GPM should be around 900 and 1200
                                            as for item timing , you should get Boots Of Travel around 6mins , Aghs around 14mins and start flash farming .


                                              How to farm aghanim that fast lul,the fastest i can get is around 20 minute


                                                1. Stackin
                                                2. Not missing lh
                                                3. Efficient jungling (meepo jungling is ez af so)

                                                U gotta get your BoTs min 5 to 8 depending on the game
                                                Aghs min 12 to 15 (14 most common)
                                                I myself get bots avg min 7 and aghs min 17 im not efficient enough :(


                                                  I am a normal skill player but i do pretty well with meepo for my level.
                                                  You can watch my recent meepo games to know what to do even when your team is feeding hard.
                                                  Not saying that im not utterly retarded but you might get to know how to comeback when your team feeds and you are behind.


                                                    Nid to practice micro stacking ouch


                                                      stacking isn't your main problem - you appear to get aghs and dragon lance before your bots.


                                                        Actually the stackin is way ez
                                                        I dont even have more than 1 key for micro
                                                        The thing is u got 2 meepos when u stackin so select all other units will choose meep2 and just take ur main back on high ground @52 not to get confused and takin hits and stack @55 both rad and dire camps

                                                        Ps. If u play dire meepo it's better to go safelane honestly radiant meepo can double poof mid and get all the lh and when the foe is lhing ur wave u clear the stack
                                                        But u cant do that in dire mid the camp is too far and if u do lane and go for stack next wave is gonna get denied or wasted or even attack your tower


                                                          Also start with no regen for urself and a talon/boot+quellingblade
                                                          Dont get anything straight into BoTs nothing else than boot and talon and after that straight aghs (booster>ogre club>staff&blades)

                                                          Questo commento è stato modificato
                                                          Livin' Real Good

                                                            ^ Do you even play Meepo? Cause you're an unimpressive smurf account, and you have zero games played with him. Not talking shit, just interested in why you're giving advice to him. And before you say anything to me, i'm learning Meepo, so I don't claim to be good with him myself, just wondering.

                                                            Questo commento è stato modificato

                                                              I do play meepo, my micro is good and i play it 6/10 rating
                                                              He's not my strong and stayable hero that's why i dont play meepo on the smurf and im an unimpressive smurf bc im not a pro player neither a good one as much as cookie and others in the forum. i do good as a carry tho if u look at my game you'll see
                                                              Any other questions? ^^

                                                              Livin' Real Good

                                                                No, it's all good, i wasn't flaming or trying to call you out, was just wondering about that one thing. I've seen people give me tips with naga before, and they had like 2 games played with her, and they were like 0-9 both games. lol

                                                                Questo commento è stato modificato

                                                                  Ye i got that ^^
                                                                  My knowledge is good but i dont have enough time to play more than 2 matches in weekdays and 4 in weekends so i can't get better @ game faster by playin it and analyzing more of my games
                                                                  If u want add me on steam