General Discussion

General Discussiontorte de lini guides

torte de lini guides in General Discussion
pls be patient very noob ...

    Are shit yet are top rated and he also makes money out of it via patreon. Something isn't right. Volume =/= quality.

    pls be patient very noob ...

      I've made it my life goal to downvote all torte de lini guides when trying to learn different heroes


        le dogolino madness


          they're ok

          pls be patient very noob ...

            If they're just "ok" I don't think it justifies playing mendicant on patreon with it.


              still using ingame guides in 2k16 lul

              L > BLACK MAGE PARTY

                It works if you randomed a hero you've never used and need a general outlook. Although the itemization is very vanilla, doesn't account for lots of types of games (no guide can tho)


                  The reason torte de lini guides r so popular is because they appear very proffessional, and if u actually see how many descriptions he makes in the guides u will see he puts significant time into them. Also keep in mind theyre for begginers. Every skill is explained, what they do, how to use them (basics), and spell combos. Almost every item in the guide has a description to explain its purpose, how to use it etc. The point isnt abt the guide being the best skill build or itemization, if ur smart enough to figure that out then u shudnt be using a guide in the first place. Its for the begginers that dont have a fucking clue and helps a lot with just knowing every item and hero (basics) in the game. Considering the sheer amount of both of these things it helps noobs a lot to just get into the game. Once u got the basics down, i do agree to stop using the guides but they helped me out a lot when i didnt know what i was doing.

                  Totentanz to The King: M ...

                    If you don't like them, don't use them. You don't have to hate him because he is making money. You are a jealous bitch.


                      lul u wanna downvote the guy to make him miserable? What a genius yet evil plan. Im sure he'll go down slowly

                      Dr. Banana

                        How is he making money if he's begging for people to donate?

                        Potato Marshal

                          Why do you care? He makes less than $10 a day.


                            Slasher's guide is always the best. Urn and drums seemsgood


                              Slahsers way: tinker
                              Build urn for the hp then go into second urn for the mana regeneration.


                                when you have randomed a hero you don't know what guide would you recommend? as far as i can tell your choice is the in-game one without skill build from 2012 or tortedelini - pretty bad but better than nothing and he does do great descriptions - especially for combos. most of the other builds are for outdated patches anyway.

                                if you think you can do better, please publish your own guides and i'll look to use them when i need help :)

                                Potato Marshal

                                  Are all the default recommended item builds still telling people to buy wand and either a mek or drums on everybody? I swear, whenever you play against bots, half of them get a mek.


                                    torte de lini's build are cancerous for anyone above 2k


                                      im using them only because im unsure of a skill build on certain heroes and i usually add like 30 items to the suggested build

                                      pls be patient very noob ...

                                        I used a 6.88 guide for dazzle where idk how to play the hero and it made me lvl grave JUST ONCE

                                        I checked a recent guide for bloodseeker from torte de lini while trying to practice and understand how he works and he tells me to max thirst first

                                        There's many more when i get on my computer later


                                          well only reason to max blood rage first on bloodseeker is to instagib neutrals with iron talon... otherwise its thirst.


                                            @arin why would anyone above 2k be using guides? that's not who they are for is it?


                                              Wtf why wudnt u max thirst first, bs is literally always a jungle hero. U go 2-2-1-1 at 6, then max thirst then silence. And for dazzle u usually max heal, grave wud be second or even third, if its an aggro tri dazzle. I think a lot of builds r extremely variable tho.


                                                Agreed the guides r for first times and noobs. If ur above 2k ur totally right build based on game.

                                                Potato Marshal

                                                  Dazzle skill and item builds vary a lot depending on the situation. Usually 1 point in grave is enough unless you're really struggling with your lane, getting ganked a lot, or can get early kills through an ally that can dive enemy towers. There are even scenarios where maxing out poison touch first could be the best choice where you just spam it on the enemy till they get out of lane. The damage is especially good during the early laning stages since most heroes will have less physical resistance than magical resistance, and with the long duration of the spell, it's easy to underestimate its damage.

                                                  Questo commento è stato modificato
                                                  pls be patient very noob ...

                                                    actually blood rage is the perfect poor man's amplify damage and you would want to get it maxed asap @ 7. Blood rage yourself + your target = 80% more damage.


                                                      they're fine guides

                                                      not very smart guides imo, but they're pretty good for newbies


                                                        alot of top rated guides on AM suggests BF rush you know
                                                        why do you even care about guides they're made for newbies

                                                        L > BLACK MAGE PARTY

                                                          Also its helpful for being quickly in game and having some items that are actually relevant to your hero in suggested instead of valve suggested items where you probably will be searching for every item by typing


                                                            His guides are fantastic for new players. No one starts with 3k+ hours and game knowledge and so guides are used as a stepping stones for new players to get into the game. You're just being obnoxious.