General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to climb from 5.3k to at least 5.7k?

How to climb from 5.3k to at least 5.7k? in General Discussion

    I've been stuck in 5.3 for 2 months and it's miserable to have 4k teammate that doesn't understand what's going on in the game, any guidance? especially core picker.


      i've been trying not to use invoker in 5k, it's quite hard for me to handle heroes like storm spirit in lane or arc warden, so any ideas?


        destroy the enemy ancient, works like a charm


          who knows


            G I T G U D

            LISAN AL GAIB

              I thought this post was made by Cookie


                cliff farm then farm push like ember spirit, mirana and sven.

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                Luis Miguel joven

                  u cant


                    it's impossible

                    we built a wall over 5322 mmr

                    Make dota 2 great again

                    I am 322 ! I am NOT DDZ !

                      idk this games rigged mmr is rigged everythings fucking rigged

                      casual gamer

                        triplesteal with the incredible humor


                          All these blue star scrubs can't help u. You need ywn


                            You need to bribe Volvo xD


                              PMA man, I've been posted here about a month ago how to get out of 5.7 losing positivity on winning i climb 4.9 to 5.7 in 1 and half month in sea server by playing support and mid only


                                GIT GUD


                                  Triplesteals humor has been lacking lately


                                    Just pick support and kill their mid after offlaner they will rage buyback and you won, I lost from 5400 to 5000 due to fighting for carry or mid to play fuck that 4ks will always ruin your game from now on I support chill and climb back, 200 mmr lose due to tilt 200 due to 4k dogs and item sellers

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                                        Yeah exactly I learn from my mistakes


                                          i learn from your mistake

                                          and i'm not giving a 4k shitstain my role


                                            It depends on many things, but I'd say the easiest way to increase your mmr is to decrease the number of heroes you play. I could comfortably play any role and stay around low 5k but in order to get mmr I had to focus on playing a couple of heroes I know I'm good at from past winrates and are at least OK in the meta. Once you have gotten your mmr up a bit you can focus on widening your hero pool and playing more stuff at a higher level than previously. By going through these cycles of spam->higher mmr->widen heropool->lose small amount of mmr->spam etc. I have increased my mmr from about 3.9k at calibration to 6.4k and bottom of SEA leaderboards. Right now I am trying to break through 6.5k to 7k before beginning another cycle anew.


                                              ^ quite impressive. I will follow your advice. Also, join seacrekt club if u ever need a vacation from the hell of high level gameplay


                                                thanks for the advice, i appreciate it, btw im not SEA player, i'm living in USW


                                                  coz fuck peru


                                                    @cookie you been wathing some clq lately?


                                                      no, i watched like 1 clq video and i got instantly turned off

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                                                      bum farto

                                                        Cookie will overtake my MMR kreygasm.


                                                          Plot twist Cookie is clq


                                                            ^ best plot twister this world has ever fucking seen