General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to get faster fingers

How to get faster fingers in General Discussion

    Hi guys,
    Do you know of any exercises that can make my fingers move faster and target enemies etc quicker?
    Is there way to improve ny reaction time and speed?

    I'm not sure if I've worded that well. I exercise a lot and I got to thinking if there where exercises or routines I can do to make my hands more nimble.

    Necessary addition. I'm awful at Dota and just trying to get better.

    Thanks comrades


      Learn invo and meepo. If you managed to at least good at it, your response speed on another hero increased




          You need a faster mind, not fingers grasshopper.

          Focus on improving your anticipation and preparation...

          Mode adiman



              Reflex is of the mind, not body. Slow mind = 1k mmr forever.


                Fap everyday


                  play old gh games, sharktypewriter and finish the hard mode and ull easily climb to 6k++

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                    it's called muscle memory

                    aka if you want to get good at a certain muscle pattern, you keep doing over and over again


                      also to click more accurately and move your mouse more accurately and faster or whatever u can try playing "osu!"

                      Johnny Salami

                        Meth. It's great. Gets you real high.

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                          Just practice. Specific combos require different timings and key presses. Ill just use blink euls requiem of souls. U need to know both the blink and euls keys fast, then time the euls with requiem. Just practice that shit.


                            Masterbate with your fingers. Try only using 1 finger at first then increase the number of fingers gradually as time past.( if u havent cum yet) This method is certified by SingSing


                              good fucking god


                                Rub it gently


                                  meepo with no quickcast


                                    Play 1 hero again and again. For example: Alch you have a image of how strong you are in a certain amount of x item. When you are chased you will automatically cast your stun at a certain place. How long a certain time of stun need to keep the enemy stop from chasing you/killing a guy. When to spilt push when to not. This is what school boy call FEELING


                                      keep playing conciously
                                      your muscle memory will kick in and you'll do complicated shits easily without thinking once you got the hang of it (example= when you started playing you'd get confused with all the skills and items that needs to be activated, now you don't)

                                      pls be patient very noob ...

                                        Play mega man. Get good and then speed run with it.


                                          play osu

                                          Pepe Manalo



                                              I tried playing osu once. I broke all my fingers after that. RIP songs


                                                Here is how you do it, some back ground, I used to play a map on sc1 that was basically the dota 1 of sc1, it was played probably by 30-50k players at its peak. I was one fo the 5 best players at this map mod, I could 1v7 public players when 1v1 should be perfectly fair. It was called Diplo Infinity 2.8a, and I was apart of the Infinity clan.

                                                The avg player had an APM of 60, 60 actions per minute in an RTS,

                                                I had and avg APM of 180-210

                                                Pro Sc brood war players were 200 APM to 300 APM.

                                                I was 5 to 6x faster than the avg players, how? I kept moving my fingers at that speed while making mistakes till I no longer made mistakes, in other words I moved my fingers 6x faster than I was capable of playing correctly, making probably 50% error. Over probably a month I went from misclicking 50% of my actions to not missing any actions and thus improved my APM from about 80 to 200.

                                                in other words, move so fast your making errors all the time until you do not make errors.

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                                                  High apm is a curse not a gift


                                                    Use quick cast mate, i dont know how to explain but actually My mmr was 1k since i use quick cast i rise from 1k to 3k in 1 week. Jk

                                                    BSJ. LGD

                                                      Lmao fast fingers aren't required to play dotes, u just press the buttons one time per cool down and hold right click the entire game

                                                      kung pao chicken

                                                        different people have said the answer in pieces - but plenty of people are telling dumb shit don't listen to them.

                                                        1) being able to react quickly is reliant on your brain not being slow as fuck.

                                                        2) however, playing dota is really not that much about reflexes or fast fingers. Why? Because you can telegraph almost everything. For example, a chronosphere only takes 500ms to cast. Ye'olde' FV who relied on his chrono 4x as much as he does now it would be a huge teamfight change if you could cancel his chrono (silence,euls,sheep,etc) but given the average human reaction time of ~250ms (when prepared!) you only had about 250ms to locate the threat, target him with your cursor and cast the appropriate ability, and this is even assuming you were prepared for it and not reacting to seeing him timewalk in. Its not very long, and very easy to miss in a teamfight. However a good player doesn't rely on REACTION he relies on being PROACTIVE. He will already have his euls selected (or quickcast, just be mentally ready) and be prepared to cast the moment he sees void, before he even starts casting chrono (because back then, that's the only thing he will do next).

                                                        3) ywn is also right, apm doesn't really help much, dota doesn't require many key presses. If you were being perfectly efficient it wouldn't require much key presses to play dota at a high level. Most people's APM only comes from spam attacking or moving. And personally it just makes my fingers tired after a few games in a row.

                                                        4) muscle memory will improve your reaction times with certain heroes. Do not practice meepo+invoker to get faster fingers, practice whatever hero you want to play as to get faster fingers. You simply want to reduce the time it takes for you to react and hit a button. Go ahead and mash you keyboard right now, you can press your buttons quickly I'm sure of it, the issue isn't the speed of your fingers, the issue is that you need to know when to cast the correct spell at the correct time and not have to think about it. Playing meepo will only help you play meepo.

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                                                          Ppl who say u gotta have fast fingers to play meepo, u fokin played the meepo m8? It's the easiest pattern u can do and not een talkin bout quickcast on

                                                          Dr. Banana

                                                            As for invoker you can try