General Discussion

General Discussionmask of madness, rod of atos.. bad items?

mask of madness, rod of atos.. bad items? in General Discussion

    since moon shard arrives, MOM looks like a lacklustre item... and rod of atos has always been good in.............. 3 heroes (od and core silencer/skywrath)?

    example, look armlet of mordiggan: 2320 gold for, 5+4 armor, 5 hp regeneration, 30 atk speed, 25 str, 25/50 dmg and only one downside, naturally countered by the armlet users... (alche regeneration, lifestealer lifesteal, chaos knight doesnt even need to have it active after phantams is cast)...

    u think the items need to be buff? lesser price, a rework? a posible upgrade?

    Potato Marshal

      MoM is really meh, the movement speed nerf really screwed the item over, really waste of an item slot and lackluster compared to hotd and vlads. Atos is really good though, the cast range is huge and is great for any int supports that need a ton of hp for cheap, it might even be a good situational item on tanky offlane heroes that wouldn't mind the extra mana like tide or phoenix. Great value and the components aren't too expensive either.

      Dire Wolf

        Mask has higher lifesteal than anything other item except satanic, it has 50% up time on the active, really powerful for the cost. The only downside of course is the dmg amp which makes it not usable on squishy heroes like drow, sniper etc if they want to fight. If you buff it it'll just be massively op. Already really good on heroes who can negate the dmg elsewhere like medusa and ursa.

        Atos I agree, though the range on the slow is massive, it's just not that good unless your on a hero who scales massively with int like you mentioned. I think they should change one wizardy staff component to a quarterstaff, which would drop the cost to 2975, then drop the int to 20 and add 15 attack speed and 15 dmg so it comes out 5 dmg ahead on an int hero though you lose 10 int and you gain 15 attack speed. Still seems pretty good on sky, silencer and od and becomes more useful on storm and other int heroes imo.

        OR give it charges like diffusal blade and let it apply purge. That would be amazing.

        tier 3 items suck

          RoA is also really nice for breaking linkens on enemy heroes. MoM needed the movement speed nerf it was just too good you could buy it on almost any hero. Its still good on heroes that dont take much dmg especially Ursa with his ult and Medusa

          Potato Marshal

            Don't think they should change up atos, unlike most items its price, half the reason its bought is because of its stats. Giving it too many different small stat bonuses would really hurt the item too much as no hero really needs int, hp, damage, and attack speed. MoM just doesn't scale that well at all late game, hotd builds into satanic and vlads is good late game because of the armor aura and percentage based damage boost. They should just rework MoM a bit and make it build into a new late game item.

            one syllable anglo-saxon

              mom bonus dmg is hugely overrated


                RoA nerfed, i miss RoA true strike.


                  @Dire Wolf MoM doesnt give 50% lifesteal when active o.O
                  @Kejora true strike on rod was great, then OD became OP (still one of 3 heroes id mentioned) and it was nerfed to its old way...

                  idk, 120 atk speed and 25% lifesteal is ok for 1900 gold, but with SOOO many pure dmg burst it simple is so hard to handle
                  and RoA give 25 int and 350 hp, but how many heroes can buy it? only cores, the price is too high for supp.. and i dont mean the 3100 gold being too high, there a just better items..


                    their good for skymage, od the rod and the mask of madness is for speed also its a bad or good item for tiny, sniper, drow or ursa I think but its good caz of the speed, life steal and the 20% receive more damage.

                    Dire Wolf

                      I never said it has 50% lifesteal, but I could see how you might think I said that based on my comma use. I meant the active has 50% up time, it's duration is 12 seconds and the cd is 25.

                      Where do you get 120 IAS and 25% lifesteal? It's 20% lifesteal, 100 IAS.


                        @Dire Wolf LOL i got you, and LOL i was wrong about the bonuses, but 20% and 100 IAS is still high for 1900 gold.


                          actually yes

                          >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                            MoM on Abadon is insane.


                              ye its insane besides two small disadvantages
                              1) you have abaddon
                              2) you have mom


                                abaddon can carry a game, also omni.. got my point?


                                  i once see a dazz carrying a game with mjionir and desolator

                                  one syllable anglo-saxon

                                    triplesteal was raised by 2 dads confirmed

                                    Dire Wolf

                                      ummm abbadon is a pubstar dude. 55% in 5k and that's his LOWEST win rate by bracket.


                                        They should combine veil and atos into a super op late game item

                                        Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

                                          This item need buff.

                                          casual gamer

                                            ^ KAPPA

                                            casual gamer

                                              it used to be cancer free win item on any support hero, FUCk that

                                              h e heee blind through bkb and -10 armo r from retarded range

                                              solar crest + prenerf glimmer cape was functional immortality on anyone on ur team

                                              Questo commento è stato modificato

                                                I used MoM on invoker when ever I cast alacrity. then my team said " omg noob invoker MoM "

                                                Hatsune Miku

                                                  how about mask of madness spector? max dispersion with pms and hood ???


                                                    MoM is good on ursa and thats about it. honestly i wouldnt mid if it got buffed.

                                                    also im sure people will call me a retard but atos is pretty legit on underlord imo.