General Discussion

General Discussionofflane void thread

offlane void thread in General Discussion

    ive been having success lately with this hero but i cant still (ab)use this hero well because i still dont know a lot of stuff like:
    -when's the earliest point in the game where i can fight reliably? i feel like if i try to fight at lv 6 with just a treads + morbid mask, i wont be able to get any kills with it unless the guy im ganking is already half hp, what i do is that i just push out my lane as far as possible while taking their jungle as much as i can until i do get vlads + diff, idk, hero feels like he has zero damage before diffusal, am i doing things right?

    -what kinds of safelanes can i dominate really hard? last game i was a void solo vs kotl jugg lane, i tried to deal as much damage as i can to the jugg with primed bashes, but i kinda went overboard and ended up feeding. i didnt want to just sit there sapping exp so i got a talon instead and jungled, but if i do this jugg would get more farm than me eventually, is this ever alright?

    doc joferlyn simp

      thing is, offlane void should be a playmaker

      not that he can dish out huge amounts of dps in a fight but his chrono is such a good set up for other spells

      et's ult comes to mind. even if you make a less than ideal chrono, but the enemies are caught, et can always just move over and position himself accordingly to hit the ppl. if that takes too much time there is always sleep

      maybe that thing some pro team did. pick sven void and dark seer. void chrono, dark seer pull into corner of bubble, sven just hits people

      i think why void is very popular and successful despite him being best played as a playmaker that relies on other people to put some dps is that you can create an optimal situation for your team to just come in and wreck anything they want. naga would serve the same purpose, maybe even better but that hero needs farm and some micro, not so favorable in pubs

      2 cents


        yes i figure so, i guess i should go away from the "5-0 15 mins or ur impactless" mindset i got from being a timber spammer

        i might start trying to take fights with chrono whenever its up pre-diff, but i still think he's more about counter initiating before diffusal because its hard to set up a good chrono with just a time walk while still worrying if my team can deal significant damage considering my damage is unreliable


          whenever you have big ults like void, always look for kills. Whenever its down your ult is down, just farm and pressure the safelane carry.
          after 10 mins the enemy supports will always rotate to kill your mid or safelane, which is why carry a tp scroll, to counter initiate their ganks.
          Dont feel bad when their carry is free farming, as long as you get exp your doing fine.

          As for void dominating lanes, he excels if he goes against a melee carry or a weak ass trilane (heroes with no burst or chainstuns).
          And dont be afraid to use your ult for solo kills, especially if you can kill their safelane carry or mid.

          doc joferlyn simp

            i think forcing a chrono initiation on let's say, a skywrath/omni even in earlier levels is a good tr. people not yet that tanky and right clicks from about 2 or 3 people should be enough

            but yeah most of the time you rely on the enemy's bad decisions early game to get off good chronos. after all the timewalk still has a pretty long cd and the no-dmg aspect of it is too valuable


              At Level 6 obviously you just go anywhere and place a chrono with a teammate behind you to deal the damage. You are not supposed to do any significant damage. Also why would you have pt and void mask lmao. Get that headdress first, it's way more valueable. After that just continue ganking each time your chrono is up. If you feel like you can't reach the enemy use smoke or go for a blink.

              And about the second part: There is literally no lane you can dominate as void, unless you get a 1v1 against something like slark. Void is useless early on, but no-one can kill him. That's why you most of the time don't really try to do damage to the enemy carry when there is another support in lane. As soon as it's a 1v1 and the enemy carry doesn't have much sustain or trading potential, you can go for some harass. Just get your easy farm and exp in lane, since almost no lane can kill you reliably. That's all you need.


                funny enough slark shits on void at lvl 1 (like on most other mellees, tho)

                and if void cant come to lane at that point hes not gonna easily dominate

                Questo commento è stato modificato
                casual gamer

                  usually u rekt people by chronoing after theyve gone in and clumped like a bunch of REETARDS

                  just dont bubble ur friends

                  and yeah in pubs the easiest way to succeed is building enough dps that you can rightclick one guy to death in chrono and then chase everyone down after with purge and dilation

                  u can gank when you hit 6 with chrono, mid is a prime target, their safelane is really good but you have to get ur supports to come click skills on him usually

                  instead of the lifesteal component go PMS + headress and buy like 1 extra set of tangos max and you will probably be successful trading hits with the carry unless its some crazy shit

                  just only trade hits when the carry is solo or the support is doing other shit or the support is some garbage like CM punching you for 3 damage

                  casual gamer

                    i have yet to see a lane that keeps me from hitting a great lvl 6 timing and wrecking their carry 1v1, if onyl because they rarely PROPERLY contest the large camp and if they do its too fuckign late and i can just buy sentries

                    slark is an easy kill if you play the matchup right, just only trade 1/2 hits max then blink out, he will only have 1 lvl in his passive so it wont last long. if you hit 5/6 before his because of incompetent supports its an easy kill. if not he cant do shit if you try to trade farm with him because if you bash him twice he fucking dies after losing hp to pact

                    Questo commento è stato modificato
                    casual gamer

                      all of voids damage is from maxing bash at lvl 7. as is his farm speed and his ability to trade hits

                      agi treads pms headress talon TP raindrop/basi/wand makes you disgustingly tanky and you hit very hard. if you get multiple bashes outside of chrono on the safelaner in a row you can just click R and they can just let go of the mouse and watch their hero die


                        i was actually waiting for ur input jdf8

                        i think i kinda get all what ur saying now, but why headress > morbid mask? is it because headress gives stats + regen + its cheaper? i had always thought of getting lifesteal since it lets me jungle early


                          Jdf anything other than mom aghs is bad on void trust me


                            The mask early game is actually overrated u think it does much but what it actually does is it gives u a small percentage of your hit so either you have to always be hitting heroes and taking hits just to end up lower hp than you were or auto attacking creeps which pushes the lane and as for jungling, you actually are getting the same amount of heal from using mask or headdress, also headdress is constantly regening you in an offlane so in general it's better

                            And im not sure what others think but i think headdress blink vlads is actually way better than vlads blink or no blink (unless ur in a shitty bracket and if u dont dps ur team is not gonna cooperate in fights properly that's another story)
                            The early blink gives you just so much, u just gotta look @ each game and see what's required first


                              Mask of madness? Dude u forgot there are tons of pa, axe and lc spammer in our bracket.


                                lul get the joke bruh


                                  Blink is rarely necessary, since Void is an even better counterinitiator than he is an initiator. So unless you absolutely need to jump on a specific hero like Silencer, there is no reason to get Blink.
                                  I advise you to listen to JDF8 and me (soon to be 5k Void spammer) exclusively since everyone else who posted so far is just spreading garbage.


                                    Sure man chill out
                                    If you think that q animation is faat enough + the range to be compared to blink kk
                                    But i agree with u that going for ur own dps is gonna win u games trust nobody more than u trust urself except when u play pos5 then trust ur teammate at least in the start


                                      And im sure the part about headdress vs lifesteal was garbage too so yea

                                      casual gamer

                                        lifesteal costs too much

                                        ror is super cheap

                                        many times in 5k the trilane is so strong that i dont even apptoach the lane but to sap xp under tower (until supps leave), so pms talon ror/headress + tango and tp is cheap enough that i can get it early and stay high enough hp that i can tp into free xp coming to my tower

                                        in low skill its even better because they have trouble harassing properly

                                        Questo commento è stato modificato

                                          @I still don't believe it!!!
                                          Headdress vs lifesteal wasn't garbage, but you are wrong about the Blink on Void. In the end an alright opinion + garbage is still garbage.

                                          And btw, good positioning > Blink. You just lack positioning skills, that's why you praise Blink so much.

                                          Questo commento è stato modificato

                                            If you are actually playing a pos3 void blink is better cast time animation range everything but the way it's proper to play in pubs is making him another pos1 but letting the safelane carry get more farm
                                            That's ur build and i said it's good.

                                            But the fact that u just say it's garbage to get blink first as a pos3 void is sad


                                              What would i know, i just wanna play party and supp :(


                                                I didn't say that getting Blink is garbage, I just said it's highly situational and that your opinion on it being must-have is garbage. Even when I'm playing with my team I get it more often, but still rarely. Maybe 25% of the games.
                                                But Blink before Vlads is indeed trash. So there we have it again. People spreading garbage information on Dotabuff.

