General Discussion

General Discussionthere should be a surrender option in dota

there should be a surrender option in dota in General Discussion



      Never surrender in a pub


        GG END


          what if i am permanently muted? i can't even say gg end

          >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

            There is: you feed and get reported when you see 0% odds of winning.


              but my skill bracket is so shit that even if i feed the game will last teh same time as if i was to let it devolve naturally.

              at min 10 you already see: blinkless LC, farming core Disturptor, OD that cannot lasthit and is feeding mid. and you have to wait 40 minutes until enemy decides to throne you.




                  idk ive wasted good 3 hours in my last 20 games just waiting the enemy to throne me because team was gameruining and didn't even attempt to fix situation so we can comeback.

                  Johnny Salami

                    Everyone in the sub 3k bracket would concede 7 min in every game. There would have to be some restrictions like only after 30 min or two sets of rax down. Or low priority for one match if you initiate the vote and it passes. No one wants to play with someone who frequently gives up.


                      but what's teh point of trying to comeback, if your team is actually ruining the game (likely on purpose).
                      not like you can comeback 1v5 from the 5th position anyway.

                      >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                        What HartzFear said.

                        I would not give up, the enemy taking their time to end is your window of opportunity. Especially since Comeback Gold is pretty OP right now, and desperately needs a nerf.

                        Johnny Salami

                          Yes, conceding would be a nice option but you can't deny that pessimistic players would abuse it and ruin games without any limitations on it.


                            well i never actually give up in my games until its over, but my team more often than not has no idea how to comeback and just go solo farm jungle when enemy has taken all towers and score is like 35:12

                            if the team doesn't want to comeback, might as well concede.

                            agreed on the limitations though, imo it should be at least 25 mins in and considerable kill/networth lead.

                            Questo commento è stato modificato
                            Luis Miguel joven

                              hello i come from lol and where's the surrender button


                                idk ive played a LOT of smite and people dont "abuse" the surrender vote. it really just saves time when the game goes 20-3 and shit.

                                in smite the games are usually like 30-40 mins and you cant surrender until 10. i would honestly be in favor of a surrender option starting at 15 mins or smth. just make it require 4/5 votes or w/e.

                                Johnny Salami

                                  Yea, exactly, impose a limitation on it.

                                  casual gamer

                                    every mmr = "end"

                                    then defend high ground with ur dying breath


                                      It would kill dota


                                        not as much if you make it require 100% votes.

                                        but yeah it kinda kills the competitiveness and i understand why valve doesn't use surrender in competitive their games


                                          theres smth like dc and abandon button, press it


                                            I wud end my life if 4 of my teammates decided to gg out. I always go for the comeback. Here is a game to motivate u to achieve comeback.

                                            Luis Miguel joven

                                              "every mmr = "end"
                                              then defend high ground with ur dying breath"

                                              History of my laif


                                                THERE SHOULD BE A SURRENDER OPTION IN DOTA
                                                Definitely not

                                                one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                  hey op did u know there's a surrender option in life why don't u use it instead


                                                    I know surrender shit from lol. often i had to read stuff like: surrender or i feed...
                                                    Its very very Bad idea.

                                                    But there should be a Option to kick ppls from game. Like if 4 want to kick a Feeder or Troll.

                                                    Questo commento è stato modificato
                                                    kung pao chicken

                                                      keep in mind im on smurf playing with friend, but everyone gave up calling gg, etc


                                                      but moral of the story, never fucking give up. even though this is 3k monkey bracket, and they make plenty of mistakes and don't know how to end, every bracket players make mistakes, they are just smaller and harder to take advantage of (but better players are likewise better at taking advantage of small mistakes)

                                                      so dont fucking give up and i hope dota never gets a surrender option.

                                                      even when my own morale breaks and I think we lost, I still play the best I can. I might be in zombie mode, but I never fully give up.


                                                        Make Dota LoL again


                                                          i doubt very much that it would kill dota. they can even make it require all 5 votes with a 10 min cooldown or w/e

                                                          if any of you have played a decent amount of lol or smite you would know that the majority of games get played out with no surrender, and its super rare in ranked, because people will almost never just give up their mmr without a fight.

                                                          i dont see how making a fast way to end the game would make this game more toxic than the afk fountain, "end mid", courier feeding and 40 sentrys outside fountain stuff you see already.


                                                            i agree dota shuld have the option to kick a feeder/troll/ out of the game.Kick the afk farmers and let the remaining 4 have his gold feels much better than sum stupid concede button.


                                                              ^people could abuse that


                                                                Or the option of if sum1 pressed the concede button,the teammates get the choice to concede or kick the stupid lame surrendor out of the game


                                                                  how about to kick a guy,u need a approval of 7-9 ppl instead of 4?


                                                                    ^ this


                                                                      a surender option?

                                                                      no wonder why u are 3k


                                                                        @shitty, the enemy team could decline since they would be at an advantage if the opposing team has an afk/toxic/flaming arsehole


                                                                          what fyyq said. not to sound cruel.

                                                                          Questo commento è stato modificato

                                                                            It's called abandon


                                                                              @tasaina,yea,probably most of the time enemy team wont approved unless they are honourable,but its still better having the option to kick a toxic player than suffer a game wif him,and its not like when a guy deserves to be reported 9 ppl will report him unless they really care about the community


                                                                                voting is abusable af what if u r playing with 4 trolls and they vote u down


                                                                                  dats y i say 6-9 votes,enemy team as well if they are honourable enough


                                                                                    you obviously dont like dota


                                                                                      i like dota,i dont like dota toxic players

                                                                                      Use chatwhell=mute

                                                                                        Yes if all 5 player agreed base should destroy in 10 secs.

                                                                                        La Lumière

                                                                                          There is League of Legends and Dota 2. Both different games. Both different mechanics. They have a blink that has a cd of 5 minutes. And a tp that is 5 minutes. We don't need to be like League.

                                                                                          Anyway, maybe have the scenario where there are 4 trollers/memers and you want to win so badly but they cast a surrender vote and they all vote yes and you vote no. They win. You surrender. -25 mmr. And you couldn't have prevented it.


                                                                                            Just take this match as an example.


                                                                                            If there was a surrender option, do you really think the game would have had ended the same? Knowing that there is the opportunity to surrender, would make many players/cry babies stop playing the game and idle in the fountain trying to convince the team to agree to the surrender.

                                                                                            While when there isn't an option to do so, you are better off trying to play the game and have some fun and it might be worth it. (watch match)


                                                                                              if 4 trolls on your team want you to lose mmr, they dont need a surrender option to do that.

                                                                                              source: every 4k solo queue game ever.


                                                                                                Dota2 player never surrendered that why we had comeback everybody here surely must had a comeback from megacreep and had nothing left but the accient


                                                                                                  the option should be advaible at least in 5 man party games.. but no, only in practice lobbies


                                                                                                    its already avalaible rofl,u type ggwp and in 10sec the game ends.thats how almost every tournamen tournament game ends.


                                                                                                      I wouldnt want a surrender option in dota

                                                                                                      I like to hear them beg for mercy "finish fast please!!!" while i fuck them


                                                                                                        No lead is safe in Dota. The comeback gold is so overpowered. It's extremely difficult to high ground properly without throwing. So in other words, never quit.