General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat are some of the biggest problems players have that you guys find...

What are some of the biggest problems players have that you guys find in each brakcet? in General Discussion


    Megu Rum

      Game #1: 7k mmr hard carry on other team
      Game #2: 2k mmr hard carry on my team

      I hate it


        By each bracket you mean across every bracket?
        Map awareness/overextension
        Almost every game of Dota someone gets caught like a bitch


          I mean as follows
          What is the main problem with 1k players, then whats the main problem with 2k players ect

          Dr. Banana

            In my bracket people don't push.


              people fucking suck.


                the most noticeable thing at 3k below is that almost no farming happens.
                Often as not players will pick items that are just inappropriate or inefficient and don't use wards or detection properly.
                Support play is either nonexistent or really awful (like no one will understand pulls, zoning or leaving XP for their carry).
                You'll often see hard carries being inappropriately picked into the offlane, greedy jungle picks (lc jungle with 20 min dag)

                If someone picks a difficult hero like Invoker or meepo you can safely assume they will play it badly.
                As far as strategy goes, I think most games at some point reach a point of both teams clustering up and throwing themselves at each other. Basically a clown fest
                Heres proof of how terrible they are: I was the axe btw

                also 4ks like me are no different, were shit too

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                >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                  When I play Void, and people on my team troll me, and it's early in the game, and you see an Earth Spirit with 1/3 of his health left. and two of your teammates are pratically next to you and just stare at you and then say "no mana" because it totally costs mana to right-click a hero.

                  In other words; the biggest issue overall is map awareness and choices.


                    5.5k , Acc buyers


                      3.8k - 4.2k
                      NC pickers.
                      No Communication
                      Stupid Decision
                      Selfish player
                      Acc Buyers

                      on 4,7k - 5k
                      Acc Buyers
                      Meepo Spammer
                      Invo Spammer
                      Drow Ranger strats

                      Potato Marshal

                        When I was below 4k, people had more of a tendency to group up and stand around doing nothing waiting for team fights to break out. Now it's the complete opposite where people will often just stand around jungling alone, even when they have strong ganking or invisible heroes on the other team. It's very hard to get even half the team to group up and push or to smoke up. They'll often just push very far alone, or jungle in the enemy base alone thinking they can just blink away or whatever when the enemy shows up, but they never look at the enemy lineup and items and they'll often get blink stunned, or silenced before they can react and die.

                        4pos pudge/grim only

                          i actually in tbd (6 more games to calibrate) because im never into serious ranked and stuff. but based on my experience in normal games (i guess im playing in ~1k bracket), the only problem is people with shitty itemization. it is often to see a clinkz who rush mkb/bloodthorn as second item after tread, a legion who rush desolator after plain brown boot, and people who dont want to carry gem/dust or sentries (sometime i bought some for the team but im full slotted). aside from overextend and thrashtalking, i think thats all


                            lack of meme




                                In the ~1000 MMR toilet where I am, we just suck at everything. It's better to play offlane than safe because offlaners just run at you and destroy your farm if you are a carry, and it's unbearable at times. I'm really bad at getting into the jungle and splitting farm between there and the lanes (see my Mirana games). Split-pushing doesn't really happen unless someone buys BoTs at 20 minutes, and overall levels of coordination are pretty bad, especially when there is a massive language barrier/incited racial prejudice in a lot of games. I'm guilty of all of this, but so is everyone at my level.


                                  Co operation is another, getting roshan as a team is almost impossible

                                  Bill Cutting

                                    1.9k There is a list:

                                    Jungler every game
                                    No one ever ganks mid
                                    No communication
                                    Completely give up if laning stage goes slightly bad, and flame!


                                      1k carrying your retarded noob teammates

                                      9k carrying your retarded pro teammates

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