General Discussion

General DiscussionWhich hero is the best solo support

Which hero is the best solo support in General Discussion

    Especially if you have a shitty jungler in your team.


      Depends on the draft.

      This is the ultimate answer to every "Who is the best/worse Hero in.." question.

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      Fee Too Pee

        cm? ez mana aura


          u should never have a solo supp, but it happens.. i recomend u to pick the ones who doesnt need any combo hero to work (vengefull, warlock) , or the thouther ones.. (jakiro, ogre)


            rip plying support as a jungler, just go timber keepo

            i think its ogre tho, great roaming potential, u can somewhat zone with ignite, and u can solo off if need be too

            not arin

              ogre/oracle imo

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                  with oracle you basically get root/purge, disarm/100%magic resistance, nuke/heal, and a pseudo grave.
                  if you know how to use oracle, you can basically solo support the whole team and control game


                    "pseudo grave"

                    doc joferlyn simp

                      i lul'ed


                        How is it not a pseudo grave?

                        doc joferlyn simp

                          ah yes i totally forget how it is a makeshift grave


                            oracles nuke dmg falls quickly as the game goes on, and he can "grave" only one hero.. i think he is terrible for solo supp


                              Shadow demon fuckin break the enemy lines with all the shit u got

                              Dire Wolf

                                Lion, omni. Omni you just say fuck it, lose all the lanes, don't roam, but then 5 man and win every team fight as solo support.

                                Lion just versatile and doesn't need much, a blink and that's about it.

                                one syllable anglo-saxon

                                  a blink which u will never get in a reasonable time if u're solo supporting


                                    pudge rot buff, imba ganking.

                                    Dire Wolf

                                      Sure you will just don't ward first ~15 minutes of game haha


                                        The one that does ding ding ding

                                        the one who is on drugs and doesn't die

                                        the one who has an annoying ice stun and fire slow damage

                                        the one who pucks around

                                        the one who is very annoying and hooks then eats *please buy wards for that rotten thing*

                                        the one who is slow but very disgusting in lane

                                        the one who says "bah ha!"

                                        the one who nukes and has an annoying stun and nuke damage.

                                        the one who has the longest quote when he got first blood


                                          pudge maxing passive and stats


                                            Is venom good?

                                            Position 1 only

                                              Venoms hard pos 4 like ES, Pudge, SK.
                                              Sucks having to single support due to junglers or retard dual laners, I suggest you play some defensive hero like dazzle or oracle. If you have no teamfight or initiation, well that is your teams fault as a whole.

                                              Dire Wolf

                                                venomancer? I think he sucks as a solo support, he's pretty greedy. I mean some might disagree since his wards are so strong and he needs zero items to place wards, but I think you want a couple tank items on him and mobility items so he can get good novas off and probably aghs. It's why AA sucks as solo too cus he wants aghs.

                                                Johnny Rico

                                                  another carry


                                                    Usually if ur a solo support u dont want a versatile support, because its probably later into the draft where u already realize no one else will support. So i wud say pick the support that goes all in to the team draft, if ur more heavy push go jakiro, heavy ganking go ogre, need a good laning phase go warlock, need teamfight go disruptor, need to secure safelane by zoning go sky. These r examples and may not be fully correct but just pick the support that complements ur lineup


                                                      Pick a roamer Riki, bara,pudge. At least you'll have fun.


                                                        Its lich.

                                                        Reason: he has built in mana regen and decent base movement speed meaning he doesnt need to rush brown into mana boots allowing him to buy all support items before boot.
                                                        Same applies to kotl but not quite as good

                                                        Dire Wolf

                                                          If there's only 1 support I think you want them to rush mana boots

                                                          1-IceTea 🌟


                                                            Super Speed Snail

                                                              WD for solo support.

                                                              Its voodo rest helps multiple hero at once, and death ward distracting enemy so much in a clash. Making their positioning so much awkward.

                                                              Those stuff achieveable even you only buy brown boots and wards until the end. Leaving the stats from lv up.

                                                              Kinda portable mini fountain.



                                                                Belive it or not, but ck is the Most broken Support hero ever.