General Discussion

General DiscussionFix shadow blade

Fix shadow blade in General Discussion

    Drow ranger used shadow blade while an animation attack is still going foward a creep to attack it then the invisibility break then she got ganked and killed. please fix!

    dr has .26 second AS speed.

    sorry i am in game.

    Questa Discussione è stata modificata

      i agree. what is it that needs fixing exactly?




          Downi sündroom ehk trisoomia 21 (lühend DS) on inimese kõige levinum kromosoomhaigus. Seda põhjustab 95 protsendil juhtudest 21. kromosoomi trisoomia (21. kromosoomist on 3 eksemplari, normaalne on 2), ülejäänud võivad olla 21. kromosoomi translokatsiooni mõjul. Downi sündroom sai oma nime inglise arsti John Langdon-Downi järgi, kes kirjeldas seda kromosoomihaigust esmakordselt aastal 1866.


            man your posts are so retarded go out catch a bone like every normal dog or just take a shit


              According to the fifth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV), three criteria must be met for a diagnosis of intellectual disability: deficits in general mental abilities, significant limitations in one or more areas of adaptive behavior across multiple environments (as measured by an adaptive behavior rating scale, i.e. communication, self-help skills, interpersonal skills, and more), and evidence that the limitations became apparent in childhood or adolescence. In general, people with intellectual disability have an IQ below 70, but clinical discretion may be necessary for individuals who have a somewhat higher IQ but severe impairment in adaptive functioning.[9]

              It is formally diagnosed by an assessment of IQ and adaptive behavior. A third condition requiring onset in childhood is used to distinguish intellectual disability from dementia such as Alzheimer's disease or due to traumatic brain injuries.

              Intelligence quotient
              The first English-language IQ test, the Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scales, was adapted from a test battery designed for school placement by Alfred Binet in France. Lewis Terman adapted Binet's test and promoted it as a test measuring "general intelligence." Terman's test was the first widely used mental test to report scores in "intelligence quotient" form ("mental age" divided by chronological age, multiplied by 100). Current tests are scored in "deviation IQ" form, with a performance level by a test-taker two standard deviations below the median score for the test-taker's age group defined as IQ 70. Until the most recent revision of diagnostic standards, an IQ of 70 or below was a primary factor for intellectual disability diagnosis, and IQ scores were used to categorize degrees of intellectual disability.

              Since current diagnosis of intellectual disability is not based on IQ scores alone, but must also take into consideration a person's adaptive functioning, the diagnosis is not made rigidly. It encompasses intellectual scores, adaptive functioning scores from an adaptive behavior rating scale based on descriptions of known abilities provided by someone familiar with the person, and also the observations of the assessment examiner who is able to find out directly from the person what he or she can understand, communicate, and such like. IQ assessment must be based on a current test. This enables diagnosis to avoid the pitfall of the Flynn Effect, which is a consequence of changes in population IQ test performance changing IQ test norms over time.

              Distinction from other disabilities
              Clinically, intellectual disability is a subtype of cognitive deficit or disabilities affecting intellectual abilities, which is a broader concept and includes intellectual deficits that are too mild to properly qualify as intellectual disability, or too specific (as in specific learning disability), or acquired later in life through acquired brain injuries or neurodegenerative diseases like dementia. Cognitive deficits may appear at any age. Developmental disability is any disability that is due to problems with growth and development. This term encompasses many congenital medical conditions that have no mental or intellectual components, although it, too, is sometimes used as a euphemism for intellectual disability.[20]

              Limitations in more than one area
              Adaptive behavior, or adaptive functioning, refers to the skills needed to live independently (or at the minimally acceptable level for age). To assess adaptive behavior, professionals compare the functional abilities of a child to those of other children of similar age. To measure adaptive behavior, professionals use structured interviews, with which they systematically elicit information about persons' functioning in the community from people who know them well. There are many adaptive behavior scales, and accurate assessment of the quality of someone's adaptive behavior requires clinical judgment as well. Certain skills are important to adaptive behavior, such as:

              Daily living skills, such as getting dressed, using the bathroom, and feeding oneself
              Communication skills, such as understanding what is said and being able to answer
              Social skills with peers, family members, spouses, adults, and others


                Aoccridng to raeserch on Cmarbigde Uinvesrty
                u can raed tihs.


                  sorry I only have feelings for dota 2 not for the shitty cold-hearted humanity.

                  Johnny Rico

                    No it doesnt work like that i think
                    so if attack and sb before the attack hits, when the attack hits you lose your invis?? i dont think this happens, already saw rtz do that.
                    but if you uses sb while the animation hasnt ended it is your fault.


                      Turn off ur auto attack.


                        i can see this being a problem on drow as she has very big attack speed. much like you only need 1 arrow to kill a creep but her speed is so big she fires 2 regardless. so you just mis-timed the SB.