General Discussion

General DiscussionLift of the ban on the term used to describe same-gender relationships

Lift of the ban on the term used to describe same-gender relationships in General Discussion

    I've noticed that the term, usually used to depict the sexual act between two people or more people of the same gender is on the black list of the bad words.
    I see that this particular word could be misused, as a weapon against non-cis people, which is understandably a problem in our society, and yes, even on this, very civilized and progressive videogame-based forum.

    Below you can see an example, of how the usage of the banned word could've avoided an awkward social situation, which probably happened exactly the way described, and is in no way an exaggeration of an event or even a product of fantasy, god forbid.

    Also, this being a mostly text based forum, I cannot express my love for the people here without differentiating from family-love and romantic love, which is in fact oppressing me, as I like keep these two very far apart.


    .Kittyminati a.k.a. Dos Catos a.k.a. that 2k scrub a.k.a. fucking asshole why the fuck is your party mmr so low

    < blank >


      the realm's delight

        do u actually like cats

        < blank >

          Fun fact: he doesn't own a cat

          < blank >

            But I can be your dirty dog anytime shittyminati


              Cats are like women.
              Whenever they seem to pickup interest in me, they turn away and tell me that we just can't be together without any reasoning.


                but yeah i like animals in general and would love to own a lil kitty

                Questo commento è stato modificato
                Â INV MENYA LP PARTY

                  I see that this particular word could be misused, as a weapon against non-cis people,

                  T R I G G E R E D

                  doesn't cis mean that you are conform with ur gender you were assigned at birth? sexuality has nothing to do with gender




                      and no cis are normal
                      we call them retards they call us cis, but i think they're missing the point

                      Questo commento è stato modificato
                      kung pao chicken

                        lets just hack the mods and ban them their own forum.

                        make sure u get FTP access first

                        inb4 i get banned because mods lack the sense of sarcasm.

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                          LMAO the greentext

                          I am 322 ! I am NOT DDZ !

                            If I had a dollar for every gender, I'd only have 2 bucks and millions of illegal counterfeit dollar bills that only bring sadness and disappointment in the human race and are a scar on the face of earth, ruining and vandalising every-fucking-thing the human race has strived for.


                              Don't Gay ppl use that term to describe themselves? Why is it offensive?


                                Did you just assume my gender??? TRIGGERED

                                Edit: feelskittyman

                                Questo commento è stato modificato

                                  i have no idea why it's banned, that's why I want it to be usable. homosexual


                                    looks like we can use homosexual but not any abbreviation of it

                                    not arin

                                      i remember when my posts containing "h0m0 sapiens" got deleted


                                        TripleSteal KappaPride

                                        doc joferlyn simp

                                          homosapiens best sapiens