General Discussion

General Discussion@cookie

@cookie in General Discussion

    Cookie senpai can ya look at my recent 10 arc wrden games.Giff me tips whats the best item to buy situational


      Yo bro ur farm is low i havent seen ur games but comparing lh and game length seems to me like u need to watch some replays for farming patterns

      Dr. Banana

        You know there are stuff called 'guides'.


          Cookie best aw this fuckin world has ever seen
          Except alex the fool ofc


            ill check when i get home, but by definition situational means it works in some specific situation

            so give me the situation

            ex enemy has omni/something you need to dispell then you get diffusal.
            aka if that iant the situation, diffusal isnt core aka u dont need it

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              @dont feed bro in my last 10 wrden games everytime i win my gpm is 600-700 and 400-500 when lose i dont have prob in farming ny prob is my item choices


                @cookie whats the build for quas wex voker, i own quas wex voker in lane but in clash i cant get near to him and difficult to kite him


                  @cookie im not succesful with sb wrden can ya give me guide or tips and tricks ,and what other items synergizes with it


                    @cookie is mjolnier core to arc wrden or situational,should get rush or not?

                    LISAN AL GAIB

                      IMO Warden with an early orchid can gank pretty easily and deal a lot of dmg, but Warden spammer cookie can tell u best


                        Oh i almost forgot i always strugle to a farmed slark ,he always target me difficult to kite,how to deal woth it

                        Johnny Rico

                          Hi i am cookie other acc, Never buy Mjolnir on Arc, buy MoM for attack speed.
                          full wex 1 point exort until level 6


                            for vex quas invoker just orchid>bloodthorn

                            mjolnir is core

                            sb only good if you can just run into enemy jungle and kill people early as offansive item or if enemy has some hard catch and you need to survive, if not then every other case you get dlance/hurricane

                            vs slark you get sb obviously

                            hooknroll is not my anything


                              Hi this is cookie other account. I forgot to mention that mom is core whenever u don't want to get mjol


                                @op ur doing fine at farming maybe but it just seems like it could be way better i see aws that with first item mjollnir get as much farm as a meepo idk tho im not an aw player