General Discussion

General DiscussionINVOKER LUL

INVOKER LUL in General Discussion

    QW Invoker mid or EQ Invoker mid stronger?
    I'm more comfortable playing QW than EQ, well even though my ivk with lose KDA and winrate, been losing a lot lately please dont judge me :/


      Eq definitely better bro for that op sunstrike and forge spirits


        i dunno why i always feel eq kills much slower and more difficult to handle


          Because u play EQ as a farmer to get levels and ur aghs so of cuz it is slower. And if u suck and miss them sunstrikes then ur game impact is low. The only thing for dmg is ur forge and cold snap. But it's still pretty good. Try it bruh


            Exort is definitely stronger plus it scales really well. also allows you to push really early. QW tends to fall behind in the mid game as all you have are CCs. i think there's a reason why most pro often go QE.
            Also, you kill really fast with euls, ss meteor DB combo..


              I used to love playing invoker, because he was op and fun. Then I stopped after the nerf. Now I started playing him because he lanes amazingly against arc warden, flux simply doesn't work against invoker, also u can deny every single creep, slowing down arc's Midas timing by at least 2min. When there is a arc warden spammer on the other team, I pick invoker.


                There is a example of super farming QE invoker against invoker.


                  After lvl 8 you can farm 2 creep waves and a ancient camp as QE invoker of you are on radiant. The game above I got Midas, drum, travel, agh's at 20 min

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                    Wex and Exort invoker cause why not.You only need alacrity and you're good to go. Right click you're way to -25MMR




                        Dude wexort invoker someone try this build and post it here.
                        Phase, deso, aghs, bloodthorn, ac, skadi. Alacrity permanently invoked, the other is coldsnap, or invis, or forge spirits or something.


                          Yea its a pretty strong right click build but whats the point of having 11 spell ( including invoke) when youre only using one spell

                          Edit: 2 if you include invoke as a spell

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                            well if i go QE invoker i intend to die more :/ anyways thanks a lot guys keep em postingggg lmao

                            not arin

                              yeah invo is really good against arc pickers imo