General Discussion

General DiscussionLina needs a buff?

Lina needs a buff? in General Discussion

    Why is a shit tier hero? I mean, the nerf and stuff but with the global buff to caster/int heroes why lina still unplayable?

    As a support still squishy af and greedy bc need euls or lens asap. Need to land stun to be actually usefull in lane. As midlaner falls pretty hard during mid-late game and with this meta were the physical damage carryes/mid dominate cant actually secure the lane in the early game.

    does she needs a buff? a rework?


      lern to play her. She is strong but she cant carry the game. She is a early/mid game hero



        Dire Wolf

          Raindrops. All the magic heavy mids fell off heavily with raindrops item, not just lina. Qop, puck, only OD really survived and cus he scales with int steal.


            nothing to offer outside of her ult. then she is just a creep. fast attacking creep. take all that mid farm for useless items.


              lina is awesome vs heroes like legion alch spec those heroes that need to be burst insta before they get what they want or get away. in right hands shes nightmare at midd
              she can still do good decent physical dmg monkey king bar is awesome with her passive true mid carry


                idk like qop you give her sheep and bloodthorn with aghs (good timing i mean) and she likely gonna win you game pretty much just as well as most other cores would

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                  Build attack itemz ez phase sb deso etc.


                    i dont think that this physical damage build is a good thing. I'd rather go euls/lens, scepter, travel, octarine/bloodstone, vyse and blink/forcestaff. The caster build (in fact this build gives you a lot of damage) is a safest choice if going mid.

                    isnt she too squishy to take advantage of those traditional carry items?


                      Other casters are better thid patch i guess since everyone is playing invo and he does the same thing and more so he's way better


                        so, she does need a buff or a rework?


                          u are probably better going just blink aghs blodthorn vyse into skadi instead of those mentioned items

                          just pick lina when your team has extra disables for you to 100% land your stun. but if youre good enough you can land it anyway much like kunkka torrent

                          but sure i guess normal euls bloodstone is fine too but then your rightclick will suck

                          im now watching miracle lina game and he went euls and only 1 time he got a kill cause of that, otherwise its just MS and regen thats all.

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                            only the turn rate sucks, all else is great, maybe not in pro scene, but is a great hero IMO


                              -turn rate sucks

                              -animation as speed sucks


                              -fast farmer

                              -burn burn burn

                              shes balanced if shes buffed its the new cancer cancer.


                                She probably is gonna change osfrog dont want any hero to be left out


                                  I took a look at your lina games and i think i know why you have problems playing her.Like you said lina is very squishy.She has low starting armor/hp and ridiculous agi and str gain which makes squishy even at higher levels.That's why she has a long range.The only problem with her is that her skillls cast ranges are short,And most people(including you) get euls as first item on her which exposes lina even more with that 575 cast range.So you usually you do your euls combo and die while right clickig, which makes your Fiery Soul buff pretty useless.Instead get arcane boots after bottle then disassemble it into an Aether Lense,Doing this your stun will have a long cast range and you can stun enemies while they're running( without euls) and right click from a safe distance.I go for euls after Aether and use it defensively most of the times.I only use it aggressively when we have a good initiater or defensive support to save me.Hope this helps!


                                    She's fine, it's the meta that makes her bad right now

                                    Livin' Real Good

                                      Yeah, she's fine, it's the meta making her look bad.

                                      She shined in 6.84 (Storm, Lina, Leshrac, Queen, Shadow fiend were the go to mid heroes that meta)

                                      Here's a few reasons why:

                                      Rain drops didn't exist.

                                      All heroes got a starting HP buff 6.86 I think.

                                      That meta of heroes were all relatively squishy intelligence or support heroes back then, so damage output on her right clicks were never a problem, it was also usually AOE magic that decided team fights in that meta, literally a spell casting meta. Yes Gyrocopter was powerful that meta, but there's a reason Anti Mage was picked all the time, cause he basically ran that meta, it made him seem broken, just as this meta makes Lina seem weak as she tries to fight tanky ass right clicking heroes.

                                      I guess the euls nerf, and her ult damage, stun damage nerfs also play a factor too.

                                      It has nothing to do with some people are saying above, they're saying things like " low turn rate, low armor " all of that stuff didn't even matter in 6.84, so why does it matter now? It's just the meta.

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                                      Super Speed Snail

                                        Maybe we can use her as a siege hero. A pusher?

                                        Her flash farming is excelent and maybe with necronomicon and desolator can fold many tower fast.