General Discussion

General DiscussionNice esports update

Nice esports update in General Discussion

    but a few things

    -"joined team" doesnt work properly in most cases
    -"core"/"support" divisions is useless in competitive, there s just as much difference between carry and offlane, as it is between carry and support. it would make more sense to set it to the classic carry/mid/offlane/support (4/5 pos. are harder to distinguish absing on stats, and it matters less, but if there is a way, would be even better with "full support"/"item support").

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        it was a "dear mods" thread, no one was supposed to care

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          "joined team" only works for stuff that happened after august this year. There's currently a few issues related to it (we have to 'guess' the player's primary team because they can be part of up to 5? teams)

          we do show lanes for carry roles, so that should be clear? It would be kinda going against our other UX if we displayed mid/off/safelane/support in a single field (we differentiate between role and lane in other areas of the site).

          it'll be interesting to distinguish between hard support and item support as you say (like tidehunter vs dazzle), but it's a pretty hard thing to do automatically (think how you would be able to tell the difference between tidehunter and clockwerk in a solo offlane).

          thanks for the feedback!


            item support is position 4.
            tidehunter is not an item support.

            i meant differentiating pos 4 and pos 5; not utility offlane and core offlane/utilit offlane and utility support. these latter ones arent that important.

            the field "lane" is not needed there generally. if i draft an offensive tri, the carry there is still a carry, even if he doesnt go safelane. if i babysit mid as pos 4 support (io, riki, bh, es etc.), i dont need "mid" to be displayed as my primary lane in esports. this point can just be deleted, imho.

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              you're right about the roles, and it shows how difficult it is to categorize players into these roles.

              it's much easier to give players labels in professional games but the algorithm is designed to do a best fit for every game.

              If it is straight-forward to automatically detect more roles we'd do it, but that's generally the problem.

              do you think the current labels are helpful? the aim is to provide more information on esports players without being misleading. There's a precision vs accuracy trade-off - do we want to be less precise and right all the time, or more precise but potentially wrong some times? At the moment we aim for accuracy vs precision.

              we could probably improve the lanes designation by only showing it if they play at least 2/3 matches (super-majority) in a particular lane.


                yeah, its super helpful, particularly the role section.

                u might want to set higher priority to recent matches, too, cause sometimes ppl transition to another role.

                its not that important that mistakes can occur, imho. they are only possible for players with very limited match pool in esports, and such people dont have their role set at all, most likely. ppl who play a lot, tend to have enough matches for the system to clearly recognize which role they play.
                there do exist accounts with more diversified picks in esports, but i havent seen a single one above 5k, as far as I recall. if there s too much variation in the role, smthng like "Undefined" or "n/a" or w/e else can be shown up in the "role" and "lane" sections.

                kung pao chicken

                  since modhere when are you going to fix hero rankings.

                  even a SIMPLE 3 second change to "last 12 months" would fix so much.


                    since we are already here
                    currently when u open an esports match, theres a logo of the corresponding league which occupies 1/3 of the page, which is alrdy kinda heavy. on ipad, it just crashes in 50% of cases. can this logo be removed? its enough to have the league name with a hyperlink in the top, somewhere around mode/server info.

                    also this tab is not what i want/need to see when i open the series, and it doesnt look good/intuitive, too. thats more than enough info there alrdy, and this part is kinda extra.

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                      we can definitely assign some sort of 'undefined' stuff if the threshold is too low. thanks for the feedback triplesteal, I'll keep it in mind when we work on this stuff.

                      hmm, looks like we have to test the pages for iPad widths! I'm not sure what is happening with the league image, is it possible for you to screenshot that too?

                      @kung pao chicken; sorry to hear that, i'll pass on your suggestion to the person who manages rankings :)

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                        yeah, sure


                          btw took me a while to understand what 79: 28 and 79: 42 mean


                            some team tags are pretty awful...

                            I'll see if I can sort this out for ipad widths


                              what version of iOS are you running on your iPad?


                                sorry, idk what i was thinking about when making this tag


                                  should be 8.1.3, afair


                                    btw, when opening a bo1 series, i still get that poorly looking page with average (on a sample of 1 match) stats, instead of the actual match. feels uncomfortable.



                                      ergh that's your team :(

                                      iOS 8.1.3 is nearly two years old, unfortunately "flexbox" which is what we use a lot of now, is only supported in iOS 9+

                                      we probably won't fix the bug you're seeing.


                                        i didnt think it might depend on the os of the device, this way im not even expecting it to be fixed. i highly doubt the amount of ppl using dotabuff with ios 8 is any significant, so w/e.

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