General Discussion

General Discussion3 Retard carrys

3 Retard carrys in General Discussion
Johnny Rico

    My safe is retard, My mid is a retard, My Offlane is retard.



    You know when you play that awesome game, you help your team8s, you have farm, you buy 3k gold on sup items, plus urn and, and you snipe a fuing charging SB.

    But your team just sits on the jungle, cant even split push.



        Lmao so much farm on your team. Looks like a 5 core game

        Potato Marshal

          Why did they all rush bkbs? Hook goes through magic immunity, dismember goes through it, greater bash goes through it, pit of malice goes through it, berserker's call goes through it, double helix goes through it, cull goes through it. Timber is the only hero where bkb really helped.


            Well husk needs bkb against timber.

            anime is the best :3

              this subhuman huskar needs to uninstall asap 1500 games and 3.5 k

              if we talk about stack games look at my latest sub 1k lpq adventure:

              this fucking weaver rushed aghs after boots, drow and lone druid fed ns all game, just fucking dogshit players and i didn't even flame them.

              casual gamer

                nice pudge build dude, 0 armor at 40 minutes

                anime is the best :3

                  i had green boots


                    Huskar actually sucks so much against timber u feel like a big ranged creep.


                      Blademail? Aghs? WutFace


                        I rush aghs after boots on weaver

                        Potato Marshal

                          3 armor from tranquils isn't going to do much against a deso and ac.

                          anime is the best :3

                            i didn't expect team chain feeding so hard, they didn't do so bad in early stage of the game. went pipe because nyx, oh wait he didn't even bought dagon and atos for shutting down this ns. when he got abyssal i knew the game is over so w/e. might as well go heart, rape this enchantress with one ult over and over again.


                              Als Dunning-Kruger-Effekt wird eine kognitive Verzerrung bezeichnet, bei der relativ inkompetente Menschen die Tendenz haben, das eigene Können zu überschätzen und die Kompetenz anderer zu unterschätzen.[1][2] Der populärwissenschaftliche Begriff geht auf eine Publikation von David Dunning und Justin Kruger aus dem Jahr 1999 zurück. In der psychologischen Fachliteratur selbst spielt er bislang kaum eine Rolle, wohl aber in akademischen Publikationen außerhalb der Psychologie[3][4][5] sowie in Blogs und Diskussionsforen des Internets.


                                Bought pipe because of nyx??????

                                anime is the best :3

                                  i can't count how many times i got dumpstered by shitstained nyx with dagon, so hood on a str initiator is always a must have. pipe is just extension to improve teamfight capabilities.

                                  Johnny Rico

                                    casual gamer

                                      ur items are just dogshit in general but the lack of armor is particularly crippling

                                      you know whats better than pipe? bkb ayy lmao then you can actually kill nyx instead of getting stunned until their sub 2k right clickers manage to mouse over you

                                      casual gamer

                                        dont go mek after aghs hook. a late mek is usually a low impact item compared to eul/ghost/force/glimmer/lens or luxuries like EB atos veil


                                          I want 2 mans doing that K

                                          Johnny Rico

                                            i bought mek, because i tought the fucking silencer was gonna buy mek, i would buy tp boots, but them i bought those expensive ones.

                                            Lets do Science

                                              i don't get it. are you trying to lose games on that smurf? If so, why are you complaining about shit teams? If you aren't trying to lose. How are you managing 30% wr on a fresh smurf?

                                              Johnny Rico

                                                ^what smurf you cuck?

                                                anime is the best :3

                                                  yeah i considered bkb, but as good hearted person i always have to go for bullshit like pipe. also why do i need armor when i have 29 stack of flash heap and reaver on cour? they literally left me as last person to kill after wiping out my dogshit turk stack.

                                                  casual gamer

                                                    the more hp you have the more valuable armor is because it gives more physical ehp as its a percentage multiplier

                                                    anime is the best :3

                                                      this is true, but lack of armor didn't matter in this game.

                                                      however pipe was not the item. the right one, in fact, was bkb.

                                                      this is what i get, when i try to be a teamplayer and my fucking garbage lpq team just feeds and i have safelane carry drow who rushes crit and support weaver with agh against offlane ns and roaming nyx/centuar. they just fucking feed non stop. it doesn't matter that i go mid (i don't even want to go mid as pudge) and dumpster this wk 2-1. it doesn't matter i turn on this fucking nyx/centuar and kill them both. drow just goes to the lane, death after death and feeds dogshit 2k ns. gg.

                                                      casual gamer

                                                        here is what i would go: aether lens, blademail, BKB, agh or blink, then shivas or AC or lotus

                                                        im not a pudge player though xd

                                                        anime is the best :3

                                                          blade mail against nyx is suicide.

                                                          in general i really dislike blade mail as item. i get it only when i'm core and i feed or when i play lc/axe.

                                                          aether lens on pudge is extremly overrated unless you are dendi.

                                                          getting armor items is good but only when your team is at least decent.

                                                          Johnny Rico

                                                            Its better to build hp, and hp regen on pudge, the max you go for spell resistance is hood into pipe, same with armro, you can buy a shivas but it is a late game item.

                                                            tranquils/arcanes+soul ring/urn+Aether lens+blink/euls/force/hood+aghs+shivas/hearth

                                                            Questo commento è stato modificato

                                                              Building pipe for one source of burst dmg and callingyoursf a team player. Kek. Btw isn't this thread about hooks awesome ice blyat. Still lost though


                                                                Guys r u retarded? To make a hero the most tanky u need HP, and armor. The more HP u have the more ehp u gain with armor. This is why ac is core on lifestealer most games and why am buys heart. Life needs armor cuz he already has a lot of HP and life steal. Am has magic resist and armor, so HP is most effective on him. A Pudge has a shit ton of HP, u shud only buy armor for tankiness. A heart is valid but mostly for the regen. There is no need for pipe against nyx, hood is fine but the pipe upgrade is often not necessary. Tbh u cud get away with raindrops and not buy hood OE pipe.


                                                                  And aether lens isn't underrated wtf. Pudge has such a long initiation range that the longer u make it the more imb it gets. Its his biggest strength besides early game pressure and bkb piercing disable. I go bottle, tranqs, aether, blink/force, aghs, lotus orb or Shivas. Heart for late game. Situationally purchase eblade, blademail, euls. Glimmer, pipe, octarine, bkb.

                                                                  anime is the best :3

                                                                    unless you are getting ddosed on your hook left and right


                                                                      Lens and aghs is so gud on pudge