General Discussion

General DiscussionPing and losses

Ping and losses in General Discussion

    Is 100 ping and 30 packet loss acceptable? Just played a game and i learn to lasthit with that kind of losses at 8 min. Its quite hard to last hit.


      I play with 190 ping normally and idk about my packet loss but i manage somehow


        its ok


          A big portion of my losses are from ping


            100 ping is good but 30% loss is not playable


              Ping is the delay between you and the server and back. If you have a 100 ms ping, it will take 50 ms for your command to reach the game server, and another 50 for the server to respond to you confirming your action. 100 ms is one tenth of a second and is easily playable, although you may notice a slight delay if you're used to better.

              Packet loss is far worse. As the name suggests it counts the percentage of data that you send that never reaches the server. This seriously impacts gameplay. It doesn't matter how good you are at last hitting, if 30% of the time you click on a creep the order never reaches the server, then you will miss 30% of your last hits or more.
              You actually lose out on more commands then the percentage suggests. Lets assume you give a move command. The server basically needs 3 pieces of data (Probably needs more but I'm keeping this simple). It will need the type of move (regular move, attack move, etc) and it will need an X and Y coordinate so it knows where you're trying to move. With 30% loss its likely that one of those pieces of data will be lost, and if the server doesn't get the full command then it discards the information it does receive since it doesn't know what to do with it. So if youre losing one of those pieces if information each time, then your 30% loss will stop 100% of your movements. Occasionally you may get lucky and a full command will get through but that's not exactly helpful.

              I've found packet losses as low as just 2% can render a game completely unplayable. I'd suggest not playing if you have any packet loss at all and waiting for the connection to improve. Unlike higher pings, you can't adapt to packet loss or use your skill to deal with it.




                  What can i do to make the packet losses to 0. If i change my setting from best looking to fastest will it be better? Can my computer affect the packet losses. Will changing to a better router fix this? The delay is causing sometime less delay(it fucked up me lasthittimg) or delayed lh. Delay in ringing of money. Freeze the screen.

                  Questo commento è stato modificato
                  Luis Miguel joven

                    Change router call your isp


                      180 most of the times. Still win games


                        @twice.momo its for packet loss or ping


                          180 packetloss is literally playing without your mouse and keyboard. anything above 100% means nothing you send reaches the server, just like playing offline.


                            To reduce your average ping there's nothing you can realistically do except connect to a server that's closer to you.

                            To eliminate packet loss you need to find out what's causing it. If you are playing over a WiFi network the most likely cause is interference in your network. Try connecting directly to your router with a cable. The other likely cause is if either your router or your internet line is damaged. If connecting to the router with a cable doesn't make a difference, then try another router. If that also doesn't make a difference then your line is damaged and you have to call whichever company provides your line and ask them to check it and fix it. Its probably just WiFi interference though and using a cable should improve your connection.

                            Packet loss might also be due to weather. I find when its raining heavily by me I get some packet loss, so its probably water getting into the lines or something like that. It usually clears up an hour or two after the rain stops. So if this is an uncommon problem for you it might just have been the weather.


                              Changing your graphics settings wont have any effect on your connection quality. If your computer's network adapter is faulty it might cause the problem but that seems unlikely to me. If the adapter was damaged its more likely you just wouldn't be able to connect to the internet at all. If your router isn't faulty, getting a different router probably wont help.

                              The delay is causing sometime less delay(it fucked up me lasthittimg) or delayed lh. Delay in ringing of money. Freeze the screen.

                              This sounds like its caused by packet loss from what I understand.


                                i m getting triggered if i see 1% loss for 1 second, im weak af