General Discussion

General Discussion6.89 NEW ITEM SUGGESTION

6.89 NEW ITEM SUGGESTION in General Discussion
Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    Flame Whip

    Active: Break
    +200 health
    +200 mana
    +50% mana regen
    +10 armor

    Item required:
    Medallion of Courage: 1175 gold
    Point Booster: 1200 gold
    Recipe: 300
    Total cost: 2675 gold

    Abilty: Break
    Target: Enemy
    Cast Range: 900
    Enemy armor reduction: 10
    Self armor reduction: 10

    Apply a break on the targetted enemy, disabling their passive skills and reducing their armor. Last 5 seconds.

    CD: 15

    -Share cooldown with Medallion of Courage and Solar Crest.
    -Cannot be cast on allies.
    -Negate most passive abilities, including Timbersaw Reactive Armor, Riki's backstab & invisibilty, Spectre Disruption, Bristleback Bristleback (?), etc.

    Why we need item like this? For supports to disable those annoying passives without building a Silver Edge. (And to lessen those PA spammer. Atleast support can disable her critical for 5 seconds)


      hmmm, seemsgood


        most OP item till today cuz ppl hardly buy this

        anime is the best :3

          why would core player ever want such thing to happen


            Cheap item that breaks passive? Rip pa bristle back

            Potato Marshal

              This just seems way too overpowered. This just makes solar crest even more obsolete by comparison as well. Your item is already cheaper, provides better stats, the same -10 armor, and one of the strongest actives in the game with a 5 second duration on only a 15 second cooldown and no mana cost. It's cheaper than eul's yet completely counters most cores in the game.

              Questo commento è stato modificato
              Dr. Banana

                It makes me happy knowing that I will be able to pick any hero against pa. We need that sort of item guys. Not that dealing with a pa is a problem, but it just gets so boring seeing her every game.


                  Make it from a solar crest instead

                  Panty Mage

                    It's not OP. At 2675 with no stats bonus (only HP and MP), the armor is negate when used, doenst provide slow unlike other item, very expensive but very useful when used correctly.

                    It's situational, just like Rod of Atos or Solar Crest. also, and its not very effective later in the game where most carry has BKB. Support can buy this at around 25mins mark but a good carry already have a BKB that time. even a single Manta can debuff it.

                    Heroes to watch out vs this item:
                    PA: No crit and no evasion. Wohoo
                    Slark: The shadow dance healing! only for a sec though
                    Spec: Desolate + Manta = instakill
                    Ursa: No Fury swipe
                    Tidehunter: Stop that auto debuff!
                    Wraithking: without lifesteal and crit is a good idea
                    Bloodseeker: To stop his 'auto haste' function for 5 seconds
                    Nightstalker: Same with above
                    lot to mention. lol

                    Sorry if my english is bad I'm from Mars.

                    Potato Marshal

                      Silver Edge is nearly twice the cost and provides a 5 second break as well on a 24 second cooldown with a 75 mana cost and requires you to be in melee range. The only other source for break is Aghs Doom which has almost a 2 and a half minute cooldown.

                      anime is the best :3

                        break is powerful status.

                        reason for this item power lies not in supports but offlaner and mid rushing it against certian lineups.

                        also clinkz

                        >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                          It makes me happy knowing that I will be able to pick any hero against pa. We need that sort of item guys. Not that dealing with a pa is a problem, but it just gets so boring seeing her every game.

                          I think it is awesome seeing her every game, as long as the PA is not on my team, because then the game will be super ez. Just pick a nuker, and shut her down HARD.

                          PA is a trash hero.

                          Same goes for AM. Just pick a high impact pushing hero, and the game will end before 30 minutes. These are frees wins, but people always like making ez games hard.

                          one syllable anglo-saxon

                            get i got an item idea for op too

                            name: rope
                            cost: 0g
                            active: pocket suicide

                            Dr. Banana

                              And now I realize I have a 47% wr against pa.


                                Break has already been discussed around and we decided to keep it only on silver edge

                                Président® Salted Butter


                                  Jesus, make it more expensive at least, or increase the cd/decrease duration


                                    Broken...there's a reason break was created a few patches back and restricted to a couple of sources.

                                    PA/Bristle etc. hard countered by support/utility core 15mins...


                                      Look at it this way - 300 gold for the active ability! Recipe needs to be at least 1500g.


                                        i think break doesnt work on riki's invisibility btw
                                        as for timbersaw, it only prevents him from getting new armor stacks; the one he had before break remain untouched.


                                          We need an item like this but it should not be cheaper than solar crest

                                          Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

                                            Break is just like silence. Personally, I think silence and disarm is way more annoying. Break is only effective vs right enemy hero while silence and disarm works every hero.

                                            For comparison, Mekanism is a support item.

                                            At 2275 total gold cost, with a bonus stats of:
                                            +5 to all stats
                                            +5 to armor
                                            and a 900 aoe active heal of 250hp + 2 armor to all allies.

                                            It looks OP right?

                                            Well, it's just my opinion. I can be wrong. :-D

                                            Potato Marshal

                                              Disarm is worthless against nearly half the heroes in the game, and halberd costs 3750 gold with a disarm that costs 100 mana on a 30 second cooldown. Your item allows anybody to permanently disable passives for no mana for 5 seconds every 15 seconds within 20 minutes of a game.

                                              Your item essentially renders heroes like Huskar, Bristleback and Spec completely useless, especially when more than one hero on your team buys the item.