General Discussion

General Discussionfarming pattern

farming pattern in General Discussion

    Look, I am not asking for simple shits here, but for some in-depth guidance for efficient farming patterns, so please don't answer it with "ya farm... go jungle.... fast farm... win game...." edgy smurf kind of answer
    I don't have time to keep trying the 600 LH in 30 min challenge, so can anyone point me out good farming patterns for efficiency in the early to mid game, for both dire and radiant?


      I like to cut trees to improve it. But is suspect it only marginally helps. Seen some 6ks do fine without it. I think when u think of pattern it's also a lot about where is safe to farm so u don't end up at the end of a pattern thinking, o shit I shouldn't be here. Or u end up not hitting stuff because u mispredicted creep timings.

      Seeing as how I'm just a scrub the best I can offer is to try and predict lane equilibrium during the mid game and slowly make ur way towards there. For example if u r farming ur own jungle and u see top as 3 ranged creeps on the enemy side then u know its gonna push down quickly so u farm towards that lane so u don't miss the wave when it hits ur tower.


        What I'm trying to say is, don't farm towards a direction and then your wave is pushed out so u can't go there, and u have to back track but all the camps are empty. That's the general idea. There are probably better ways to conceptualise efficient patterns but you'd need someone better to explain

        Mary Poppins

          depend on the hero you are playing dude. With SF you can push the lane at x:40 and stack two camp in dire (the big one with attack and the medium with a raze). With TA same you push but you stack the ancient. With storm same, push, use your mana in one camp, go on the rune and back on the lane.

          It work with every heroes who have spells for flash farming. With tiny safe lane you pull at x:53 use soul ring, avalanche, toss, and back on the lane (build tranquil boots is worth, even if you sell them after the laning stage).

          If you play an hero who can't flash farm, build maelstorm or battlefury (on sniper, windranger for example).

          Split push if you have a good escape and if they can't catch you.

          The best way is to practice in loby.


            Although you didn't help much, thanks for trying jack

            anime is the best :3

              depends on hero.

              always have tp.


                @anime is the best
                are you doing the "lets try to calibrate ultra low" kind of thing

                anime is the best :3



                    Kek. I tried. But u know I see a lot of 1ks mess up in the way I described. That's why they farm so slow. They miss waves a lot.


                      What straight out of Dota mentions is good as well for the landing stage when t1 are still up. U get more out in a min if u know when to push. At around 30-40 so u can rotate to a camp and stack it, use ur spells, bottle up and back to lane. Rather than just sitting in lane and doing nothing.

                      What i described earlier is more for Mid game


                        for a hero like am its quite simple, see the map as some sort of circle that u constantly have to rotate to while stacking whenever possible (if its around 50-51 stack that shit) for example, ur at radiant bot, u just got fury, u can then opt to creepskip then take t1 tower, creepskip t2 if safe, take dire secretshop camp, possibly ancient, get rune, clear every single camp in ur radiant jungle, push mid for a bit until t1, get ancient, radiant secretshop camp, 1 wave at top, dire large camp, creepskip t1, small camp, get tower, etc, you get the drill, you just have to be aware when u can creepskip or not

                        pre-min 10, if u are a hero with good camp clearing ability (sven), u can try manually stacking without hotd whenever the lane's pushed and ur support is pulling

                        i feel like i missed a lot of stuff but thats all on top of my head rn, really tho, farming patterns are just mostly muscle memory + ingame situational decision making so try that 30m lh challenge

                        I am 322 ! I am NOT DDZ !

                          For carry keep pushing out and farming hard camp, if your hero hits a nice dps threshold (typically treads aq), then you have to start paying attention to how much attention your team is making to decide whether to farm hc or push t1

                          I am 322 ! I am NOT DDZ !

                            Also farming jungle shud only be a pastime, you need to pay attention to how much each lanes waves are pushing so you can tailor your farming patterns accordingly, this is extremely impt

                            casual gamer

                              in low skill games its mostly about dodging the enemy braindead 5 man deathball until your team engages in a fight, then either tping to the fight or splitting and killing a tower

                              farming quick is something idk how to explain, like what could you be doing wrong? just try to minimize time spent walking around and in the early game shove ur lane and stack camps


                                Here's a multi-step process you can do that will make you win the game more:

                                -Shove waves as deep as is safe
                                -Farm jungle when lanes are unsafe, even better if it's enemy jungle
                                -Repeat until you want to fight

                                People don't even realise half the reason 'fast farmers' like AM and Naga rack up so much cs is because they can shove lanes really deeply and safely. I had one game as Drow where we wrecked them earlygame and trapped them in base but couldn't end fast because of Tinker, I ended up with better cs than the enemy AM in a 45 minute game because I was safe shoving lanes right into his tier 3s while he could barely leave base without being scared of getting murdered.

                                Questo commento è stato modificato

                                  For antimage after i got bf and vlad
                                  I Toggle auto attack: on
                                  Tread switching then blink to a camp. Walk a little then blink to another camp and farm lanes that are safe. In late game I push lanes. If no one def i destroy buildings if they come i gtfo.


                                    All I can say is farm whenever possible. Ur rotating bottom tower to group push it, just farm a camp or 2 on the way. R u waiting for ur wave to come to resume push then farm a camp. Going back to base to heal, farm on the way. I'm still working on being efficient myself and trying to hit all the last hits and actually stack when jungling and to not fight when there is no one to kill and farm instead.


                                      Don't go vlads on am.
                                      Treads-battlefury-manta. After that build whatever you need the most.
                                      Farming patterns are useless if you don't know where to farm. travel boots probably the best item to increase your gpm after manta, battlefury. Any time you see creeps in lanes that are not being farmed you to there, then rotate to the jungle or ss camps then rotate to the next, ect. Keeping lanes pushed out also helps since their Carrys will be busy defending their towers over hunting you down