General Discussion

General DiscussionIn defense of smurfing

In defense of smurfing in General Discussion

    When i first started doto i was terrible, i mean the game does take about 6 months of constant play before you get a sense of what counters what, what synergizes with what, what items or abilities break through other abilities and the patches are constantly changing. This account calibrated at 900 when i finally got to ranked. It fell to as low as 300 and as high as 1.1 or so with steady, incremental rise.

    There will always be feeders on your team and theirs. People remember the toxic on their team and are quick to say GG team noob in all chat when the enemy AM goes 1-9 and rage quits. Given the high volume of trolls, feeders and the generally unexperienced playing at <1k the only way out is really to spam unkillable carries but even then, your team probably already has 3-4 of them to begin with.

    So i started a smurf and i have about 40 games on it. Im around 25-15 record so far and the mmr of my teammates and opponents im being matched against is around 3.5k which is always where i thought i should be. Dota is actually somewhat fun again. Been playing a lot of Mirana and people dont shit-talk and flame at the first missed arrow. You can go 4-4-25, buy a lot of wards, time a couple good shadows, set up a few arrow ganks and help win the game. So if you really want to break out of the shit tier, might as well invest the 150 games to get re-calibrated


      what you just said is just fine, If you felt that your definitely better than your mmr, make a smurf no problem, but if you keep doing it over and over again, well fuck you

      doc joferlyn simp


        Johnny Rico

          Nuke Peru

          = my team8s drag me down


            "People remember the toxic on their team and are quick to say GG team noob"

            Dont you feel this is somewhat a bold statement for somebody named "Nuke Peru"?
            I am just wondering if one of the biggest reasons you calibrated so low is caused by your own toxicity in the first place?

            That being said, I never felt the need to make a smurf account to "climb".
            I have only 1 and it is usually used when I play with my nephew because he is so low that we cannot stack and he wishes to play ranked.

            I think that if you are determined to rise, you can use your main account without any issues, some games are unwinnable, but overall, in time, you will climb if you are better and keep a positive attitude.

            The point here is you want it immediately and you are not interested in investing the time/energy/focus on your main account but chose an easier way.

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            Lets do Science

              If you can't win in 0k-1k matches consistently, what makes you think you're going to win in 2k-4k matches? You say you're in 3.5k average games on your smurf, why not show off your smurf if you're performing consistently well on it?


                Pretty sure Smurfing is easier that's why lazy ass ppl like me use smurfs.
                I know it's not cool and whatever but i don't lack the knowledge neither performance on the bracket im playing on smurf

                It's like what ywn said ppl would even just tank up creeps to death in 2k and in 3k (my main mmr) it's no different. If u really wanna git gud tho u definitely gotta keep playing on ur main i agree


                  I can't find it. I messed up on my newest and liked account i hated the kda ratio not the winrate damn.



                    i dont care about climbing. i have no pretenses that I'll ever be a pro player, start a team etc. For the time though that I've spent learning support guides, farming techniques, item builds, none of that matters at 1k.
                    I just want to play at a bracket that is more in line with my skill level. If I calibrate somewhere between 2.5-3.5 and plummet back down to 1k, then I'll know my answer but as of now I'm holding my own. I realize even 3.5k isn't good but it is a galaxy away from 1k

                    With the time required to re-cablibrate a new account, "wanting it immediately" doesn't exactly correlate with the 150+ games it takes to get a new MMR.

                    In 100 games at <1k, a game will have the following scenarios all of which could happen to the enemy team to your team's benefit as well so I'm not blind to the fact that toxic players on the other team can work in your favor-

                    10 games with random leavers because someone's internet cafe time ran out. Hard to assess the impact of this. If the enemy feeder rage-leaves or just abandons and their 4 cores have bonus gold early on, they could snowball hard, this is a good thing for them or could be bad. Same for your team

                    5 games with someone who is intentionally trolling, feeding couriers, KOTL TP'ing you to a cliff

                    25-30 games where people will fight about lane position to the point where you'll have a venge/pudge mid while your axe insists on going safelane and you're left offlane against a sniper & Omni. Good luck.

                    10 games where someone comes into hero pick chat and says "omg im so high rn"

                    10 games where you are teamed up with a party off 2 or 3 who dont care about what they are doing because it is their party MMR

                    5 games where the person types in chat 'hey guys, learning *insert hero name here* for the first time this game FYI"

                    5 games where the team has 5 farm-hungry cores

                    5 games where the team insists on having 2-3 junglers so if they have position 5-3 players, they are left solo-laning and get raped.

                    5 games where a player gets bullied in chat into playing a hero they've never played before because their teammates are trying to counterpick. "OMG pick CM, Need a tank, pick dusa" etc

                    5 games where the team has 3 or more invis heros who are constantly wiped out by detection

                    15 games where at least 3/5 of the people in your chat actually speak English, cooperate and you have a support who happily buys wards, helps zone out difficult lanes, people respect lane choices and you try, albeit at a low level to actually play the game. Even winning 10 of those 15 games, and splitting all the other games due to events largely beyond your control, you're looking at a 53-55% win rate


                      Pretty sure nuking Peru is not the solustion, build a wall.

                      doc joferlyn simp

                        if you are so smart what's holding you back


                          What part of not wanting to spam omni for 600 games is confusing?

                          doc joferlyn simp

                            the thing is,if you are actually good enough you should be massively outplaying your su b1k mmr brethren

                            youre just shit, and with an ego to mirror that shittiness

                            Luis Miguel joven

                              It's less cancerous, at my first ranked I tell my teammates I was calibrationg and they started to bullyng me like an azzholes they are, I never had this problems in normal matchnaking now in ranked I deserve 4 reports, ppl so mad


                                I agree I say na pubs r chill but ranked can get toxic. However the simple act of apologizing for mistakes, complementing people for good plays, giving the occassional good job, and being positive helps a lot. Sure ull have ur team of cancer that thinks doto is a solo game and wont cooperate or flame. But on average I think its overexagerrated. Although I've experienced every scenario u mentioned here in the shit tier, many of these happen in the same games, and at the end of the day I don't think its a majority of the time.


                                  i would d win 800 mmr game with diox guy in team


                                    I agree with this post. Started the game in Jan. this year and took me over half a year to fully understand all components. Smurf once you know you are way better than your initial MMR.


                                      -Stats are important
                                      -Conduct are important
                                      -Winning is important you get commended
                                      -Ranked MMR is imported
                                      -Doing your role as a hero in Dota 2 is important
                                      -Don't feed is important


                                        the ONLY time i would be in defense of smurfing is if you calibrated ur account way back at something awful low, and somehow youve become WAY better and your rank hasnt caught up yet.

                                        if you arent winning 80+% of games at 800 mmr then theres just no way your real skill is 3.5k sorry.

                                        idk what excuses you can come up but with thats like saying a pro player couldn't climb in 5k, its just not true.


                                          >Picking three invis heroes
                                          I won a game recently because the enemy team did that AFTER I had picked Slardar.


                                            Seems to me that calibrating a new account is faster than playing your actual one.
                                            If you are even 2.5k material, on a bracket of 800mmr you should be able to destroy everyone in your path, if you cant climb higher, it has to mean something.

                                            Granted as I said, that some games are unwinnable it's still no excuse to stay there if you play often.
                                            Ofc if you play 1 game a month it's going to last longer but you get the point.

                                            It sounds like on every game is your teams fault. Start thinking at your own mistake. I for once am maybe too critic of myself sometimes to a point where ppl cant hear me talk anymore since I say "shit i did this wrong" "damn I had to move there" etc.

                                            I rarely if ever point the mistakes of my team members.
                                            And once again, granted everyone tilts sometimes (me included) and you could end up flaming, most of the times you gotta focus on the shit you do and improve upon that.

                                            meteor hammer

                                              where do stone remnants come from


                                                I make plenty of mistakes and am the first one to admit. I watch my games to see what I did wrong and what I did right. I guess reading isn't your strong suit as I never said I'm miles better than everyone. There's good players at 1k smurfing, trying to climb, are very inconsistent or are dedicated spamers to 2-3 heros and that is all they play.

                                                Thing is though when you watch your game replays and 70% of them contain either feeders, leavers, flamers, or first-time players, its is hard to say how you might have played your lane differently when your LC is afk junge working on 7:00 treads, your mid fed tinker 3 kills in the first 5 mins and you're kind of on an island all alone.

                                                if you play ranked, where did you calibrate? Just curious if anyone has actually calibrated at <1k and managed to climb to 3-4k.