General Discussion

General DiscussionEblade on antimage

Eblade on antimage in General Discussion
not arin

    So I've been seeing all these drows buy eblade recently, like VP vs OG in summit and Wings vs NP in I don't remember. So I thought of other unobvious heroes for eblade, and I thought of antimage. On drow she gets bonus agi from ulti and when ahead can use eblade to just burst people down, plus she likes extra agi too. I thought of antimage after that as using after mana void, and he also likes agi. It also gives him another escape method. I thought if there is an escapey target like qop or storm who u wud usually buy bloodthorn against to kill u cud get eblade to break linkens, tho hurricane pike also achieves this. With the new status bars u can also see when the bloodthorn silence will end and eblade before that to amp the ending DMG. My proposed build wud be treads > battle fury > veil> dagon > eblade > refresher. After that u cud get skadi or butterfly or whatever. Thoughts?

    meteor hammer

      situationally very good

      the realm's delight

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          Thx FAM I r8 this shit post 8/8 m8


            The thing is am already has burst he doesn't need more. Slark does not. I will not gg out ur shitposting won't intimidate me, one day u will all bow down as sparks everywhere purchase eblade.

            I am 322 ! I am NOT DDZ !

              ebs actually decent on am someg ames

              kung pao chicken

                eblade is good only if you need an active to break linkens, but in that case the item is great because it gives you agility and also the ability to nuke if you don't need it for linkens.

                imagine an end game antimage vs. slark with linkens.

                now what. you either break his linkens with void and abyssal him. you probably don't do enough damage and he escapes.

                or you break his linkens with abyssal, but now unless you have prayed to the dota gods, you probably won't bash him enough to lock him down before he escapes.


                you have eblade and use that to break his linkens, then abyssal and void him before the stun ends. woaw thats a dead slark.

                Questo commento è stato modificato

                  wtf did i just read