General Discussion

General DiscussionRace to 4k what other heros should i learn for this bracket

Race to 4k what other heros should i learn for this bracket in General Discussion

    so recently i just hit 3k mmr , take into account this is my only account and i calibrated at 1400 when i started i think its pretty good . But anyways i was wondering what heres do you reckon learning for this bracket. I mainly spam ember since for me he's one of the most fun heres to play but at the same time he takes a long time to come online. Finally anyone want to race to 4k ??
    Suggestions welcome

    meteor hammer

      slark, antimage, and storm spirit

      if you are 4k material you will dumpster this bracket with these heroes

      meteor hammer

        i think picking 1-2 support heroes and getting game-winningly good at them is absolutely vital to any bracket, playing support extremely well 30-60% of the time is an easy way to have a very positive winrate


          Where can i learn how to play support , any guides replays you 'd recommend . I mainly play core because at the time lower 2k not everyone knew how to farm efectively e.g keep the lane static if possible pull at 53 etc . But now I'm 3k i guess i can try to play support. Its not that i don't want to its just i had bad experiences when i did play them.


            Take it easy. :)

            The difference between flat 3k and low 4k is massive.

            Maybe if you're already 4k you'll get to the 4k evetually, but if you just go to 3k, it will take some time to learn the game for 4k bracket.


              ah ok fair dos . I just feel like I'm on a roll recently normally my mmr has been static e.g dropping and gaining going nowhere but recently ive been going on long winning streaks

              meteor hammer

                i think the biggest thing that 3k supports lack is that they are too static in their lanes. they wont rotate in the very early game, and in the midgame they will often stand around doing 0 waiting for a fight to break out

                they also give up way too many deaths. you have to learn to play completely scared and have vision or higher position players guarding you at all times. it is almost always worth going a defensive item like force ghost glimmer to avoid dying versus a greedy midas / euls / drum / blink build (exception: heroes like ES and lion absolutely need blink sadly, in some absolutely awful games its possible a lion might have to go a defensive item first to avoid feeding however)

                way too many players picking rubick / cm and rushing blink, only to cast one stun and die immediately to slark or storm spirit because they blinked into the center of a fight


                  Yeah i noticed that too whenever i do play support i die so much . i assume its to lack of practice. How do you farm those items as a solo support though since you have to buy everything . Its rare you get two supports , normally always a 3 core game an offlaner

                  meteor hammer

                    you dont! haha

                    you have to work with basically nothing. usually i can attain my first 2000 gold item at 18-21 minutes, playing position 5 starting with 2 ob 2 sent 1 tango and courier, buying most of the wards and a couple sentry pairs

                    if you do a good job of making kills in ur lane and mid, its possible to get a really fast first item, but usually it isnt really necessary. i often go raindrop + stick and thats basically enough survivability and regen

                    the greatest gift to a support hero is not 2000 gold but BETTER POSITIONING, often i realize that no amount of money will save me from some retardedly fed storm/slark and that i just need to be out of vision until he has committed on someone else


                      do you ks as a support to get the gold or give it to the carry when playing sup . And yeah It feels so weird having no items and by that you mean hiding in fog and smoke rotations?


                        This is like teaching a kid how to speak.. sigh

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                        meteor hammer

                          idc who gets the kill. im not going to save skills to KS, but im also not going to go out of my way to give a kill to a carry unless its a sure thing, the only kill i go out of my way to give to cores is FB because its a shitton of gold

                          yeah you spend a lot of time in fog waiting for someone else to get jumped on, its important to try to get cs when you can but only if nobody else is around and its safe / its a wave pushing into ur tower and you hav ex. splinter blast

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                            benao if your not going to have a constructive comment no-one asked you to be here. Your nothing special so get off your high horse. Thanks man really appreciate the help , i think ive got the general gist of it now . Ill probs practice sup in unranked first not risking it in ranked .


                              U either get 5k or stay in the trench long enough to become benao
                              - someone on dotabuff recently that I don't remember


                                lol true true thats the goal id love to have that blue star next to your name since on this none really takes you seriously unless you have the blue star . Was stuck in the 2k trench for a while but onwards and upwards :)


                                  Same you did before in 2 and three k. BEcause like 40% of it are try hard smurfs who play like 2k but the team is holding them back on their main


                                    so do you reckon ill still be able to spam ember since he is one of my best heres. My best win rate with a hero is sven though but he's got kind of stale for me . All sven games are the same farm lane star ancients win game


                                      Yes, very.