General Discussion

General DiscussionAbout Skill bracket, need clarification please

About Skill bracket, need clarification please in General Discussion

    Ive been playing on NS since i started with my account. But there was this game when one of my teamates from a previous game (not party) invited me to his party. We then played a normal match but ended in a HS bracket. Why is this so? Because he is on a HS bracket? But why would i be playing with him in my previous games if we are not on the same bracket?

    I am totally confused.


      There s 1 new member of his party that makes it hs


        party mmr is different to solo mmr, even if its about hidden rating in normal MM. ur parties' average was above 3.2k, even tho u got lower solo.


          @Yan - there's only the 2 of us in the party.

          @TripleSteal - that makes sense. I just thought I'm already near the HS bracket but was just dreaming all the while..hahaha


            NS is 0-3.2

            HS is 3.2-3.7

            unranked also has a solo and party mmr but the exact number is hidden

            same rule follows for ranked and unranked;

            if his unranked party is 4k and yours is 3k

            that means the avg is 3.5k

            aka game is in HS


              Triplesteal and cookie will die one day from explaining this 10 times a day i know it