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General Discussionhelp on np games

help on np games in General Discussion
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    Np is great hero but he has 40% winrate. He needs lot of money and ability. How to get better on this hero?


      he has shit hp pool, thats his main issue. but every hero is playable in dota, apart from maybe techie ;)..
      when i play np i go jungle and check map for potential kills early on with tele during that time. i rush orchid into brown boots and sb. afterwarts u can decide if its a split push game or a game where u dominate. split push items are necro desolator dagger. when u can teamfight buy sheep, silver edge, orchid upgrade.


        get a time machine then go back to 2013


          Alice knows how to play np


            yeah its simple go cliff for 30 mins and then buyback --> tp in front of 700 gpm sven


              @HurrDurr holy fuck you need to teach me how to techies Keepo


                best way to play np?
                Rush Dagon, tp around The map to anybody low health running away and zap them. Glhf


                  Don't listen to hurr durr go watch bulldogs games. He is one of the best prophets in the world.


                    @twitch memes what u wanna know about techies?


                      Get midas get mjonir then you have insane farming speed. Get whatever you want and split push. Get back when they are threatening you t3 tower and have faster push than yourself.


                        NP can be played so versatile I don't think there is a best build. Midas cud be nice, but that wud be a passive NP. He can go pushing with drums and necro and deso, he needs a mobility item, force, SB, or blink, a disable like orchid or hex. There is so so much u can do with the hero, look at bulldogs games and see how he plays the hero depending on the enemy and his own lineup.