General Discussion

General DiscussionUnderlord Skill Build

Underlord Skill Build in General Discussion

    I've just had about 4 games with this hero, I'm trying to understand the skill builds.

    Here's what I've been doing
    Max E, then W then Q as I thought that having that 10%-30% physical damage reduction is pretty good. Adds more survivability to laning as well as putting pressure on the enemy when they are trying to CS (esp. when running as dual lane).

    What I've read
    Max either Q or W first then E.

    Care to explain to me, the 2k scrub?


      U max the aoe DMG so u can farm faster. Since ur disable is weak and doesnt scale well, and the DMG reduction 1st skill point already gives huge value, u max the aoe. Then u max the disable, although against morphling or other stat based right click cores there is an argument to be made for atrophy aura. The initial build depends a lot on where ur laning, and what ur doing. For fb rune fights, take pit of malice, for laning take atrophy first. Usually first 2 points go into atrophy and pit, after that take aoe shit fest and max it, then pit then atrophy. There is an argument for skipping ulti but I wud advise against it, however I wud never take the last ulti skill point as it makes starting ulti, going with BoT lvl 2 onto someone in trouble, then as soon as u arrive the channel ends and u bring him home, impossible with lvl 3 ulti as it ends too fast. Mana cost decrease is insignificant cuz underlords into gain is great.