General Discussion

General DiscussionBest way to improve skills as a core for a 3k player?

Best way to improve skills as a core for a 3k player? in General Discussion

    Hello guys, i played dota for years, and i find myself most comfortable playing cores, although i don't mind playing support. I really want to improve my core skill, and i've tried to practice my favorite heroes at ranked match (which i have had some experience on them). But it seems quite hard, since people aren't so cooperate and always pinging cores first, which make me feel not comfortable and kinda change to support. So, i just want to ask if there was any way to improve my skill as a core in this situation?

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      So do you want to improve as a core or now how to command your team in saying what role you want (core or utility) In that case just ping the map where you want to go before everyone else and mark either carry or utility hero. Thats what your supposed to do either way. Plus draft pick solves alot of those issues.

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        yeah, but even if i picked my role first, there will usually be someone who choose the same role, and everyone seems not to be very cooperate to pick heroes that can work well with the lineup, and i used to do this stuff.


          thats why i mid, you ping mid first, no matter what even if somebody else ping there, someone will be like "wtf pudge you saw that invoker already called mid".

          Solution: Play mid


            Haha, thanks for advices! I really want to improve my skill but also don't hurt my allies' feeling.

            Freya 69

              Told a person last night I was the same way and he told me that in +5k games, if you don't have a core blip on the map within the first 10 seconds of the draft that the game was already going poorly. I guess the morale is: the game needs 'mid or feed' players and the game needs people like me who will play anything to win to function as a proper draft.


                Be more disciplined
                I've seen enough idiots wasting time spinning around, not finding kills or farm
                Learn to control lane equilibrium
                Itemize better (have you bought PA diffusal just because the enemy has omni?)
                Read the map alot


                  dont miss cs, zone offlaner, pull and stack hard camp
                  never sit around doing nothing
                  many mids can and should also abuse jungle

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                    yeah, thanks for advices bruhs! BTW there aren't many chances for me to practice as a core, since everyone wanna be a core. so, anyone help?


                      Pick 5 core team. Call mid ez game

                      Freya 69

                        Best advice that can be given: go watch Purge play as a core. You'll see how its done AND get an analysis of why its done that way.



                          Bsj has a LOT of good vids about carry