General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to improve off of this game (roaming bounty)

How to improve off of this game (roaming bounty) in General Discussion

    I dont know shit about how to build roaming bounty so i just went with whatever the last guy i saw build bounty do on the dota page for bounty. We lost (shocker) but how could i have played this game any better, i tried to constantly harass opposing laner and spam ult but it just wasnt enough. And what is a better build for bounty than my shitty one XD.

    Freya 69

      I would've replaced the Drum with a Mek or Vlads (better team sustainability) or, if I felt I needed the mana pool, despite the Soul Ring, I would probably have built a utility Force Staff I guess. Urn or Medallion could have replaced the mana regen problem, along with Vlads, and maybe like a Lotus to round the night up? That's just me though, another scrub in the dark.

      Edit: Oh! And wards. Lots of them. There was a Spirit Breaker, Pudge and Blood on the same team. Definition of 'We Need Wards.'

      Hope that helps. :)

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      The Medic Guy

        yeah, your build, your role.
        what you want to be?
        roaming "carry" bounty?


          IMO arcanes > phase u need the mana, also soul ring isn't valuable cuz ur squishy, and can't get the health back like other heroes. IMO drums r for heroes who can actually use them to benefit from the attack speed, and as BH u wanna apply jinada, kill with shuriken, but otherwise stay back and give track (rhyme). BH usually goes for mek into greaves, really good here against bs to purge silence and save allies if ruptured. U want to participate in every gank on the map to get track gold to snowball a farm advantage. BH isn't abt harassment, he is abt fucking with people, by going mid and poking the enemy mid to spook him, sniping couriers, breaking tps, etc. I wudve gone starting oov, tangoes, wards/four/sentries, (u want the sentries to deward the blocked pull camp if necessary or block the enemy pull camp and eat their sentry if they try to deward it). Buy a blightstone or windlace, and go fast arcanes. Into mek, greaves, glimmer or pipe. Late game carry the hex. Force and blink r gr8 too, but force against bloodseeker with aghs seems bad, and I don't know abt blink cuz if u initiate ur likely to get chain stunned and killed. Aim to cancel dismember or shackles.


            I totally forgot abt lotus orb that was probably the best pickup after greaves. Urn is nice if u have another mek carrier (better one) on ur team, but BH really loves greaves to purge dust and silence. Ibthink after greaves it was medallion lotus solar crest. Good eye Freya.

            The Medic Guy

              that bounty build is 1k-3k bounty build

              they build phase then 80% will go dagon for bursting.

              the logic is, if you want dagon you need more mana, but why build phase which is suitable for 1hit bounty.


              and did you know : if you track heroes, and the heroes almost die, you can TOSS TO THE CREEPS NEARBY YOU AND THE HERO, the toss will "BOUNCE" to any tracked heroes.

              no need to chase the heroes just for the toss.

              bounty actually a range support nuker(with toss not dagon), track 5 heroes(at least 4, since the all shit about duration and cooldown you can keep track 5heroes for a long time), spam toss and you help a lot to your team.

              4pos pudge/grim only

                uh u can check my bounty games, and u should never do phase because you always gonna run out of mana all the time (even when i have grieve, even in the late game). go venom, and arcane after that, and for your specific game, if you know bloodseeker (or any jungler) gonna jungling, try invade their jungle and sap some exp (sometime jungler messed up and stay on very low health so try to get a kill). drum is good, mek is better than drum only if there is no other mek carrier, and i always go vlad if i have a strong hitter in the team. but the key to good bounty is always stay with your team (u survive one teamfight and u surely gonna get at least one big item). then everything is situational (lotus orb is godly for that game, even orchid is good in case your team lack of disables). hope this help


                  Tysm guys rlly helpful!


                    Lotus orb was by far the best pick up. I hate dropping greaves but rushing it may even have been OK. Thing is u died a lot and SK had an 11 min bottle lol. If he got blink both of u just run around slaughterin everyone. Also if this pa knew wtf she was doing then she shud be the Vlad's carrier and u as BH wudnt worry abt it. Don't worry tho everyone's pretty clueless including me. Ur basic game plan shudve been to basically get Vlad's deso on pa, let weaver and slark farm up, and u, pa, and SK, run around killing people who try to mess with weaver and slarks farm. Farm in between every kill until u get ur necessary items, like SB and echo on slark, then knock on the enemy towers. With Vlad's deso pa and SK to clear waves u shud be able to take em even without ur hard carries. Tell ur retard pa who still buys bf to stop plox.

                    The Medic Guy

                      not just the build, you must know your team role too.

                      there is pa slark weaver (3 carry) and SK (which is greedy support, he need dagger at least to show his potential) and here come the carry bounty

                      so its literally 5 core in your team.


                        You shouldnt have picked bh against those enemy heroes youre fckdup by them. Even what build ull still fckd, even their support has disable then a spiritbrkr comes in plus a pudge hook and dsmber. Rip bh.

                        Président® Salted Butter

                          Greaves urn(I'd sell this for a lotus orb later on) eul's force staff dagger and orchid are the items I'd go for this game so I can have mobility, save teammates, and stop the enemy team from using spells. You seriously should have camped the bloodseeker right from the start because you knew he was jungling. Don't build carry items as a support bh and expect to oneshot everyone, your team needs utility and you aren't the best damage dealer on your team, leave that to the actual cores. As a bh your goal is to win as many lanes as possible, and with a mid slark vs shadowshaman matchup, you easily could have been the biggest dick in this entire game. Also, look at the enemy's items to 1: know if they have sentries or not and 2: see how much gold their enemy mid has and based on that, calculate when the courier will come and then kill it

                          Président® Salted Butter

                            The general bounty hunter build would usually have greaves and urn. From there, you literally just choose what items you need. Need a self-purge/disable? Eul's. Need a positioning item for you and your team? Force staff. Need to remove a stun/silence from your teammates? Lotus orb. Enemy not buying detection/opponents are heavy on magic damage? Glimmer cape. Need extra magic damage/immunity to physical damage? Ethereal. Need a disable? Orchid/Hex. The list goes on and on, you just need to find what fits the situation at hand and build accordingly.