General Discussion

General DiscussionQop vs bs

Qop vs bs in General Discussion

    It used to be consistent.
    Can anyone find a way to consistently blink out of bs ult without getting damaged?
    Like 10/10 or 20/20 blinks?

    meteor hammer

      you walk inthe direction of ur blink right? or is it that you shift queue walking after the blink or something

      Riguma Borusu

        blink and start walking

        >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

          I don't remember blinks being effected at all :thinking:

          Unless you mean her Blink spell then I have no clue. I don't play much QoP since I like winning.

          Freya 69

            Damage isn't calculated after Blink for like 0.something seconds, therefore a Euls is capable of stopping the damage from ticking after using Blink. I think it can be considered like a Manta dodge millisecond timing. If that's what you're even talking about, that is.

            Questo commento è stato modificato
            4pos pudge/grim only

              just blink to the very max range of your blink then you should take no damage because bs ult doesnt deal damage to unit who travel more than some particular distance in a fixed time given.


                Rupture max range DMG caps out at just a bit past qops blink range. So theoretically if u shift queue blinking max range then walking 50 some units u won't take the DMG of the blink, but u will take DMG for the 50 some units of walking.

                >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                  Rupture max range DMG caps out at just a bit past qops blink range. So theoretically if u shift queue blinking max range then walking 50 some units u won't take the DMG of the blink, but u will take DMG for the 50 some units of walking.

                  So he is talking about QoP spell.

                  Doesn't QoP take like 2 - 4 footsteps before/after blink?

                  I suppose Rupture would damage for that, but not during the blink since the unit is considered non-existant.


                    "If the unit did not move, or moved a distance greater than 1300 between a check, no damage is applied."
                    "Max Blink Distance: 1300"

                    Aether Lens

                    Riguma Borusu

                      "I suppose Rupture would damage for that, but not during the blink since the unit is considered non-existant"

                      no, blink doesn't make you non existant, the reason you dodge is that damage is dealth in 0.25 sec instances, so 4 times per second, if you use the 0.25 seconds to blink and then walk 50 units, which is viable, you won't get damaged because there needs to be that limitation so that when you TP you don't receive damage

                      if you walk to your tower and then TP to that exact tower, if the distance between you are and where you tp is lower than 1350, you get damaged if you're ruptured

                      >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                        "I suppose Rupture would damage for that, but not during the blink since the unit is considered non-existant"
                        no, blink doesn't make you non existant, the reason you dodge is that damage is dealth in 0.25 sec instances, so 4 times per second, if you use the 0.25 seconds to blink and then walk 50 units, which is viable, you won't get damaged because there needs to be that limitation so that when you TP you don't receive damage
                        if you walk to your tower and then TP to that exact tower, if the distance between you are and where you tp is lower than 1350, you get damaged if you're ruptured

                        Oh, shit, you are right. I keep forgetting we are talking about QoP's Blink and not the item. Does the same apply to Blink Daggar or does this only apply to and QoP/AM?


                          Am and blink dagger has a range too short


                            Yea I heard somewhere that qop can blink wo taking damage. I took full dmg n died. Thx dotabuff

                            I am 322 ! I am NOT DDZ !

                              Think you start moving then blink

                              >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                                Am and blink dagger has a range too short

                                So as far as Rupture damage there is no difference? The only thing I could think of is animation time to cast the blink on QoP/AM whereas Blink Daggar has no delay to blink.


                                  So far no suggestion of a consistent way to not get dmg. Test your suggestions yourselves and when you make 10/10 blinks come back again. ULU


                                    Why dont you try it yourself??


                                      Tbh if it's so inconsistent. It's not worth it


                                        I've tried it. That's why I'm asking about it. What's the point of proposing an untested solution.

                                        Questo commento è stato modificato
                                        Freya 69

                                          Watch from minute 9:47 to 10:23

                                          Hope this answers your question :)

                                          Questo commento è stato modificato

                                            No this doesn't. I asked for a consistent way to perform that. To get 0 dmg 10/10 times in a row. Try it and then post results.

                                            Freya 69

                                              Was just tried on video. I don't know what you THINK you're asking for, but I did just prove it. Dodging rupture damage is up to the player skill level, not up to w/e bs you think you're trying to get an answer for.

                                              There are no consistencies in this game, otherwise you'd see people with a 100% win rate with 1000 games under their belt. So either go with what you have, or don't.

                                              Questo commento è stato modificato
                                              Riguma Borusu

                                                a lot of times when he ruptures you just have a tp ready anyway

                                                >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                                                  So far no suggestion of a consistent way to not get dmg. Test your suggestions yourselves and when you make 10/10 blinks come back again. ULU

                                                  What is 10/10 and 20/20 blinks? I do not understand. I just know that there is Blink Daggar, QoP's Blink, AM's Blink.


                                                    Idk why I'm talking to a 2k who can't understand basic concepts such as consistency and proof.
                                                    I asked for a consistent way to replicate that. You haven't provided me with one.

                                                    @Abraham Linkens
                                                    Sure, but you can still play a bit more aggressive and bait out ruptures on yourself instead of your teammates or just play aggressively mid when opponents have jungle bs.


                                                      @Mocha Bloke
                                                      10 out of 10 qop blinks in a row
                                                      same with 20/20

                                                      Questo commento è stato modificato
                                                      Freya 69

                                                        Yes I did. I said you're not going to get one. I provided you with a possibility. Whether you do it or not is YOUR skill level. Not mine.

                                                        Questo commento è stato modificato

                                                          "I grew a million dollars on a tree but whether you do it or not is up to your skill level, not mine"
                                                          Mental illness is radiating so heavily.


                                                            I'm confused. So is it possible or not

                                                            Freya 69

                                                              It is possible. I just proved that by posting that video. What Ebin fails to understand from this lowly 2k scrub is that DotA 2 is NOT that SIMPLE. 10/10? Are you new? Welcome to DotA 2: the game that requires actual experience and skill to be even SORTA good at. I'm the one saying disprove it. You disprove it by going 10/10 in a live game, cause I don't think you can without losing efficiency in some state.


                                                                Here's the new meta lads, buy aether lens on AM vs BS and you can blink while ruptured to your hearts content.

                                                                Freya 69

                                                                  @Ebin You know what, I think you're just being the devil's advocate here. I just showed you a way to blink and dodge 100% of Rupture damage in a single instance. It isn't that hard to click W, click a spot, then double tap Euls mid blink 10 times in a row. There's your 10/10 consistency. Enjoy your 10/10 blink-rupture dodge.

                                                                  The Medic Guy

                                                                    well, it is possible for you to do 20/20 blink in a row without taking damages

                                                                    If the unit did not move, or moved a distance greater than 1300 between a check, no damage is applied.

                                                                    just train hard everyday in lobby game, practice your timings all day and night for 24/7, you will be able to do it sooner or later.

                                                                    practice makes perfect


                                                                      I'm not asking for help to me. I'm asking someone to replicate it. How hard is that to understand. I'm claiming you can't replicate because in my test lobbies I've encountered the difficulties by literally doing the exact same thing and one time it works, the other time it doesn't. The question is whether someone can provide a way that works 100% of the time with just a blink on a hero called qop. A year ago I had no problems to do it every single time. Now I literally do the same thing and it's not consistent.

                                                                      Questo commento è stato modificato

                                                                        So it's like manta dodges, either u do it like arteezy does or like i do :D


                                                                          Manta dodge consistency lies in timing. There's no mistery. Qop blink is inconsistent though. I'm asking for someone to provide a consistent way.


                                                                            I tried to find a way, and I'm still struggling to figure out how to spawn enemy units. Every time I do -createhero bloodseeker enemy, it gives me an ally


                                                                              Oh. Guess i'm too tards then.


                                                                                Sounds like you likely won't get 0 damage, because that would require you to walk forward for between a quarter of a second and a half of a second. This is possible, but if you don't move far enough- you take massive damage. If you move too far- you take miniscule damage. Better to lean on the far side.

                                                                                But haven't tested it myself.

                                                                                The Medic Guy

                                                                                  time change, program updated, script update, coding update for a better perfection and real timing.
                                                                                  maybe back in the times when you do it, the script coding not as perfect as today, maybe at years ago the 0.25sec checking is not really 0.25, and today it is real 0.25

                                                                                  i hope you understand, if no then it is ok, everyone have their own limit in using their brain, and processing information :)

                                                                                  Freya 69

                                                                                    As far as anything related to that goes, its all about timing, just like with Manta. Maybe its 10 times harder, I don't know. I just know it is in fact 100% possible and if it can be done once, it can be done 10 times in a row. That IS what I understand. If its inconsistent for you, then it must have something to do with your timing. We're talking 0.25 reaction time here. Either that or its the direction your facing when you blink or if you rotate slightly before Eulsing yourself. These things start to matter at that 0.25 second reaction time. The best way to do this is straight forward so there is no rotation delay either before or after the blink.

                                                                                    Edit: Remember that Puck can blink dodge almost anything if he/she/w.e goes straight forward through Phase Shift, but trying to blink in any other direction causes a small rotation delay before the blink occurs, drawing it out of Phase Shift I believe.

                                                                                    Questo commento è stato modificato
                                                                                    The Medic Guy

                                                                                      try this

                                                                                      dota_create_unit npc_dota_hero_bloodseeker enemy

                                                                                      Questo commento è stato modificato

                                                                                        Please end your life at your earliest convenience. Thanks you unreasonable fuck.


                                                                                          > I just know it is in fact 100% possible and if it can be done once, it can be done 10 times in a row.

                                                                                          You're fundamentally wrong.
                                                                                          It can be either true or false depending on many factors. And if it is true – I'm asking for a specific consistent way to do it 10 times in a row.
                                                                                          And you're bringing euls into equation again. I said no euls. Are you that blind?

                                                                                          Questo commento è stato modificato
                                                                                          Riguma Borusu

                                                                                            you can also blink manta to do the same thing, it works against rupture as well since you can dodge the damage instance

                                                                                            Freya 69

                                                                                              And I'm saying that's how its done. That or Manta on a QoP. The factor in dodging like this goes hand in hand with the player dodging it. Their efficiency, their timing and their skill level. Stop trying to get a rise out of me. I have made it clear it can be done and I even posted a video proving it. So stop it.


                                                                                                You're braindead and you're completely missing the point. I'm done talking to you, go be a moron somewhere else.

                                                                                                The Medic Guy

                                                                                                  @freya69 he just want to dodge the damage with just 1 blink from QOP, no items or other shit

                                                                                                  just keep training in lobby games for 24/7
                                                                                                  practice makes perfect


                                                                                                    I'm actually legit thinking of writing a script to ban people on dotabuff personally. If you hate shitters like this moron just click a button and you'll never see their posts again. What a great feature.

                                                                                                    Now to the poster above. I said. And I will repeat it again. I am not asking your advice "practice more". I'm asking for a consistent way that can be replicated 10 times out of 10 and work every single time. Which means if there is a consistent way – there will be a reason why it's consistent and why other ways fail. If you think you have a consistent way – lie it down and do it yourself or shut up, because it's just the same as listening to sports advice from people who sit on their couches and comment on the games through TV.

                                                                                                    Questo commento è stato modificato

                                                                                                      it has been said

                                                                                                      aether lens puts QOP blin krange at 1500, and if you move over 1300 range you take no damage.

                                                                                                      build aether lens and dodge him. its a good item on her anyway so why not.


                                                                                                        Man, why are 2ks infesting this thread.