General Discussion

General DiscussionROADWAY TO THE NEXT LEVEL : 4000-5000mmr Players Analysis

ROADWAY TO THE NEXT LEVEL : 4000-5000mmr Players Analysis in General Discussion

    Good day buddies!!! I do have actually a question to you guys but i have to write my introduction first.

    My first calibration in solo mmr is 2500 as support most of the time. And now im in the 4k mark finally. Ive found an observation on the players in 2.5k players compare where i am now. 2.5kplus players are not reliable they were independent players, supports builds item early that they will stole carries farm, cores farm for the early game good but will continue farming till mid to endgame, jungle players never give their presence until they reach the mid to lategame, they have an analysis on heroes that they were using but not that good, example is sd's disruption used as an initiating skill but can also play as a defensive skill. And many more. These are some stuff that ive found while playing from 2.5k - 4k mmr.

    My question is, what are the skills, knowledge, analysis that 4k-5k players have which the 3k-4k players dont have. Or what should i expect on my follwing games in my current rank.? Tell your experiences thanks in advance.

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        3-4k just make less mistakes than 2-3k

        but they still make the same mistakes


          I remember when im playing in that 2.5k mmr , even i do play well as a support, my carry cant capitalize on that, and time comes that we are outcarried by the enemy. But in my current rank, its totally different. I can rely to them better if laning is good.

          I just found out that there are differences in skill level at every rank. Tell your experience guys. Thanks a lot.


            Cookie, can u give mistakes that 3-4k players often do?, thanks


              ^they live




                  ok so the mmr range at 3001-3999

                  i'd say, there's a lot of neglegance

                  they do not care about what the enemy has, nor what your team has

                  they just play their game

                  also when they play their game, it's a dumbed down version of a pro playstyle or an super outdated playstyle.

                  aka they're EXTREMELY inefficient at almost everything.

                  so what mistakes are the biggest: they neglect everything, they only play by the meta without understanding it and they're extremely inefficient


                    Another example is when i play with my 3k support mate, he knows some of the stuff of supporting but not that deep. Yes he buy wards and sents but it will be stack at his inventory until all the visions are gone or one of our player dies from ganks before he plant wards. 4k supports do understand supporting more.

                    I do think there are differences like this one in the 3kto4k vs 4kto5k, please share thanks


                      Cookie, can u also share what should i expect on my following matches in 4kto5k bracket? Or what should i learn new right now so i can climb more, thanks alot. You have great guides , i just read some of the topics about cores though im a support player. Haha i hope i could ask more from you, coz u have a good understanding at the game. I love to analyze the game itself especially in supporting. I want to excell from it

                      casual gamer

                        it feels like 4ks dont fucking care if they win or lose

                        they will not rosh unless i direct them, they will not smoke gank unless i direct them, they will afk in fountain when one lane of rax is gone, etc etc etc

                        then i get butthurt and play worse lolz


                          ^ then u lose mid to 4k flat :)) hahah

                          casual gamer

                            ya im awful tbh

                            casual gamer



                                Any more onservation guys?


                                  You can expect worst cancer in dota from that bracket I heard xD RIP

                                  BTW you can play weaver as a support now LUL

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                                    lanes are always 2-1-2, picks have no synergy, theres always a jungler, no counter picking, wards spots are basic, mexican standoff at mid
                                    I know this because, I have 3 acc's atm, this one where games are okish, a 3k acc where games are shit, and a 1k acc where games are dogshit


                                      3k-4k tends to get tilted easily on games especially when they have a huge lead already.

                                      im at 3.6k mark and I've experienced it a lot already. LOOOOL

                                      Anyways grats on reaching 4k. I might start doing support to climb this weekend. :P


                                        From what I gather from what 5ks say, it seems to start to get more strategic from 4k to 5k where an understanding of full capabilities of a draft and macro (timing-based) advantages/opportunities often results in win. When to gank, when to group, when to split push, how many heroes you need for a gank, when to rosh, when to take what towers. These sort of strategic decisions become more important when everyone has decent awareness of map and draft capabilities.

                                        Think what cookie says about 3k is pretty accurate. They know about the game at a fairly decent level already. But they are still bad at all the little details like how heroes interact in a draft and what a draft is capable of. This manifests in mindless Meta following strata with no real understanding of the game. So they are still just playing their own game on auto pilot and are highly inefficient. They won't know the subtle reasons for doing something, Hence they could be doing something that seems right but is actually wrong.

                                        Tldr 3k is hero based dota. 4-5k is team/strat based dota.

                                        1-IceTea 🌟

                                          Very wise words Jacked, it make me wonder why u are 1K, so smart

                                          Can you please analysis me?
                                          I am F rate player and can only play 1 hero and only can jungle, why am I in 4k memer ?

                                          Questo commento è stato modificato
                                          meteor hammer

                                            i mean i think theres a big difference in individual mechanical skill between 4k-5k-6k, its not solely large-scope decision making and drafts

                                            however playing your hero efficiently will win almost all 3k games, simply because as a core you will hit item timings far before the enemy and overpower them. It's a lot harder to win against an outdraft if the other team also plays as well as you

                                            Freya 69


                                                i played with jacked, he is a 5k mmr player

                                                meteor hammer

                                                  it looks like jacked doesnt play very much dota, and when he does he has a very positive winrate

                                                  this is the opposite of the typical 4Head 4k who win lose win lose 1000 games and doesnt change at all


                                                    A lot of things in dota can be measured on a continuum. I.e it's not meaningful to talk about them when describing different skill brackets. Things such as farming, efficiency, positioning, mechanics skill are continuum based skills that progressively get better as u climb.

                                                    Having said that there are key milestones that make each bracket look different from another. For example. Understanding of hero abilities get progressively better. However, at some point, different skill brackets will start to understand things like hero synergies, and draft synergies, and how they relate to objectives. These progressive traits manifest in very clear characteristics of different skill levels.

                                                    For example in 1k ppl will just go in one by one to their deaths. No clear organization for ganks, slow to take objectives. Almost no roshans, no understanding of split pushing. In 3k you start to see these dota "basics" more clearly, but still not properly executed. You see split pushing (but at the wrong time), you see roshan a lot (but at the wrong time), you see people know how to respond to more opportune fights (but team fighting is still bad). These are symptomatic of lack of understanding of draft capabilities.

                                                    And all this u can also describe as one bracket being more "efficient" than the other. But that's hardly useful from an academin POV and what OP is trying to understand here.

                                                    Questo commento è stato modificato

                                                      Guys I'm doing my phd in the complex socio-cognitive organization of dota players



                                                          I am the living manifestation of a typical 3k player. Tho i am currently 5 wins away before reaching 4k. I always watch tournaments and streams, and I know how complex the game is. I can say that i have 8/10 dota IQ. It's just that when i actually play, my team tends to instapick the heroes and roles that they want only for themselves. They don't care about the enemy draft, the early game teamfight potential, etc etc. Most of the time it ends up like this: 1 offlaner who builds carry item, 1 mid laner who will never gank and will get mad at support not ganking his lane, 1 carry ( the first pick guy ), 1 fooking jungler who ruins ranked games bcoz he takes away the resources of mid/carry player and lastly 1 support who will never have an item except for boots and wards/smoke.

                                                          I just can't apply the knowledge I'm learning in watching tournaments and streams. Even in party, my personal friends coz of their EGO. I play mid lane often, but i cant focus on getting better coz most of the time I would be the support just for the sake of getting a little chance of winning.

                                                          5 more fooking games and i will reach 4k. GRIND HARD


                                                            ^ why are u focusing on ur team so much when the enemy team are making the same mistakes that you already know how to exploit?


                                                              Rn im currently on a roll, getting favorable games. Just keeping my PMA. It's just that sometimes things get really grim.

                                                              1-IceTea 🌟

                                                                Am I the fooking player?
                                                                I jungle 29 out of 30 game even my other mate want jungle I will still pick jungle - because I only can play jungle

                                                                1-IceTea 🌟

                                                                  @ Jacked I think I understand Dota hero synergies, and draft synergies quite alright but I can only play 1 hero.

                                                                  for example I can't play OD and SK at all but I know what they should build and how the timing of their skill in all different match.
                                                                  Is it alright for me?
                                                                  Do you think I can Climb more memer?


                                                                    You spammed ursa hard. Nice way to climb mmr. I still prefer versatility than any other else, in my opinion

                                                                    1-IceTea 🌟

                                                                      B-but Riva, no matter what hero u choose my Ursa can kill u in 1sec

                                                                      Freya 69

                                                                        Team work is the way to go. Position 4 in all things, including but not limited to, warding, roaming, dying for silly team member, giving emotional support when you go 1-15 and 'Don't give up!'s.


                                                                          @riva i dont think there is wrong playing support with only boots wards sents smoke, as long as u play your role in the game, there are many cases to consider though, but it happens. As long as u dont feed, u utilize your skill more, u give vision for ur team, u give ur carry a safe farm. Etc

                                                                          I have game which i play the 5th position sd and my only item from 1-40 min is boots, the other items are wards sents smoke dust and tp, and weve won that game.

                                                                          I think its more reasonable that u fail ur support role if u are the 4th position and u dont have items as utility for being more effective in the game. But dont try generalize ur statement.


                                                                            Biggest skill difference imo:

                                                                            2500 do 3300

                                                                            3300 to 3700

                                                                            3700 to 4200

                                                                            4200 to 5000


                                                                              @vertoxity, howthey differ from each other.

                                                                              1-IceTea 🌟

                                                                                @ Vertoxity

                                                                                I have F rate
                                                                                I only play 1 hero
                                                                                I only jungle

                                                                                Why I above 4200?
                                                                                Please answer I am so desperate.

                                                                                @Jacked please help also (refer to previous post question)

                                                                                Questo commento è stato modificato
                                                                                doc joferlyn simp

                                                                                  pretty good thread no kappa, 5/7


                                                                                    Icedtea, in matter you are questioning ur mmr? Is it because its high enough or is it becuase its low enough


                                                                                      i'm not sure if 1IceTea's mmr is high or low

                                                                                      but iceTea is defiantly high as fuck


                                                                                        The answer is 42


                                                                                          lmao ursa spammer

                                                                                          1-IceTea 🌟

                                                                                            @ iamantony I not sure it's high enough or low enough I still trying to get higher mmr.I think I have good understanding of Dota machanic but I can only play 1 hero. I calibrate at 3.7K is it possible to rise at least 1K with 1 hero?

                                                                                            I am so insecure everyone seems to al ways said jungler is bad, jungeler make the lost but only place I can play is jungle.

                                                                                            and no matter what enemies I facing, or what draft my team are on,I can only play 1 hero, and my teammate flamming my pick and jungle and want to report me, I so scare of LP because I not good at other hero I can hardly win SD mode, how?

                                                                                            Questo commento è stato modificato

                                                                                              ^whats wrong with spamming 1 hero, theres nothing wrong spamming 1 hero

                                                                                              1-IceTea 🌟

                                                                                                ^Because I not that good with other hero and I only can do jungler to get good performance


                                                                                                  ^ that's okay. you're puppey.

                                                                                                  Millicent of Scarlet Aeonia

                                                                                                    MM by my own experience, 4k-5k is the worst tier.
                                                                                                    I will try to expose what I've noticed.
                                                                                                    from 3.9 to 4.1 maybe 4.2 They used to get demoralized soo easy, you just have to stomp them at the early game, make rotations and try to chase down their mid laner. they also don't tp to save their mid in case he were ganked.
                                                                                                    from 4.2 to 4.4 is maybe the most cancerous part most of them play ranked by default, they don't even try to win the game, and they don't listen the advices you give either
                                                                                                    after from 4.5 to 5k they believe that they're 5k players .. Their mechanical skills are clearly better than 4k-4.5 there're a lot of lack supporting knoweldge in this part, and offlaners has no idea how to play most of the times.

                                                                                                    In 4k tier there 're a lot of differences in mechanical skills by each player. and thats the big problem, even 5.5k+ usually plays with you so.. its a disaster.


                                                                                                      1icetea, is it possible to rise 1k mmr in 1 hero? Yes,

                                                                                                      If you are good enough, you know how your hero works, you are not countered, you deeply understands your hero, you learn more tricks and ideas with your heroes, your hero is in the meta, your hero synergize well with your allies, and many more

                                                                                                      Even jungling every game? I dont think so

                                                                                                      Based on my observations and my games when someone goes to the jungle he damges lanes alot. Enemies if they were good enough , they will exploit ur teams weakness, like going aggressive lane at ur safelane, 3v2 for example in favor of the enemy, the enemys solo is farming well at their safelane, and enemies mid is good enough against ur mid,

                                                                                                      This is the worst scenario that will happen, all your lanes will be lost if the enemies are good esp when u are climbing in mmr. And u jungle.

                                                                                                      For instance after the 10min mark u farm for phaseboot vlads in exchange to the laning of your team mates is not efficient.

                                                                                                      BUT, there is a different situation to this, when you know your timings very well, you contribute to your team after you build your blink dagger for example.

                                                                                                      YOU KNOW WHAT I HATE WITH JUNGLER PLAYERS? they usually dont know how they affects the laning stage. And worst is they will continue to farm till the 20min mark without contributing to any fights. If you are not good for you.

                                                                                                      There is another situation that jungler works when your team adjust to ur pick, they pick early to mid game heroes, which can fight in 1v2 situation, i usually do this when i have a jungler carry, i pick heroes like CM, ogre, jak, those who are good at laning, i dont pick heroes which are level dependent and farm dependent cause i know there is pressure at the laning stage.

                                                                                                      Another observation and scenario based on exp, is when you pick jungler like LC and at 7min u have dagger, you communicate well to ur team and duel enemy heroes successfully, starting from the 7min mark you contributing to your team and utilizing your ulti well every cooldown, thats good. But when u sacrifice the 7min and u continue to farm thats a bad jungler.

                                                                                                      meteor hammer

                                                                                                        vlads ursa is non-good right now, game losing if you buy it before blink