Got an adrenaline rush when a big fight started if im playing support.That feeling...
How to transfer that feeling to my carry gameplay lawl
lol. what? why do u get adrenaline as a support. if you stand way back in the fucking safezone like a lil bitch. pick axe or bristleback and be a man. thats the real rush
ashrel. i have the solution for you. it's because you're not buying mask of madness on your heroes. buy it every single carry and you will get the rush
Supporting suck it is,solo me supp tango they ask?Give i didnt they threaten raport.Me carry save die blame they.Me hate supp blame they me on.
In your bracket, if you play a beautiful support, some of them will appreciate it and commend you(WARNING: DON'T DO IT IN 1k BELOW, THEY DON'T EVEN KNOW WHAT SUPPORT MEANS AND THEY EVEN SAY REALLY DEPRESSING CANCEROUS THINGS LIKE "LOOK AT YOUR KILLS AND ITEMS WTF NOOB" WHEN YOU HELPED THE TEAM 90% OF THE KILLS). Fine by me getting ordered around as long as it's a legit order and I can win games.
If you really have the rush to YOLO as support... Hahaha... You ever heard of... Support Morphling?
Ayyy good shit. I'm quite the master of it and surged from 2k to 3k using that. Lemme share the secret of it... *whispers closely* "Tranquil Boots & Magic Wand" Or you could just go through my lower-than-350-GPM Morphling games :P
Stopped using it in 3.5k though. Bad impact first 7 minutes in game.
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I think i have support syndrome,but i wanna play carry.