General Discussion

General Discussionmy last timber game what i could have improved and done better

my last timber game what i could have improved and done better in General Discussion
    i could buy bkb but didnt go for it as it would ruin the blad mail vs invoker and i really love to see him melt from his own meteor xD

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      Summoning alice.


        wow jacked, im hurt


          How did the rubick deal more hero dmg than the void lul


            think eblade solves half ur problems


              jacked if there's any good timber player around you know of please bring him cuz i love that hero and i want to be so good with him, he totaly destroy lanes in that shity bracket

              doc joferlyn simp

                All this magic damage output and I don't see a fucking Pipe.


                  leaf does eblade work with rubic ?? joemama void had to solo safelane vs 2 butthurts sniper and rubic so i didnt even bother with blaming him in the other hand nature kept on feeding and doing that cliff bullshit what got invoker to kill him multiple time with his team mates

                  doc joferlyn simp

                    Agree with the Timber destruction statement, it's so easy to max Reactive Armor first and hit things. They don't know how to counter it because instead of bombarding me with magical damage they just hit me thinking I'll go away. Just too good in lower brackets. lmao


                      op here,
                      thats the exact itembuild you should have went on your game
                      plus i dont recommend making blademail

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                        haffy we had no support all the dust and wards was placed and bough by me didnt want to go pipe or bkb so i can work more with blad mail still pudge could have bought it tho


                          renshin i usualy dont buy it but that sniper had to be dealt with as he always behind and u know what sniper behind his team do.... also i though it would work good vs pa crit

                          EDIT: it may sound noobish or call it what ever u want but does aghs worth it with timber i mean wont octa or sheep stick be better ? also timber mana is problem make him so mana thirst with the aghs

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                            I heard triplesteal is a good timber player. But he"ll probably just tell u you're bad. Kek

                            Questo commento è stato modificato

                              jacked bad or good doesnt matter as long he give me advice or two along with tips about the hero


                                Renshin just ended this discussion tbh

                                nothing else needs to be said, unless a blue star timberspammer chimes in

                                doc joferlyn simp

                                  Even a Hood of Defiance? No?

                                  Stop making excuses for your dogshittiness. See through the Dunning-Kruger and improve.


                                    LOL haffy i didnt make any excuse as i said bkb would be easy pick up instead of link but i didnt go for it cuz of bladmail but still it was mistake xD

                                    doc joferlyn simp

                                      5000 gold wasted on a Linken's Sphere. Could've been a Pipe and working towards a Shiva's Guard.

                                      doc joferlyn simp

                                        still pudge could have bought it tho

                                        I'll let the more good-natured people take it from here.


                                          u have said All this magic damage output and I don't see a fucking Pipe. so i did answer with what i got and for rest of the team pudge could get them cover with pipe as invoker made 0 problems for me and he never try to come with his spells on me at all lmao, bkb would been way much better for me tho i agree with that

                                          doc joferlyn simp

                                            I'm telling you how you could have improved and I told you to get a Pipe when faced with heavy magic damage. Not just for yourself but also for your team.


                                              ur items lost u that game

                                              first you shouldve gotten at least a hood. with lv 3 reactive armor and a fairly early hood you'll be unkillable from lv 6-11 unless u do some really dumb shit

                                              blademail is gigabad except for 1/100 games and that game isnt one of them. ur purpose as timbersaw is to be a really annoying unkillable tanky damage dealer you should be playing a bit like a storm where u zip in and out of fights while dealing huge damage. youre not a sponge who should be soaking up damage. shouldve gotten hood-bloodstone-blink. blink so that u can close the gap without committing chain. actually blink has a lot more uses but im not gonna go that in depth. if ur losing a blademail will never help u because u will NOT reflect significant damage because you'll die before u can get reactive stacks. get glimmer on losing games

                                              linkens isnt that bad on timber but if you want to do something about single target spells just get a lotus orb, the reflect is nice + it has a dispel effect (cant dispel stunned allies tho). also its only 4k gold and gives much needed base armor (u have dogshit armor without reactive stacks) and it can both be replaced or built in conjunction with shivas

                                              also i find octarine to be very overrated on timber. u already heal fast enough with bloodstone + reactive armor and ur cooldowns are really low anyway. i'd pretty much prefer to get a useful active (lotus, shiva, sheepstick, pipe) than build something that i dont really need that much because i alr have it. personally ive never had a game whre i said "sure wish i had octarine core" but there are a lot of games i regret not having hood/sheep/lotus at a proper timing


                                                haffy okey then i got ya

                                                Questo commento è stato modificato

                                                  id get linkens against AM maybe but why would i fucking pick timber against antimage

                                                  also euls can be decent but i only grt it against riki/raptor/kunkka


                                                    alice got u on all of that so link and bladmail was mostly my biggest mistake that game but want to know is aghs viable as blind pick ?


                                                      euls is the best, dont listen to alice, kappa
                                                      and yes blink is also a good item, but the only reason why i did not suggest that is because you already had a void and a storm on your team to deal with that hero. Aghs is viable since when void chronos, you can deal more dmg.
                                                      And if you're having mana probs with aghs timber its because your not ending the fights before you lose all your mana, if you know how to position yourself and cast all your spells correctly, mana wont be a problem. Aghs on timber can dish out a fuck ton of dmg

                                                      Questo commento è stato modificato

                                                        man your profile is creepy af


                                                          personally ive never tried aghs that much to see its real worth

                                                          in theory it can be good to propel your snowball farther and also versus push lineups together with shiva

                                                          but in my experience ive never had a moment whre i wished i had more damage to finish off a kill. sheep usually does the job

                                                          doc joferlyn simp

                                                            We lowly sub3k players need the extra Chakram because we always miss the first one. True story, sadly.


                                                              blink after bloodstone
                                                              fuck blademail
                                                              some armor item like shiva or lotus orb
                                                              die less

                                                              Questo commento è stato modificato

                                                                how the hell can a monkey be 5k


                                                                  thats all it take to be 5k
                                                                  e: at least be a monkey, nothing less

                                                                  Questo commento è stato modificato
                                                                  doc joferlyn simp

                                                                    How they hell can a slug be 1k.

                                                                    Oh wait.


                                                                      i used to build aghs for the same exact reason haffy, check my 2015 timber games

                                                                      but like i said in that sf topic, the problem isnt the hero/items, it was me

                                                                      so i practiced landing chakrams. using chakram and intentionally leaving a tree so i can chain-death, using chakram in front of me to kill ppl who chase me, using chakram while im chained for a really quick clean kill

                                                                      but it all started with me learning how to fucking land point blank chakrams

                                                                      Potato Marshal

                                                                        Pointless linkens and blademail. So many better items like pipe, shivas, aghs, blink, hex or even a heart would've been better.


                                                                          jacked u aint first one to tell me that i wonder wtf is creepy about it


                                                                            how u think u kill pa voker and rest withthose trash items i mean just think one second go to dotabuff/items and see whole items what they do and see what is better to get in that game (starting from ironwood branch is it worth 6 branches in that game will they win u game etc. . )



                                                                              2k indog monkey

                                                                                What the fuck I'm starting to suspect this Katz guy is that spoderman dude


                                                                                  he is the spoderman dude


                                                                                    ~90% of suggestions made in the thread are just as bad as op's actual itembuild


                                                                                      what would you suggest then triplenipple

                                                                                      2k indog monkey

                                                                                        Then suggest something instead of acting cocky like a usual blue star would do


                                                                                          lmao i warned you guys didnt i


                                                                                            yes u did jacked yes u did lmao


                                                                                              i agree with tripple kill steal

                                                                                              Dont suggest items if you dont know what theyre used for

                                                                                              And besides, for your mmr the standard build is good enough to win every game

                                                                                              So my suggestion: except for not having a bkb all of these items work for this game

                                                                                              Questo commento è stato modificato

                                                                                                cookie u cant win everygame on ur own u need team play or at least team that farm more and feed less
                                                                                                now triplesteal am waiting for ur suggestion set of items i need


                                                                                                  Except thats wrong, given a theoretically perfect player he can win every game (excluding server crashes, since that game isnt a loss nor a win)

                                                                                                  Obviously to win in that low NS you dont need to be 1/1000th of a perfect player

                                                                                                  Questo commento è stato modificato
                                                                                                  meteor hammer

                                                                                                    linkens and octarine are both worthless do-nothing items imo, need shivas or lotus at LEAST probably both considering they have deso PA + sniper. lotus can reflect assassinate which is kinda cute. aghs is a very high value purchase with FV

                                                                                                    your farm is worthless, you should have 2-2.5x your cs if you want to win


                                                                                                      OP give me your account i will boost u