General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat's wrong with Razor?

What's wrong with Razor? in General Discussion
Dire Wolf

    Cus I want to finish this damn quest and get the razor set before compendium ends but it's so hard. I think the main issue is he needs a couple items to fight most carries, if you stun him and he can't kite he dies. I don't feel comfortable fighting on him until yasha and possibly bkb, or even aghs, but he farms so fucking slowly, no flash farm compared to the popular carries.

    I've been trying him safe cus mid is always taken and farm is better. Going wind lace to start, maxing out link, value point in current, rest in plasma field. I try going treads/phase, aquila, lance, s&y, aghs, bkb if needed. But I never get the farm or know when to fight.

    I think he might just be bad right now though, under 44% in every bracket.

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      his passive is like when you cast a spell on him diffuses the enemy.


        Tbh, Razor hasn't been a bad pick in this, or any of the recent past metas. However, he isn't a GOOD pick either. My first hero was Razor and I have switched playing styles many times.
        One thing you need to know is that in pubs, you can't solo carry with Razor. He isn't a situational pick, per say, but it helps having a dedicated hard carry in your safelane.
        I generally dislike safelane Razor, because that is a lane which could be utilized by a harder carry. Always go mid with Razor, imo. Maybe the offlane, if you think their safelane supports can't harass you out of the lane and if you can get constant farm/xp out of it.

        P.S. You can't flash farm with Razor, but if your support is willing to stack camps for you (or if you can just do it yourself, your Q is an excellent tool to kill the minor creeps from multiple camps and finishing the rest off with your low-cd ulti.


          lmao razor is one of those lane dominate heroes u just cant get close neither get too far if u want to farm and u dont need alot of items on him aswell, just get phase and ring of aquila from there u're supposed to snowball, ur static link is the only source of dmg u should aim for more then that u focus on more stats and survive items, sange and yasha or dragon lance then butterfly, i have seen few razor games on my bracket who go even for vanguard or mek and that make him tanky af along with HotD (satanic latter)

          EDIT: u can also go for bkb if they focusing their disables on u.
          just so u know am 1k trash and i maybe wrong or right

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            Don't max link no wonder he farms slow. U max the field and use it to farm creeps lol. Raindrops and aquila for mana, build into dlance and sny. U need at least one item to help keep up before bkb, either sny, pike, phase even. Bkb is almost mandatory every game, but if u can get away with it then go for it. After sny u shud probably build tanky, either ac for pushing and dmg, or Shivas. I think Shivas is better, the slow with link is rlly good, plus it makes u tankier than ac. Skadi and butterfly are also good, one giving ms, the other slowing. Both make u tanker too. Aghs is good, but I'm really unsure abt it.


              Mek is an old build where people wud go mek into aghs and just push like mad and end games at like 20 min. Its like old sf, only even more snowbally, its an option but not a gr8 one as pushing strats rnt that good anymore

              Freya 69

                Yeah, 1 level in link is good enough. A couple seconds takes Razor from like 53 damage to 65, and vice versa on the enemy, therefore he can comfortably lh and deny without the need to max it early. Its like saying you'll max Magnus' cleave or Luna's damage passive before their nukes. As far as itemization goes movement speed is my fav. If playing Omniknight is the Chuck Norris Experience, then Razor, is the Ricky Bobby bonanza. I wanna go fast!


                  tel ur team to pick ogre and magnus or omji and u will see what razor does ..he can get 5 slotted at like 35 40 min if ur not retard ..but sorry u are ...stupid trash dont deserve nothing go work fuck dota u suck